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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You know what, **** realism. If someone wants to save every five minutes and reload every time they miss a minute bit of xp, they should be able to.
  2. I know, as I am one. I dunno, I can understand them trying to get you to go for an older woman(and I see nothing wrong with dating a 30ish woman), but the single mother thing comes off as downright creepy. I think the grimdark is a pretty big turnoff.
  3. I was never under the impression that elemental spells were the greatest spells ever. In my experience, spells like haste, disjunction, wish, mantle, and weird often end up being more useful, even of the raw damage in the first round wasn't as impressive.
  4. Why single mothers? Do your friends want to see you suffer or something? I've got a date with an economics major tomorrow, I enjoy the...firmness as well. I wish you luck, you bald debaucher.
  5. You dog. Today I'm going to cram for finals, will spend the next week doing this.
  6. Monte, which tactics mod has the anti-paladin kit? When BG2EE works with item upgrades(or someone creates an improved version) or item revisions, level1npcs, tweak and fix packs, various kit mods, and it is less than $15, I will pick it up.
  7. I imagine your office Christmas party will consist of people barely concealing an intense hatred of one another behind fake smiles and ****ty gifts. Which I'm sure is something like 90% of office parties.
  8. IIRC, Moor**** bitched at Grant Morrison once for creating a character that resembled one of his creations...in a rather obvious homage bit. From what I can tell, Moor**** seems to be angry at anything that could vaguely resemble his work, from a Japanese game with a sword that eats souls to The Witcher.
  9. A combat system that doesn't fall apart after level 15 and isn't heavily biased towards 1 group like spell casters or ranged.
  10. How would one go about determining the culture of a nation? Would TsugaC and Hurlshot agree on what constitutes American culture?
  11. Every time alanshu posts here, DA3 has another bug.
  12. I'm eating a steak, drinking bourbon, and relaxing.
  13. I agree with Karkarov. I'm currently playing BGT, and Imoen has over 100 in find traps, yet manages to miss those that are less than 5 feet from her after waiting for ten seconds. PE should implement a superior system than that garbage.
  14. The forums are filled with low-life reprobates now, so you may have wished you would have not returned. Not really, but a splash of negativity is needed to balance out BruceVC's super-positivity.
  15. I'm going to sit in front of my PC with a bottle of whiskey until the update is revealed, or until AoS comes on.
  16. I'm perfectly aware of the IP bitchfest that is D&D licensing. I don't think you know the difference between a Kickstarter and what Beamdog is doing. A Kickstarter has a concrete goal for what the game will be made for, Beamdog does not. If I give $165 to PE, and I see that it has raised over $1,100,000, I know PE will be made. Of I buy BGEE and/or BG2EE, I have no guarantee that BG3 will be made, as Beamdog doesn't release sales figures and "does well" is certainly more vague than the stated figure from PE.
  17. That just doesn't make sense. If Beamdog wanted to do a kickstarter, then they should have done a kickstarter instead of a re-release of a game. If Beamdog would have done an actual kickstarter for BG3 and had members of the original team, I would probably have given more than $45. I meant kits that were not in the first EE. And UI mods are far and away not the only mods that work for BG2 that do not work for the EE. If I can't use level 1 NPCs, BG2 Tweaks, BG1+2 UB, Item Upgrades, Sword and Fist, Song and Silence, Divine Remix, Sorcerer's Place Collection, or SCS1+2 with BG2EE, then I don't see the point of paying $25 to play a game I already own without tweaks I find essential because of marginal UI improvements.
  18. Not personally, but as I was raised Catholic I'm sure there is one. Try Spain.
  19. Everything about the mechanics, everything about the lore that the PC should know, and the narrative shouldn't be revealed beyond what leads into the first bits of gameplay.
  20. So did the 2nd EE add any kits or races the first did not? Also, is the new companion a vanilla thief, a kit or multiclass/dualclass? Because they already own BG2 and spending $25 for something that is 95% identical to something you already own might seem like a bit of a waste.
  21. I was disappointed in the Doctor Who special as well. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something made it seem just so....bland.
  22. I would argue that "as far removed from P:T as possible" would be a multiplayer-only, microtransaction-based, first-person view flash kart racer set in the present real world and running in a browser. I would probably try that. I didn't realize spotted D1ck came in popsicle form.
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