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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. I hope letting people live's done in a way so players don't feel they're losing out on gear drops.
  2. Maybe there's a quest after someone notices that the dead bodies left behind disappear as soon as they leave an area...
  3. ^Nice ideas in the thread to get players to consider adding more mages to get increasing benefits. Some ideas to add Combining spell effects (grease & fire, ice and blunt damage) adds a tactical feel and rewards timing. Source of effects could come from different classes Co-op casting: I'm thinking of more than one caster getting together and casting a bigger version or more complex spell. Seeing mages start casting together while melee stalls for time seems ominous. This could work by selecting a few casters and selecting the co-op option if they have spells in common. Maybe some spells are only avialable this way Empowering spells: sacrificing more resources (mana, cannibalising other unused spells) for a more potent effect. If I'm desperate enough, I'll throw everything I have into that last throw of the dice
  4. Maybe Melf will only trade you his spells for something new. Learning magic from observation and improvisation would be a very interesting system, but could be difficult to implement. Even then, you'd still need a teacher to get the proper technique down.
  5. Would be nice to unlock <player name's> Spell, to join the ranks of Melf. But then I'd get upset when people copy or plagiarise it.
  6. An anti-magic monk whose hits remove magic, buffs and resistance would be interesting. We've got siberian dwarves, elves, humanoid races, each presumably with their own culture. I think human monks may not be the most pressing worry about consistency with historical Europe.
  7. Maybe it's precisely because most enemies are heavily armoured or in plate and are used to fighting against others that way. Monks are a niche to exploit the norm, and focus on evasion and disabling/disarming moves, turning the enemy's momentum against them. I'm sure warriors also practice for situations where lose their weapons. Monks take it to the next level.
  8. I like the idea of self-discovery, but rather than tying the soul to a physical item it could be an internal journey. The soul's probably a lot more experienced than the current reincarnation, so you'd want to tap into its knowledge after you discover it, then learn to master it. It's something like how Planescape's TNO learned from his previous selves, each with its own personality. In fact, the "evil" ones may try to reach out and influence you with promises of power, or even take over if you overestimated your willpower.
  9. Yeah I mostly use the keyboard for Excel, but the difference is I have both hands on it. However if my hand's on the mouse most of the time in the game, I'd rather not reach too far across the keyboard (1 to Backspace, F1-F12) or check that I'm getting the right keys to get things done.
  10. If quest-givers are desperate enough to ask for anyone's help (yours included), they'd probably ask others too if you're taking too long. That's when you wait for the rival adventurers to set off all the traps in the dungeon, and beat them up for the loot they collected after they're worn down. I bet the poor things didn't even get to rest safely to recover. As long as we complete the quest objectives we get the same xp, right? And loot too, in this case.
  11. ^I think Acre's being sarcastic. Maybe monk orders are like university anime clubs. They think asian culture's cool and cosplay sometimes. Maybe a few masters even went there for the experience and brought back some real knowledge that they share.
  12. I'm sure there's many ways to get production done, it's just a question of does it make more sense, or would it be cheaper to get it done by magic? If wizards are rare and their work expensive, they'd only be called in for consulting or finishing work. An example would be a one-off job to replace the conventional workforce with summoned zombie workers. I'm sure there'd be a fine marketing pitch on long-term cost savings etc.
  13. Maybe he just lost everything at the gambling hall he keeps going to, and the creditors are making him pose for pictures they'll keep until he pays them back. The embarrassment shows in his eyes. I bet he'll join your group if you pay off his debts.
  14. If I'm a mage that knows I'll be closed down and shot, I'd try to set up illusion decoys or spells that increase my evasion.
  15. Nice idea. Another area to explore is non-conventional industries that are enabled because of magic.
  16. Can we program a buff sequence (drag/drop spells into a queue and "call" the queue) if it's a common thing, like in BG2?
  17. I'm for application of themes that make sense and add to the experience, but not application just for the sake of it.
  18. Maybe he can upgrade to a ponytail. They had ponytails in late medieval/early renaissance Europe, right?
  19. Could definitely see a potential story where you have to deal with gangsters wanting protection money.
  20. Makes sense that some people may have reasons to extract, trap and store souls. For information, revenge, compassion. I could see my character doing something like that.
  21. Can a smart character pretend to talk like a dumb character when it's advantageous?
  22. I'd like a full rest to be meaningful, something that players look forward to so they look for an inn when they reach a town. Something they'd willing to pay for. An incentive that ties it to gameplay could be a full restoration of severe injuries and accumulated penalties, for example.
  23. I think it's interesting, but a balance needs to be struck between what the player can reasonably prepare for and feeling helpless to variance. I'm not sure if it'd be suitable for major quests, but I'd like to explore something like this in the random encounters.
  24. Maybe potions brewed by amateurs would cost less but have side effects. However master chemists would have more potent brews with less side effects, at a higher price.
  25. What does it add to the game? The purpose of the mechanic is to provide the party with time to prepare their strategy for area they're entering. Whether it's a rougue/assassin preparing poison, a Cleric communing with his/her god to prepare spells, or a mage preparing his spells and components. The mechanic is meant to model things that logically take a significant amount of time. The CRPG eliminates most of the reasons for resting, any form of alchemy is a good example, because in a CRPG it happens instantaneously in any place, without any preperation. The CRPG eliminates components, preparing a trap is a split second event, weapons/armor never need maintenance. Any ideas how to add them back into the context of a CRPG that would improve the experience?
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