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Archmage Silver

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Everything posted by Archmage Silver

  1. I don't want to see epic levels, they're inherently boring in so many ways.
  2. Can't we all just agree that an RGB ending is the most artistically sound option?
  3. Interesting update. I like the general lore behind ciphers. I think it could be refined and expanded a bit though, as you've probably planned to do. The cipher abilities seem a bit generic name-wise though, so I hope those aren't final.
  4. +1 I'd like some more information about George's involvement with the project as well.
  5. A drink for the fallen? Looks like they've all been in battle recently...
  6. I think the general opinion is that Obsidian will launch the site closer to the launch date than originally planned. There will be an update here and on Kickstarter when it happens, so you can't miss it.
  7. Voted two for tradition. No need to break a classic rule, unless you can think of something clever to use in its stead. And game balance-wise I've yet to see a better solution.
  8. I do believe that it is, accompanied by a gigantic mace and a glaive. I'd say that the size of the weapons is intentionally inflated to ensure they're nicely visible on screen. Josh has also said that there will be a quite large diversity of different weapons in the game, many of which are very rarely seen. The inclusion of the estoc is one of the things I'm most excited by, to be honest. Considering the fact that this is a fantasy game, we've also got the larger races (ogres?) to deal with. So some of the weapons in that screenshot might just be decorative, but we could still see them being wielded by a larger enemy combatant.
  9. Duke of Dyrwood Forever.
  10. Good update. Hey @Kaz. Good to see more of the dev team introduced. Mr. Manley's efforts weren't in vain though, those portraits turned out great and memorable.
  11. What can I say? I like everything about this update. That's about it!
  12. No, it's like Duke Nukem Forever. Except that's it's going to take longer to release. A lot longer. It's also a lot like Snake, except that the snake is going around in an infinite loop, eating itself.
  13. Not a historical one. It's a fantasy design often sold as "viking", but in construction it's closer to late Roman or Romano-Briton spangenhelms. (fun fact - there aren't very many "viking" helmet finds, so much of what one sees in reenactment is speculation, mishmash of various helmets, or very often older Vendel helmets used as "family heirlooms" or something.) Also the riveted edges on the corinthian are somewhat odd. (and ahistorical I think) Nope, not a historical one, but then again, it's still a viking helmet, although I guess you could call it a viking-themed helmet if you want to be exact. There is historical evidence about helmets with parts riveted together from that era in history, including the Corinthian-type helmets (see section 4).
  14. Also comes with armor (German plate armor, gothic):
  15. Some helmets types I like: Italian Barbute (similar to a sallet): Engraved viking helmet: Corinthian helmet: And last, but not least, the king's helmet - would make for a great artifact:
  16. Inventory is unlimited in PE. The backpack, which is accessible by all party member, has an area called the "deep stash" which has infinite capacity but can only be accessed while in a "rest spot". Which doesn't exactly justify more vendor trash, it doesn't have any inherent value IMO.
  17. Since inXile is actually making the Wasteland 2 GUI customizable, maybe Obsidian should consider it too? Fonts, colors, and so on.
  18. I'd be fine with gems to be honest, if we're only talking about decorative items or "vendor trash". There's enough stuff to haul around in cRPGs as it is, even with a Bag of Holding (and I assume there will be no such thing in PE). I'm expecting a lot of lore books though.
  19. There will be an update posted here and on Kickstarter when you can claim your copy of WL2.
  20. SoZ always struck me as something that would only reach its full potential if played with friends in multiplayer, as it resembles a tabletop campaign more than any other NWN game IMO.
  21. I've got beta access as well. I don't want to spoil myself too much though, so I'll restrict myself to the early areas and character testing (classes, races, abilities).
  22. If I'm not mistaken, backers of a certain tier get beta access, and you can test it for them then. Call me naive, but I'm thinking backers will be more likely to be helpful.....if they aren't busy burning effigies of Sawyer for implementing teh wurst systme evah before they even know what the system is and exactly how it works. Yep, I've got beta access @ 250 for example.
  23. I hate pointy wizard hats. Seriously, they're ridiculous.
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