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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Vodka and frozen wasteland or bland boiled food and a wet and cold place, tough decision. Russia doesn't get the benefit of vodka in my mind. Russians and Scandinavians may claim otherwise, but all sane people know that vodka was invented in Poland. Then Britain. If we are to back a foreign state, it might as well be the one we can understand.
  2. What alcohol have you gentlemen been consuming lately? I've been drinking Obsidian Stout and Republic Tequila(Plata).
  3. Vodka and frozen wasteland or bland boiled food and a wet and cold place, tough decision.
  4. Don't be silly, I kept my fingers crossed in front view.
  5. Return of the Living Dead. I have come to the conclusion that all 80s horror movies require a woman to show ****.
  6. I'm sorry I hurt your tender feelings, Monte. Does this make you feel better?
  7. It is now my mission to construct a spear-gun.
  8. I stand by the schlong. If anything, forum members now know how to circumvent c0ck blocking.
  9. Took you Eurofags long enough. My, my that has been a lot of words. Fear the Illuminati ans stay classy.
  10. I'm under the impression that this pops up roughly every few weeks.
  11. Today, I'm going to work on a paper and troll various forums. I now have an image of you armed with a spear with a large hound beside you at a lake.
  12. Honestly, boring Friday and I'm banned from BSN and Gallifrey Base.
  13. Hitler was a British plant, cave rat taught it to me.
  14. The no deity bit? They don't seem to believe in a supreme creator, unless they've been lying to everyone. That all religions have violent extremists and Muslims should be considered innocent until proven guilty, because the vast majority do not partake in terrorism. All groups should be treated equally. The fact that one group has been more successful at terrorist acts does not excuse or lessen the acts of another. Yeah, a massacre that happened seven years prior to 9/11 and a bomb plot that happened right after 9/11 is the same thing as the Mongols. In ten years time, will 9/11 and Islamic terrorism be irrelevant if it has become incredibly scarce and a new group is responsible for more terrorism? Schlong still lodged deeply dear? Thank you for the link. So should we know start monitoring animal rights groups? They have been behind more terrorist attacks in recent years than the Muslims after all.
  15. Having trouble falling asleep and I'm sober. Going to watch a movie or something. Note to self: Drop zombies or 1980s Communists in Austria and bring cameras.
  16. Currently or throughout history? If historically... Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Pagans have all historically waged war(and other violence) in the name of their faith. Christianity and Judaism have had time to westernize/secularize, Paganism was practically purged by Christianity, and Hindus squabble with Muslims and caste problems. Buddhism is probably the most relatively peaceful religion, as there is no Deity.
  17. In that case, insane gun owners are more likely to commit acts of terrorism than Muslims. Do you support a system to monitor gun owners, because a few individuals have committed heinous acts? I don't recall ever denying that Palestinians committed acts of terror. I did point out that Jewish extremists have historically been behind more acts of terror(1985-2005) in the US than Muslims, but unless you are a raving lunatic, that doesn't excuse or deny that Muslim extremists have done it as well. I don't see why the fact that Palestinians have committed acts of terror excuses Goldstein or lessens what he did, as you seem top be implying. Still haven't seen any facts dear. Try adjusting the tin foil.
  18. You're right, older source, my bad. 51. I thought we were discussing terror plots, not mass shootings. If you want to talk about those as well, in 2012 there were 66 deaths from mass shootings, twice that of deaths from Islamic terrorism. The Kach party was founded by the same man who founded the JDL. Goldstein was a member of both. So gunning those people down was OK? I don't see how killing and assaulting people is minor. How many Islamic plots have there been then? Furthermore, does the fact that someone else does something bad more often and/or in a greater degree make it more acceptable for another group to do it? While I'm sure you're an authority on how to correctly use tinfoil to block Illuminati brainwaves, I believe I will survive without those "facts".
  19. 12 in the US. Just the Boston marathon bombing. Different group than the ones behind 9/11 as well. I'm sure Baruch Goldstein didn't actually kill those people he gunned down while they were worshiping then. Are you implying a plot to blow something up is somehow much less vile because the lunatics were unable to carry it out? Not very good logic. I deny the opinion that there is a vast network of Muslim operatives attempting to take over the US. Have fun in your fear bunker. I'll tell the Illuminati and the Muslim Brotherhood you said hi at the next meeting.
  20. Fortunately none. The fellow they intended to hire to plant the bombs turned them in to the FBI. If by "fantasizing about it" you mean "stockpiling weapons and hiring someone to plant bombs", yes. http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/2.209/jdl-man-sentenced-to-20-years-in-plot-against-mosque-congressman-1.170431 http://articles.latimes.com/2002/jan/23/local/me-jdl23 The opinions you mean? All of them.
  21. Funny you should mention that, JDL planned several bombings right after 9/11. I suppose that doesn't count since the targets were Mosques. Pretty intellectually dishonest of you to link to an alarmist site isn't it?
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