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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't think anyone is arguing that multiclassing is essential to role playing. While you are confined to what the game allows you to do(in terms of character stats, motivation and personality can always be up to the player) in the game, it does feel like you have more freedom if there is a flexible system implemented so each class isn't a linear path with no variation between members of that class. Which is the reason I prefer them to CRPGs. I suppose you could always mod the game, but that takes much more effort than tweaking PnP rules.
  2. That links to WSJ for me, not DB.... The article I read at DB was an opinion bit by a bloke named Nick Gillespie, who I would argue is generally biased. If I'm reading the wrong article, I apologize. You probably are. Sorry. Didn't realise they'd crosslinked. I also don't generally read the Beast. So apologies if it's too biased. TBH, most opinion articles make me roll my eyes. I prefer to read hard facts and make up my mind. I do agree that the ACA isn't good, as it is a wildly inefficient way to accomplish the stated goal.
  3. You wouldn't. However, Tsuga and I were discussing Multiclassing in D&D, not PE.
  4. Someone who wants to Gish. If classes are set up to be flexible(as PE is attempting to be) the goals of multiclassing can be accomplished by taking talents instead.
  5. And if the role someone wishes to play is a Wizard with a small amount of martial training, you have just prevented them from playing the role they want to. How would that work for Barbarians and Sorcerers? Sorcerers have an innate magic ability and Barbarians use fury rather than training so seeking out a tutor to learn the class seems contradictory to the concept of the class. Have you played 3.X/PF? I'm asking because taking a level in any class requires the same amount of XP so multiclassing isn't cheap at all. Maybe in previous editions(which outside of IE games I have no knowledge of) you could dip into a new class and gain levels quickly but that isn't the case with PF, where XP is determined by character level instead of class level.
  6. That links to WSJ for me, not DB.... The article I read at DB was an opinion bit by a bloke named Nick Gillespie, who I would argue is generally biased. If I'm reading the wrong article, I apologize.
  7. I'm, going to take it easy today. Drink a little rum, play some New Vegas or BGT, and rest up for a party going on tomorrow. Hasn't this generally been how you've spend the last week or so? ... I approve.. You 2 are very similar in that regard, " two peas in a pod" I'm sure you would get on very well if you ever met in RL You're right. There are a lot of similarities between KP & Ros! The biggest difference is Ros has many girlfriends, KP has one! I actually broke up with her a while back. And the biggest difference is that I have hair.
  8. I can't say I have any interest in researching the dumb ****s anyway, so advice taken. hmm, *rummaging through threads* yep! here it is: and now I think I have permanent scars heh, so my prediction was not entirely off. Use the backdoor if she tries to get too kinky. Either interpretation of backdoor will do.
  9. I've been to a few parties and was lucky enough to enjoy some more vigorus activity, but generally yes.
  10. Drinking heavily and pondering what to play.
  11. Someone has to be. I find that drinking during a rainy day makes things better.
  12. I would say that Governments can somewhat influence economic situations, but not really enough to make up for private activities one way or the other. It would seem the best thing for the US to do at this time would be to peruse stimulus policies and save the austerity for an expansion, but I'm a bat**** Keynesian. Oh and I personally think the idea of a debt ceiling is stupid. It would be better to determine how much you were going to borrow in a budget, but I don't see that getting passed until DC chills the **** out.
  13. I find the best way to rattle someone is to go around nude. You should see how JWs react when I answer the door!
  14. I like my women like I like my salad, well dressed. And redheads of course.
  15. I'll admit, that would be something to see.
  16. Agents of SHIELD. I enjoyed it, still not sure if Coulson is a LMD or a clone.
  17. If we do that, how will we get rid of her?
  18. I would predict that the GOP caves on this. The government shutdown is hurting the GOP's image badly enough, and perusing a course of action only very popular to a certain segment of voters will not endear them to many non-conservatives. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and others will likely put on a public showing of defiance, but they aren't worried about losing a general election and seem to be gearing towards a presidential run.
  19. The Awesome! Button gets a whole new meaning.
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