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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. In all fairness, IWD never claimed to be anything more. I do find it hard to muster the will to replay that combat sim, even if encounters were well done.
  2. What the hell does "lesbian car" even mean? That it dates other cars? WTF? I guess this is some sort of weird twist on the car as a status symbol - now it "tells people who you are, really" or some ****? Statistically, it is the most common vehicle for lesbians to have sex in.* *Not intended to be a factual statement.
  3. Today I took an exam and tried to play several games I like, but couldn't get into them. I have to work on a paper and presentation this week, so I will likely tell myself to bunker down but instead spend hours chatting with you fellows.
  4. I wish someone would made non-online game with turn-based combat with Pathfinder Ruleset... All they would need to do is to port some of the awesome Adventure Paths to some Unity based engine, made it DRM free, and I would throw money at them in fat stacks... I do as well, except an original setting and story. I have a feeling you would be playing a Magus and using spellstrike like a madman.
  5. Monte wrote the BG1 romance mod. Anyways, meh. I already have BGT installed and I can't see this offering me anything worth $20. Maybe if they put out something support for SHS and G3 mods and bundling BG1-3. Or used the PF ruleset instead.
  6. The Road was all joy and laughter compared to Requiem for a Dream, just saying. That really isn't saying much.
  7. I'm not sure what part you're referring to. I don't have any problem with goofy dialogues when they fit. "Entertainment" is a good reason to include a dialogue option as long as it's mixed in with choices that have a larger impact. So PE will have some bright spots and not be the equivalent of The Road?
  8. No the first rule of crap combat systems is WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT CRAP COMBAT SYSTEMS! Sorry. You clever bastard.
  9. I would guess that you are correct. Doesn't have the stats that PE will have, and the art style seems too Roman for PE.
  10. Cry deeply. Although I remember enjoying the expansion(HotU) quite a bit on normal speeds.
  11. Only if you're like valboo and feel the need to assume the worst(and likely unwarranted) possible outcome. Having the results of combat be more determined by character skill than luck has no correlation to failsafes. Arguably, not being able to be critcaled by a low-level bandit if you have incredibly high deflection translates to combat success relying more on tactics than on randomized dice rolls. It will be plenty easy to die from ****ty tactics in PE, regardless of "normalization". Also, there is always some randomization, as combat success will not solely be determined by hard numbers. That said, I would argue that the untactical sections of BG1 lie not in the encounters Karakov described, but the 1st and 2nd level encounters. You know, like having a level 1 mage killed because a bandit popped out of the edge of the FoW and managed to land a critical with an arrow. No amount of positioning could have stopped that, "Armor" or "Shield" could not have prevented it, and all other counters are unavailable without cheating.
  12. Every time I read one of Gromnir's posts, I feel like I've just done a line of coke. One of the better draws of the forums. I couldn't care less if they choose TB or RTwP, both can be fun and easily ****ed up.
  13. Not in the base game, maybe in the expansion. I don't think you can build a wizard like a sorcerer, but I could very well be wrong on that front.
  14. I have blue eyes as well. Could be true. Going to get some studying done and argue with people on the internet today.
  15. The amount of alcohol required to give me a hangover is astronomical. I suppose that is due to me drinking roughly 1 gallon(or 4 liters) everyday.
  16. The post count was too high and oby's rantings.
  17. Arcanum's music makes me want to strangle a kitten and the combat makes me want to defecate on my keyboard.
  18. Well done Ros. The highest number I've ever gotten to was 3 in a night, and I didn't even raise any money. I did have a good time with one of them afterwards though. All I've done tonight is have a drink and work on a paper.
  19. Ok Wals, you need to get laid. IMO, she would look pretty average over here. Although I personally find myself taking anything I can get when I amintoxicated, which is roughly 90% of the time I'm out.
  20. Brisket, smoked ham, and sausage with cole slaw, jalapeno cheese biscuits, baked beans, and a brownie. Washing it down with lemonade.
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