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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. Um, yeah, about that... most of us here are backing this game, so we do deserve a say here, whether that ruffles some feathers or not.
  2. I'm Archmage Silver and I support this Stretch Goal Proposition.
  3. This could work as a part of one of the "hardcore modes" once that stretch goal has been met. People would go crazy if this was the standard though.
  4. Yeah, I think they could easily replace that with nationality or ethnicity for Humans.
  5. Yeah, fluff elements are useless... much like Shepard's house in Mass Effect 1 (Pinnacle Station DLC).
  6. Personally I'd welcome a mana-based system like they had in Arcanum - Tim would certainly know how to implement it.
  7. I'd I'd like to see hear someone like David Ogden Stiers (Icewind Dale narrator) do the narratives.
  8. Personally I expect Obsidian not to turn dwarves into a comic relief race. Yes, but remember intelligence in the game represents magical affinity, which the Redguard (black humans) don't have much of. It's not that racist though, in Skyrim they're fine, indepedent power, while the rest of human provinces are getting their asses handed to them by elves. There was a even a spin off game where you played as a redguard hero. TES Adventures: Redguard was a nice game, I've still got the big box version.
  9. So is this one vote for armor that enhances and highlights your character's dong? LOL for real. Good one, nik.
  10. Yeah, I've thought about that as well. The Planar Sphere and De'Arnise Hold were great strongholds, and upgrading something like them as it was done with Crossroads Keep would be ideal.
  11. In a way, that's already available. The two million stretch goal included Player Housing, which could be exactly what you want depending on how Obsidian deals with it.
  12. I'm more interested in seeing realistic armors for female characters. It's just so detrimental to the immersion when you have a male paladin in full plate, but the female one is wearing something that leaves half of her chest bare, just waiting for a stray arrow to strike. See: Aribeth, NWN. Nothing wrong with light leather armor showing the figure of the wearer, as long as the armor actually provides protection (no bikini armors, please). When it comes to heavy or medium armors, you really shouldn't see much difference between the male and female variants - that's the realistic way.
  13. I think Obsidian will bridge the content in an intelligent way, so that there'll be no gaps in the story, and no missing pieces to the puzzle. Voted no.
  14. The only lame thing about it is perhaps the name "mega dungeon". The actual idea of having an enormous and complex dungeon with multiple levels is great. I don't see why it should have to be a simple hackfest either. Aside from combat, a large dungeon can offer a ton of exploration value, interesting lore, and maybe even some problem solving. If anything, it's the small caves that are more likely to turn into simple hackfests. Huge dungeons can really tell their own story and offer a lot more than just 'kill the horde, beat the boss, get the loot'. Plus there's the great feeling you get once you reach the end of the dungeon and emerge into the daylight.
  15. This is exactly what I suggested on Kickstarter earlier today, a blend of BG's static item placement and IWD's semi-random loot lists would be a good match.
  16. I guess that would depend on how the modding support goes, the DLC route kind of works better if usermade mods aren't viable (due to Unity as an engine).
  17. I trust Obsidian's ability to handle this as well, I wouldn't have dropped my money on this if I didn't trust them to be able to make sense of it. They'll take some ideas from us and then let us know how things are progressing. We'll get our say too - if most people object to something being done in a certain way, I'm fairly sure that Obsidian will consider other ways of getting it done.
  18. A nice content update, I'm liking it. Like someone mentioned on Kickstarter, this mega-dungeon-deal could end up being bigger than Watcher's Keep, which would be something!
  19. Same here, there's always a few AAA titles in gaming or movies you can afford to skip.
  20. Welcome to the Order! And nice signature.... Thanks, I like it too. It's always good to remind people which games are worth playing. :D Thanks! Is the 'NWN2-hater of the Obsidian Order' title available? If so, I would love to get it, my hate for that game can't be measured with words, damn, I miss those 60 hours of my life, why in the world did I think that it would be a good idea to play it instead of going directly for the amazing MOTB? WHY?! ;_; Oh, whatever, let's get more people to pledge their moneyz to the game! MotB rocks, but I didn't find NWN2 that bad... maybe that's because I pre-ordered the CE (worst CE ever!) and finished the game before MotB was released.
  21. I'm not entirely sure which stretch goal they should be in for, but I'd like to see two separate side-quests/stories: an adventure at sea (think Sahuagin City and its prelude in Shadows of Amn), and a fallen dwarven hold/city (think Dorn's Deep in Icewind Dale). Reduced pricing for a PE sequel would be great too (and I'm not just saying this because I put so much money into this game, oh no).
  22. Hey folks. I just upped my pledge to 258$ plus postage fees, so I'm here to join the Obsidian Order! Title: Grey Eminence of the Obsidian Order Why Grey Eminence? Just look at my forum join date (2004) and post count (1). How much more can you be in the background?
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