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Everything posted by mokona

  1. In D&D 3rd and 4th edition you could become a Lich by casting a ritual. The only thing that prevented "abuse" was the ritual cost an insane amount of gold. How many PCs ever cast these rituals?
  2. The Movement stat measures how fast a character can run or, to put it differently, how much distance they can cover with their legs in a given increment of time. Agility measures aptitude for gross motor skills, those that involve the entire body, such as dancing, acrobatics, and sword fighting. Speed measures reaction time to external stimuli. It governs who gets the first action in a fight, and how quickly you get to act again after you take an action in combat. Fortune gives a character 'luck dice' they can use to turn a failed roll into a success (sometimes...).
  3. Well, you could have primary attributes which are broken down into secondary attributes so related areas are somewhat linked. Body consists of: * Movement * Strength * Constitution * Toughness Spirit consists of: * Fortune * Magic * Psyche Mind consists of: * Charisma * Intelligence * Perception * Will Reflexes consists of: * Agility * Manual Dexterity * Speed The truth is that I suspect Obsidian is already done choosing their attribute and traits system. This conversation may be too late.
  4. I agree. It would be really nice to have a choice of your armor's appearance. The same plate mail game mechanic item in the Free Palatinate of Dyrwood should look different from the same item (mechanically) in the White Marches. That way, each player can customize their character based on what armor is visually appealing to their personal tastes.
  5. Dungeons & Dragons has rules for mobs or swarms. It has also had rules for mass combat. The ability to adventure with a mob of soldiers would be fun or, alternatively, a mass combat mini-game as part of the stronghold system. If they went with the mob of soldiers route, instead of controlling the hero and companions you would control a single entity: 'the military unit'. That unit would consist of soldiers with swords and bows. When controlling them in combat you could choose the formation and they would all attack on autopilot based on the formation. It would be most like controlling a single character but would visually look like 10-20 simple characters making either melee, ranged, or a mix of melee & ranged attacks. Formations: Advance - attack melee only Defend the archers - a line of melee defends the archers while most character pepper the enemy with arrows Mix - equal numbers of melee and archers Archer support - majority melee with a few archers as support Etc.
  6. Contrary to claims above, people do respec iRL. If you stop using your skills they get rusty. If you focus on new skills you can learn. Real people are forced to retrain for new careers all the time when they're laid off or their industry goes away. If you are a physically powerful fighter, but you stop working out, your muscles will weaken. A person really could respec their physical skills (hitting with a greatsword) into mental skills (book learning) by sitting around a university getting a PHD. If respec doesn't feel righ to you, then don't use it.
  7. I like talent trees. I'm not sure if talent trees are necessary in a game with eleven (11) specialized character classes. Talent trees are mostly a way to add some class-like structure to character abilities in an otherwise class-less game design.
  8. If the gameplay will be different between day and night, can I just choose the time of day? Resting is one way of choosing the time of day but a rather clumsy one.
  9. I'm interested in realistic armor as long as we're talking just about any armor except for head-to-toe platemail. Who knows, we might just learn something from gaming: http://5eworld.blogspot.com/2012/01/you-might-just-learn-something.html Can heroes really crawl through caves, climb walls, and otherwise remain extremely mobile (even travel for days on foot) wearing most plate? Maybe but there is a lot of room for chain and chain mixed with limited use of plates. Given firearms, what about spaniards wearing a breastplate and helm but no other armor for arms & legs?
  10. Like these? http://www.google.com/imgres?start=369&num=10&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=950&tbm=isch&tbnid=ypx_hZFIimWvNM:&imgrefurl=http://chaosgerbil.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/yet-moar-pictures-tzeentch-marines-orks-vs-tyranids/&docid=xxEIvtDkNHAqOM&imgurl=http://chaosgerbil.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ratogrejpg.jpg&w=720&h=430&ei=mSWLUOu-FYf1iQLy-YDAAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=311&sig=102704806303367576297&page=8&tbnh=141&tbnw=245&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:96,s:300,i:292&tx=98&ty=48 http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=950&tbm=isch&tbnid=8iLnHlxaYzcrUM:&imgrefurl=http://whfm.blogspot.com/2010/09/island-of-blood-painting-tutorials.html&docid=t0Tynxa3iEHaLM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ts1HdLGjywM/TIQEwHn0bII/AAAAAAAAMys/b_imSEuZHKQ/s640/Rat_Ogre_8th_edition.JPG&w=639&h=479&ei=BSWLUMEgxP2LAr7ogLgC&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=182&vpy=622&dur=2085&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=139&ty=95&sig=102704806303367576297&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=186&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:20,i:155 http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=950&tbm=isch&tbnid=iS65fNfZ3r84NM:&imgrefurl=http://www.monstermarketplace.com/board-games/whfb-rat-ogre-and-pack-master&docid=wfn-m4E1hT46aM&itg=1&imgurl=http://cf.mp-cdn.net/b3/f8/61a9d049baddcb161ab74537002e.jpg&w=225&h=225&ei=BSWLUMEgxP2LAr7ogLgC&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=196&vpy=351&dur=3042&hovh=180&hovw=180&tx=86&ty=110&sig=102704806303367576297&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=136&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:20,i:182
  11. Why is it not a shame to download Call of Duty or Battlefield?
  12. Fantasy art that inspires me: http://mageou.tumblr.com/
  13. Given the way Project Eternity was 'sold' to potential backers on Kickstarter, it would make sense to include classical fantasy monsters (like Greek) because this game is in the vein of Dungeons & Dragons and titles like Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate, or Icewind Dale.
  14. Good grief? Players are not lazy. They're human. Let's defeat the straw man argument that 'only one new race isn't a problem'. I explicit encourage quality, thoughtful, limited use of completely invented-from-scratch monsters/races:
  15. I'm not interested in legal fiction. It is true that we're not shareholders and we have few rights, however... The people who paid for Project Eternity, through Kickstarter and Paypal, are taking a risk. Obsidian has our money. If they were evil/bad they could give themselves lavish salaries, produce a game that meets the requirements just barely, and have zero profit left over to spread around via "kicking it forward". The whole concept of capitalism economics is that reward comes from taking risk and that means we, the backers, should be treated differently than customers who buy an off-the-shelf game where a studio or entrepreneur took all of the risk up front in the hope that his game would sell enough copies to pay off the investment with profit left over for the risk-taker. It is optional but it would also be perfectly appropriate to share financial plans for the Kickstarter project with the Kickstarter backers. Some backers, usually referred to using the term investor, REQUIRE financial plans that prove your plan is reasonable. Us Kickstarter backers are much more forgiving than that but it would be a huge step forward for crowdfunding if we were voluntarily treated seriously.
  16. I would like to see monsters that are familiar in name and appearance. Whether familiar because of nods to real-world source material or because they're staple fantasy fiction (yes, D&D) creatures. Having said that, novel interpretations of existing fantasy creatures can be cool if done carefully. Take an example: the Aumaua race has a name that is completely unfamiliar to me and might be completely made up (or not). That is a huge drawback for the race. I hope that the race has some familiar connection such as appearance since otherwise it's completely foreign. It takes much more time to build in the player's mind a concept that is completely new with no reference points to existing knowledge. Player's have limited time and limited mental resources to dedicate to learning "new" monsters. A few new monsters are cool but populating your game completely without using existing monsters is wasteful, foolish, and harmful to player's ability to fully enjoy the game.
  17. I believe the original post meant that there aren't multiple competing souls OF THE SAME TYPE. For Egyptians, this would mean seven souls but not one person with two Ka at the same time.
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