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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Today I am going to go for a nice jog and was expecting to enjoy pictures of attractive women. Sadly, it looks like the latter is out, thanks to the efforts of an obnoxious and blatantly obvious troll.
  2. While I would be fine without Green Arrow hammering away about politics every few minutes, I can't see broody or sociopathic as a valid interpretation of Green Arrow. I'm too accustomed to the Green Arrow who would rather improve the safety of a neighborhood than fight(let alone kill) criminals to enjoy Arrow.
  3. You left a large bit out. "Green Arrow functioned in many ways as an archery-themed analogue of the very popular Batman character, but the writers at DC subsequently developed him into a voice of left wing and progressive politics very much distinct in character from Batman, with his own supporting cast." Not exactly, I'm complaining that despite years of Green Arrow being depicted as Social Justice Warrior/Superhero, he has degenerated back into Batman with a bow.
  4. OK, now I'm really interested. These days being disowned by your folks seems to generally mean a free ticket out of visiting them when they're senile. Then you should have been born a rebellious Mormon child. You have my sympathies. Once I borrow them from someone else, anyway. I need your pilfered sympathy.
  5. rofl. That's what Green Arrow is supposed to be like. Not exactly. GA is more crazy-liberal than broody sociopath obsessed with "JUSTICE!".
  6. I could see a more offensive Paladin in PE. He would focus more on offense boosting auras, pick talents that increase offensive capability, and equipment selection. Do Paladins have a smite-ish ability, perhaps something similar to the Pathfinder ability "Aura of Justice"?
  7. I'm with TN. Arrow doesn't feel like Green Arrow, more like Batman with a bow.
  8. Why skip 3? Also don't watch 5 it blows. The same reason we are skipping 5.
  9. I'm drinking whiskey with friends and watching Halloween 1,2, and 4.
  10. I feel the same about the show. Arrow as well.
  11. Ugh, I ... did not know that, over there. A more passively similar vein in this country, when I was a kid, except the momo scripture race reference was changed from "white and delightsome" to "light and delightsome." They hated D&D because it encouraged imagination, which of course leads to the awareness jesus actually doesn't want ten percent of your personal income, monthly, on time. A friend of mine went through that as well. His family has nothing to do with him now. Reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
  12. But.. those are my favourites too! [i was going to post a pic, but I know LadyCrimson would have a heart attack if I did] Don't worry, oby will do it for you.
  13. You should have replied that the dog was male and that she was a sexist bitch for assuming that males can not be adversely affected by being raped.
  14. Perhaps the backers can be known as the "pillars of eternity", as we supported the project?
  15. Can we romance the trees? It will add unmatched depth to the narrative?[/KaineVC]
  16. Studying for an exam. Will probably pick up Sandman Overture later.
  17. I KNEW IT! that's why I only drink rainwater and pure-grain alcohol.points if you get the reference Dr.Strangelove?
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