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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. All good mods already work with BG2, and I already have a copy installed on my secondary drive. Unless you are on a Mac, BG(2)EE doesn't provide enough extra content to warrant the extra price. Now, if they included more than just a few NPCs, used a better ruleset, and managed to improve upon the ToB section of the game it would be a good buy.
  2. Our definitions don't mean a damn thing. Expert Mode is the creation of Obsidian Entertainment, not KaineParker, Sensuki, or Mor. Expert mode is what Obsidian Entertainment wants it to be, and they are going for obfuscation of stats in Expert mode. DEAL WITH IT. Again, if you don't like what is included in Expert mode, DO NOT PLAY IN EXPERT MODE. If you like some things in Exert mode but not others, you will be able to toggle what you want in a normal game. No one is forcing you to do anything.
  3. Today I did an outline for a paper. Putting it off till tomorrow because I work best under pressure. A bit off-topic, but I sort of feel sorry for whatever bloke has to sort through all of the porn usage. I'm sure some things would drive a normal man mad.
  4. You certainly seem to be beating your head against one. If you want these values revealed, do not play in Expert mode. If you need to be called an "Expert" to feel validated in playing PE, you are playing for the wrong reasons.
  5. Nice to see you admit your deficiency. http://eternity.gamepedia.com/Mode Expert mode is going to disable tooltips. FACT. No discussion. If you don't like obfuscation of stats, don't play Expert mode, because Expert mode IS fundamentally the obfuscation of stats.
  6. Sounds like you're into some pretty...extreme stuff.
  7. Perhaps FB is cross-referencing your posts on videogame forums with your visits to porn sites?
  8. Male Godlike Human Paladin smiting everything in sight with a greatsword. Female Godlike Human Cipher dual wielding short swords. Male Dwarf Druid. Female Human Ranger with a longbow. Female Mage. Male Priest.
  9. I like the Cipher concept, as I always thought the Soulknife was pretty cool. Environment art and portraits look nice. I like that there are defenses instead of saves. Avellone's writing has rarely disappointed.
  10. I use BGT, which lets you play BG and BG2 as a continuous game. I find it nice to go through BG as a Cavalier, smiting everything I see with a greatsword. Perhaps I will try TuTu later.
  11. It's a bizarre piece of necro-pricing that treats the game like an antique treasure. Which it is, but then again you can buy it for pennies elsewhere and mod the hell out of it. Well if you go to GOG you can pick up BG and BG2 for $19.98, then use the fixpack, unfinished business, that trilogy mod, several tweak mods, and the widescreen and likely get a similar experience(if slightly superior). Of course, there aren't sorcerer or monk kits and you can't fap to a twilight esquire romance, but I don't care about the former and can always go to a porn site when I want the latter. Or you could be in a Mac and the EEs are the only viable solution to having a stable game, but why the **** would you want to be on a Mac?
  12. Ehh, DAO was pretty meh. Okay combat system, forgettable plot, generally poor encounter design, and a few good ideas that never really come to fruition. I find it passable with Combat Tweaks and a few mods to improve tactics, but the underlying problems still remain. I probably would have picked up a sequel if they had made a better combat system and included a better toolset. However, it did sell well, so BW logically should have tweaked the original formula and put out a similar sequel. Don't know why they didn't, and don't really care. SWTOR was a poor substitute to a KOTOR3 and ME went from meh to **** with ME2. On Topic: PE will likely have a few problems, but I think the combat system will be better designed than BW games, and the writing team assembled is fantastic, so I see little chance of PE being a cluster****. This is the appropriate response to all of Mor's posts.
  13. Not very good with comprehension are you? Again, if you don't like obfuscation of stats, don't play Expert mode. If it is more fun for you to have numbers available, play the game normally, and use the settings to create the experience you find appealing. You don't need to be called an "Expert" to be able to enjoy the game.
  14. If what is included in Expert Mode pisses you off that much, just don't play it. Instead, use the options to create the experience you want.
  15. That Gorgon must be a fierce broom-wielder?
  16. Most of the old-gaurd that started Bioware when Black Isle was publishing their stuff is long gone ... so who knows? Every third Thursday they brawl in Oregon.
  17. I would just play games, MoS was pretty terrible. Today I finished a paper, have another to do this weekend and study for an exam. Going to play video games, argue people on the internet, and then go to sleep.
  18. Past level 3 certainly. BG(and D&D 2, 3, and 3.5) can be very tactical at levels 3-15. However at low levels, it is luck that determines success, not player skill or character abilities. Take BG1 for example, a mage will have a max of 6 HP at level 1. Even with max DEX and a casting of armor, a critical hit with a ranged weapon will drop the mage. There is no way to defend against this, at all. Thieves fare slightly better, but still can easily be killed in the early part of the game. Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers fare better, but can easily fall to a dire wolf or bear, like the one lurking around the very first map. All in all, the early levels of BG are punishing, and even good tactics will result in death by unlucky roll. Now imagine starting Chapter 2 of BG at level 3. dread wolves, bears, that transvestite ogre, and bandits still can decimate a party, BUT with proper tactics the party can survive most encounters, even if a critical hit is scored.
  19. Boiled cows head, tortillas, salsa, and tequila.
  20. Human male, with peach skin, blue eyes, and short brown hair with a 5 o'clock shadow. Features are somewhat sharp and facial expression is stern. Wearing metal armor(full plate or breastplate) without a helmet. Slight scar on right eyebrow.
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