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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. The last RPG I remember having this ability was Wizardry 8... I'm not sure if this would fit in PE though, because it wasn't used in any of the IE games.
  2. I pledged enough to get it without needing an add-on for it... so I guess I'll just flip a coin to see if I'll play the beta version. Pretty tantalizing though.
  3. I'd prefer something realistic, but at the same time I'd be fine with magical phenomena affecting some areas, possibly creating a lush oasis in the middle of some barren wastes where it shouldn't realistically exist due to the lack of water sources.
  4. They could be found on coastal areas. Kind of like sahuagin from D&D. Sahaugin die within a day if they can't immerse themselves in water. You could change it to lizardfolk, but their primary advantage is a thick hide: you don't need an aquatic race for that. ... and coastal areas don't have any water nearby? I don't see your point.
  5. They could be found on coastal areas. Kind of like sahuagin from D&D.
  6. I like low-end settings more than high-end ones, so I'd like the money to be limited and thus more valuable. Then you'd actually have to choose between two items when you're visiting a local merchant - deciding whether to buy a Shadowed Black Grimoire for your wizard or a Heartseeker +3 bow for your ranger should make things more interesting.
  7. I'd actually prefer them to be a magically adept aquatic humanoid race with underwater dwellings. I'm not exactly a fan of the name, but they should at least be interesting if they're to be called that.
  8. I'll go over my choices in the poll: 1. Obsidian can add them or not, I don't care. If well written, romances can add flavor to a game, but I wouldn't want them just for the sake of having them if they don't fit the story otherwise. And if someone wants to roleplay a monk who has taken a vow of celibacy, then it should be made possible without having to deal with flirting companions. That would basically mean an opt-out dialog line for romances/flirting. 2. If romances are added, my preferred choice would be dialog based romances. If there needs to be a sex scene, fade to black works just fine. 3. I picked the last option. What I mean by picking that one is that both genders should be on equal footing here. Let's hypothesize that romances feature nudity - in my opinion that should mean that it's the same level of nudity for both genders. Why? Because Obsidian shouldn't turn any of the romances into male/female fan service. Note that I was speaking hypothetically about the nudity. My personal preference would be to have none, unless the story actually calls for some (I think this is a pretty rare occurrence). That's my take on this subject.
  9. The numbers for Baldur's Gate II aren't official, and even then they wouldn't be inflation adjusted.
  10. I don't really understand why this thread is still going - Obsidian already stated that Project Eternity will be a PC exclusive title.
  11. If you were to get your copy at Goold Old Games, you could use Free Download Manager or equivalent to download some of the game installer, pause, and then continue later. If people are facing a download limit per month, this could be worth it if done at the end of the month, which is when that download limit would reset to zero for the next month, soon after the partial download.
  12. Farudan is just busy with all the other Order stuff. I'm sure he'll get to it soon enough.
  13. I've been playing Diablo 3 for some time now, but I've been meaning to get FN:NV and Skyrim going with mods soon.
  14. I'm sure the team at Obsidian would like to work with original IPs as much as anyone in the gaming industry, but they need to get paid too, so it all depends on whether Project Eternity is a success or not. Obsidian could create another Kickstarter after Project Eternity, but I don't think that would fit in with their original plan, which was to kickstart Project Eternity and then move on to making more games like it, provided that the player base was there.
  15. Totally ****ing unrelated to armour: "Cold = slowed/frozen" has always bugged me. You don't move slower because you're really ****ing cold. You do if you're a lizard man or an insectoid.
  16. I think they should all gain XP, regardless of whether or not they are currently in the party. That's because I just don't enjoy micromanaging this particular side of party based RPGs. I do a lot other micromanaging with items and so on, which is something I actually like to do, because you can always sell/buy/swap items, whereas experience points are a once-only type of deal.
  17. I'd like to have armor class as a separate stat from dodge/reflex saves. AC should provide constant passive damage mitigation, but on critical hits it should have reduced efficiency, or simply be ignored. I see problems with it being ignored altogether though, so perhaps reducing its effectiveness against critical hits by, say, 50% would be a better idea.
  18. It was possible in Icewind Dale II (the last IE game), so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible now. I suspect we'll see this option - it certainly helps in taking good looking screenshots.
  19. Munchkin Mode is a must-have. At least for the second playthrough. Powergaming just adds flavor for those of us who want to partake in it.
  20. I like them both, so I would support PE regardless of which one it used.
  21. Yeah, me too, I caught the first hour or so and haven't had a chance to see the rest yet. It sure brought back some fond memories, though. Plus there were weresharks (excuse the pun) - that has to count for something! :D
  22. Welcome to the Order last members! On a personal note, I've been busy for a while, but I'm back now. @LC Nice work with all the shields. I see people have been busy with our official site too, I'll head over there to register right now.
  23. Good to see the updates rolling in while the design process is still going. Now I just need to find the time to watch the entire tabletop D&D stream...
  24. I'm still impressed by the amount of money Project Eternity raised. It was a great effort by everyone involved. I received an email from Amazon after they charged my account. If you're unsure about your situation, you should consider talking to Amazon/Kickstarter support.
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