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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. Support for teh Ziets!1 I like this update, and I seriously hope we'll hit 2.8 million before the end of the KS. In all likelihood we will too, but missing out on this stretch goal would be annoying, to put it mildly.
  2. Supports the George Ziets Stretch Goal!

  3. Support the George Ziets Stretch Goal!

  4. Yes, I want a lot of drugs! Wait! I didn't meant to type that, just vote... wait, not that either! Stop reading!
  5. Disintegrate, that was by far the coolest spell for me. Honorable mentions go out to: Timestop, Skull Trap, and Finger of Death.
  6. I liked update #17, it was good to get a confirmation on the expansion pack being, well, an expansion pack, instead of some DLC pack. I didn't need another copy of Wasteland 2, but I'll take it anyway. May run a competition or something to give it away.
  7. Class-specific Strongholds David Ogden Stiers as the narrator
  8. I'm at my limit right now... so unless there's a new tier between 250 and 500 offering signed original concept art (not a reprint), I can't pledge more.
  9. Welcome, Gorth... Global Moderator of the Obsidian Order?
  10. Welcome to the Order! I just read your post on Kickstarter as well. Everything is in order (excuse the pun) and you'll be added in the next update. P.S. Without googling, I thought the reference was to Terry Pratchett's Discworld.
  11. For some of us it's a major selling point. You would have to be a fan of the Icewind Dale games to appreciate it though. Agreed. To me it was the best part in the Icewind Dale series. Adding the possibility for us to have both BG and IWD style companions in one game is brilliant. Everybody wins.
  12. Currently Playing: Fallout: New Vegas

  13. Oh no, you didn't just necrobump this thread. EEVIIIIIIL.
  14. I would have included an icon for Trials of the Luremaster too, but they never made one.
  15. From Feargus on the boxed version on Kickstarter just now:
  16. Rogues with stealth and some sort of primitive flashbang grenades could be helpful if you just wanted to make a mad rush for it. I want to be able to dodge patrols, not literally sneak past them. Hm... how about a rogue drawing attention by throwing something down a corridor and the patrol running off in that direction while the rest of the party (visible) casually strolls by. I know, I know, I'm obsessed with stealth maneuvers.
  17. I'm indifferent to both of the poll options - I know good music can be made with less as well as more. I do have a soft spot for things like Leliana's Song in Dragon Age though. You don't necessarily have to have Aubrey Ashburn performing anything on the soundtrack, but a song with good lyrics and a good artist goes a long way towards making the soundtrack more memorable. One or two songs like this are enough though, the rest of the soundtrack can be just instrumental.
  18. We can't have that then, no need to copy WoW. Something like the Lim-Lim in Planescape: Torment would be great. It's just so weird.
  19. Rogues with stealth and some sort of primitive flashbang grenades could be helpful if you just wanted to make a mad rush for it.
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