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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. I'd like to have something similar to Planescape: Torment, or possibly MotB - it's kind of needed because PE won't be fully voiced. And please, no timers. I like to read through the options.
  2. Paladins are wimps, but I'd still like to see them added. You can thank Feargus for the first statement.
  3. I liked the previous logo better, but I realize that this isn't the final version, so I'll wait for that one before making up my mind about it.
  4. It's safe to say that it will support full HD (1920x1080) and WUXGA (1920x1200) though.
  5. I thought the boxed version was going to be DRM-free regardless of where you wanted to get your digital copies. I don't know for sure though.
  6. I think ingredients should respawn in due time - if the game keeps track of how many days have passed, make it actually take a full year for the ingredients to respawn ya know ;D Seasons would be cool as well. I'd go with some simple weather conditions over seasons, as we'll probably see some places with and without snow as it is.
  7. Twitter is good for reading without registering though. At least Josh posts there quite often.
  8. HD 4000 is decent enough. Here are some benchmarks: Bit-Tech AnandTech NotebookCheck
  9. NWN2 is poorly optimized though, it runs worse on my very modern rig than FN:NV. That's mainly because NWN2 isn't multithreaded. It only uses one core. That's not everything though. There are a lot of aspects that are pooly optimized and require very little from the CPU and rely on the GPU for the most part.
  10. Potions - They should be commonplace. Not everyone has a priest around to heal everything that ails them, especially not on a battlefield. That's for the standard potions though, so if we're looking at something like Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, they should be much rarer. Scrolls - They should be rare. Magic isn't for everyone, so it should stand to reason that there's a very limited market for them among merchants. And mages generally hold on to their scrolls, so you shouldn't just be able to fish one out of a random barrel in the backroom of a tavern. Rogues & Magic - Rogues shouldn't be able to use mage-only items. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, so they shouldn't be able to do away with their weak points by using some of the most powerful items mages can find. That'd be reducing mages to a utility-level class. Instead, rogues should be able to work with a mages to gain benefits from their spells, and vice versa. This would go a long way towards having balanced classes.
  11. I don't know if Obsidian would add co-op in an expansion, but I'd only support it if they can add it without hurting the rest of the game, i.e. they're financially in a place where they can use resources on adding features like co-op.
  12. I agree, there's no way Obsidian would get enough pledges if they didn't offer enticing rewards.
  13. I'm against random dungeons and recycled areas. Handcrafted, unique locales always make the most lasting impression on me.
  14. I read this somewhere as well, although I doubt the temporary NPCs will be very balance altering.
  15. I don't think this applies to me... I don't like reloading, but I rarely have to anyway. I've played too many RPGs to not have good tactics from the get-go.
  16. It would make sense for them to have steam workshop support as well, but I imagine you have to pay Gaben and Valve a fair sum to use that for your game. What they should do first is use Nexus, if the game is really succesful, chalk up a bit of money to Gabe afterwards. If the money comes out of the expansion pack's budget, I'd have to disagree here.
  17. This was a great update. (I'm not just saying this because I got upgraded to a hardcover Collector's Book. Honestly, I'm not...) It was great to finally hear something definitive on modding support. Getting Nexus networks to support PE modding is good too, as far as server performance is concerned. I'm not really a fan of how massive their sites have become in terms of content though, the file moderators are overworked and quality control is nonexistent as a result. The search function could be improved as well. I'm sure there will be alternative modding community sites as well, so that's not a major concern. +1
  18. Ironicly, the VAST majority of poeple who say that have no idea how aligment actually works. Ironically, I'm not in that VAST majority. Now that's irony!
  19. Good point about the spear/shield. Most of the time it seems games focus on the heavier long-spear I guess. Weren't spears used with shields typically of the shorter versions, aka javelin type spears? Come to think of it, slightly off-topic, it might be interesting to have javelins in the game as another ranged option with bows and slingshots. Throwing axes too. Don't know if that would start to be unwieldy or too much work, however. Shields with spears was extremely common in actual history. This was mainly because spears could be made out of wood, and were thus more available to equip an army with, especially when the techniques of making swords were still far from perfect.
  20. I agree about the higher level skills and feats being enough on their own, no need for any physical alterations like glowing eyes for a monk or something. Higher grade armors should look stylish and ornate opposed to the lower end stuff, but that should be reflected in their availability as well (read: much harder to get).
  21. It was noted that Rangers will have the best archery abilities, but that fighters will be able to get pretty close.
  22. I'd prefer it to be slow going, taking exponentially longer the closer you get to the level cap. I'd also keep the level cap around 15-20 maximum, that should leave room for any expansion packs.
  23. I agree, it's almost guaranteed that there'll be guidelines - the content designed by backers has to fit the game, otherwise it's not even worth making. At least not in my opinion.
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