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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Ahhh early BG1. Who didn't love the party being decimated by mooks with weak ranged weapons or a random wolf. I can't think of a better argument for starting at level 3 than BG1 early gameplay.
  2. In all honesty, I can't think of anyone else more enjoyable to shoot(I suppose a certain brand of Russians come close). Perhaps France should be known as "Most Shootable Nation"?
  3. I don't think target rolls should be shown in any mode. In PnP, you can't look at the foes' AC anytime you want. Off-Topic, but as far as dialogue goes, I don't want a [insert attribute or skill] tag to let the player know that knowledge from that skill or attribute is letting them use that dialogue option, but I would want the tag if the character was actively using that skill. For example: "[Repair]Looks like severe structural damage, those walls will not hold against an assault." Would not be good. "[Repair]Let me see if I can fix those shoddy walls." Would be good.
  4. I would be very upset if I gave a **** about generic FPS. Alas, I do not give a ****.
  5. That isn't saying very much... Of course, I believe most members are at least touch insane, if for no other reason than exposure to oby's rantings and Prosper's.."art".
  6. Schools should chastise any child who doesn't score perfectly on tests. "Almost perfect doesn't cut it in the real world, Johnny."
  7. I will admit, the mechanics of the IE games were painful to the uninitiated. I still love them despite terrible 2E mechanics.
  8. Is Prosper a Deep One? If so, that would explain why his models tend to look like aberrations.
  9. IMO, PE would be a soulless mechanical grind with a thin layer of narrative applied to mask the lack of anything but combat if to catered to the worst of us. I would like to see PE be something like a good PnP campaign, where there is a set story but a great deal of freedom is allowed the player so they don't feel railroaded into progressing along a bland linear path. IMO, BG1 did a good job of this, as the PC could wander around in the wilderness or head straight to Naskel instead of having to go and pick up the Harper couple. You couldn't say "**** the Sword Coast" and hard to Icewind Dale or Rashemen, but you were allowed a reasonable amount of freedom.
  10. Agents of SHIELD. I thought it was pretty solid.
  11. I can understand not reading the updates because they are not organized particularly well, but this topic is a non-issue. PE is not Diablo 3, loot will be hand placed, and unless the rat is gigantic, a wererat, or something else supernatural it will not have a greatsword or armor on it.
  12. Woldan, we should raze Russia in retaliation for Oby getting that thread locked. I'm going to do cardio today, with a bit of abs.
  13. If PE has a similar XP/level cap to an unmodded BG(no BGT or XP cap removal tweak), then there should be enough XP to hit the cap several times over.
  14. Is it acceptable to think all four look like ****?
  15. My AH part will consist of Paladin, Barbarian, Cipher, Ranger, Druid, and Chanter, so I picked those. I personally would be fine with a complete and detailed rundown of each class, with starting defenses and attack values shown and class-specific talents revealed. I'm particularly interested in the spell-lists of the caster classes, as that will influence how my party is built. A reveal of the complete mechanics would also be fantastic, but I seriously doubt Obsidian has already completed and/or finalized every mechanic.
  16. Going to lecture tonight. Going to lock down for the next two weeks to work on a term paper. Afterwards, going to GM a PF group that uses a lot of a substance legal in colorado.
  17. I've been trying to jog about 5 miles a day. Going to up the reps and lower the weight of free weight exercises until March.
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