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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. I demand Code Wheels! Also cars with Code Wheel Drive. ... Alright, I'll take the Cat Druid concept as compensation, but only if there's one voiced by Halle Berry! If you fail to meet my demands within 24 hours, I will send you 10.000 copies of Snakes on a Plane. In high definition.
  2. Good stuff, I like the lore-friendly separation of Wizard and Druid casting techniques.
  3. Splendid update, one of the best so far. I really like how you're going about creating the companions and setting up the story.
  4. It's so great to see these ingame renders... they remind me so much of the IE games. I can't tell you how great it feels when you know that you're going to get to play something akin to them again, and to know that it's only months away!
  5. The Ranger concept sounds great, and I really like how the Rogue has that certain hint of brutality now.
  6. Backing at the moment: Legend of Grimrock: The Series by the team behind Fallout: Nuka Break.
  7. Sometimes they do look very much alike:
  8. Original IP, RTwP in the form of a Space Opera with Firefly influences. Edit: Also, I vote 'no' on episodic content.
  9. Can somebody tell me what this coockbook from Tim even is? I saw it in the addons you can buy but i have no idea what it contains. Here you go:
  10. Should probably appear in an hour. Some time before midnight here then. I guess I'll stay up and see what happens.
  11. For me it was either my real name or my forum nick, but in the end I chose my real name. As long as Obsidian doesn't link the two publicly, nobody I know will be aware of just how much money I donated.
  12. Still waiting to see what it turns out to be...
  13. Great update, I'm looking forward to playing the game even more now! Nice to see the backer portal up and running as well, it's been a long time coming. Keep up the good work, team Obsidian!
  14. Missing a K, only have ickstarter now, which sounds weird.
  15. I wouldn't mind additional stretch goals to fund the development of additional content. I'll throw some money down myself if they become reality!
  16. Splendid work, looking forward to the backer portal!
  17. Good update, thanks for taking the time to shed some light on how these decisions are made. I hope for no large delays though!
  18. Active: The Mandate (Sci-Fi RPG) Precision Gyroscope Bongo: Bamboo Bluetooth Speaker "Legends: Fantasy Violin" CD & New Single "Excalibur"
  19. I'd tell them to shut up and take my money!
  20. Even if it meant that half of insertname city got blown apart, I'd still be fine with a happy ending for the party members and charname. Or if they accidentally started a war, but somehow managed to escape on a ship into the sunset. I'm biased like that.
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