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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. On a tangent I was thinking how the game could reflect the range advantage of long weapons like spears. Enemies tend to attack less because it's harder to get within attack range without being in harms way - translates to slowed attacks against long weapons. Then I thought it'd be really funny for an uber late-game party in full plate to get bogged down in a swamp and ambushed. The bandits would cast oil slick, stinking cloud to further immobilize them, followed by a fireball that would light up the oil and methane for a huge explosion. If the party wasn't already cooked in their plate mail, a mobile lightly armoured group with reach advantage from spears follow up on the attack.
  2. Maybe someone steals your fortune and you can try to get it back.
  3. Merry Christmas all. Could we select several skins for the interface - ivory, granite, wood, leaves for example?
  4. At those merchant ratios, I'd be one too. Or at least take the merchant route/encourage trade and tax at my stronghold. May make more sense that easily substituted items have lower profit ratios while merchants can charge more on scarce/rare items.
  5. Slashing, crushing, piercing damage - are they worth implementing and to what degree? Creatures or armour may be more vulnerable or resistant to different types of damage. If it's in, it could encourage party diversity, but does switching between different kind of weapons discourage weapon specialization?
  6. I hope critical hits are in, so there's differentiation in combat styles - choosing variance over consistency etc.
  7. I'd like to see different styles, dual-wield, sword/shield, double-handed greatsword, dual-handed longsword, pole-arms/spears etc. with their advantages and disadvantages within reason (swords replaceable with other weapons). Defaulting to sword/shield combination because everything else is sub-optimal in the game feels restrictive. For example in BG, if people use a single-handed sword they would equip a huge shield in their off-hand because there's no reason not to.
  8. Crafters tend to target infinite profit loops in the economy. Instead of seeing this negatively and penalising them by making crafting slow or difficult, maybe it can be turned into a gameplay avenue where they can set up an import/export business/factory (in the stronghold?) to do the tedious work and take advantage of it.
  9. Rogues sneaking up and getting "backstab" damage multiplier with a shotgun for mega damage could be really funny.
  10. Sounds like players that want to rest less frequently can still push on, but face the consequences. Some may enjoy that challenge. However they'll still be able to go all out in battles with full stamina/mana - sounds good to me.
  11. Yeah, not a fan of wave attacks. It's a test of endurance and I don't know how I should pace my resources since I don't know how many enemies I'm facing.
  12. Queuing sounds superb. Visually the GUI could be a row of empty icons that players can drag/drop action icons into it, drag out unperformed actions and insert new ones in between. In the absence of pre-saved spell sequences (think BG2 mage battles), queue's great.
  13. A god of passion/freedom/impulse/fury - What do you do when there is no Justice in the Law? A god with a vision for a "chosen" people - generations of social and genetic engineering, ideas of purity and how things "should be". No unarmed shaolin monks in euro-centric PE etc. A god of deception - ironically anti-theist patron who manipulates but denies existence and hides the traces
  14. I liked New Vegas's caravan card game. A nice way to reliably make money, with an element of risk.
  15. After we find out the "evil" scheme of the enemy, it'd be interesting if I have the choice of stopping them to save others, or stopping them so we can take over their plan.
  16. Sure for a large spell - possibly a quest. But not for common magic or combat.
  17. Beyond magic, how does faith fit into the economy? Towns and their businesses used to flourish from pilgrims to sites with relics. Relics that should be collectible for the stronghold.
  18. It would be nice to have the option to display the formulas of saves/damage etc in the item descriptions for interested people.
  19. Shouldn't it be context-sensitive? A city may scrub the stains out fast, and lingering remains make more sense in the isolated outdoors.
  20. Somewhat against the expectation of priests as a support class, I had more fun with attack-oriented priests casting Hold Person, flames and turning high level undead.
  21. I hope densely populated quest areas feel different if day/night cycles are in. Something to make it a fun experience, rather than just having to look for people that retreated to their homes.
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