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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Ros refers to his gf as "purple hair". I find this somewhat humorous.
  2. Today I watched several b-movies instead of work.
  3. They should try something like Rifts, so I can shoot down vampires with a plasma rifle. Preferably have some Heroes Unlimited influence as well.
  4. On the other hand, being a dentist is one of the most disgusting jobs I can imagine with that level of education. (Also, materials don't come cheaply.) I advise anyone who thinks that to try their hand in a couple of criminal and child custody cases and the coming back here to tell me that.* *I'm not advising practicing without a license I would say gynecologist is worse. Having to examine one who is obese and doesn't clean properly is quote disgusting. Granted, my knowledge is second-hand experience from being related to someone in that distinguished profession.
  5. I really liked being able to play through BG 1&2 with the same PC. If using the BGT mod, I'm fine with it. However importing from vanilla BG to vanilla BG2 leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Weapon proficiency has changed from a group of weapons to a single weapon, Mastery has been nerfed quite a bit, and the inclusion of kits that were not available in the original makes me feel that I'm not so much as importing a character as creating a new one. I don't see the point in importing a previous character if the mechanics change enough to warrant going through character creation again. IMO, it is better to tie up the PC's story using MotB-like expansions than doing a sequel.
  6. I think the sequel should feature a new PC. The expansion(s) should cover high-level gameplay.
  7. I was shooting for more ancedotal. Today i'm doing a little bit of work, then going to go jogging.
  8. Chris Avellone is a conduit for an extra-dimensional energy source known as the Speed Force.
  9. I could tune encounters to make it easier, but quite a bit of encounters I create rely on traps and environmental factors as well. Also, I don't like toning down things myself. Another reason I like pointbuy is that you don't end up with characters that have huge power gaps between them. For example, in the first D&D game I played, I rolled a Paladin with 16 Str 12 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 15 Wis 17 Charisma while my friend rolled a Rogue with 8 Str 16 Dex 10 Con 10 Int 8 Wis 7 Cha. In almost all combat scenarios, he would be killed quickly due to having **** stats while I would end up shining quite a bit. YMMV, but I personally don't like playing games where one player has a superior character simply because he got lucky rolling 4 dice 6 times. As for gaming the system, that will be true of almost any system. I find the best way to avoid that is to play with people who don't like gaming the system. GURPS has always been a pointbuy. Granted, those points are the resource for everything, so overpumping on stats means you won't have many skills or advantages. It works better for futuristic settings than magical ones.
  10. Feels weird not to be hungover on January 1st. I spent the day searching for a new apartment and getting calls about what I want to do for my birthday. I knew a girl who looked somewhat like that. Last i heard she got pregnant.
  11. It's actually the backup video we made for PAX in case the live demo ended up going to absolute **** and couldn't be done. Every time alanshu posts, DA# will have another bug.
  12. That would've saved me from watching three terrible movies.
  13. Has Bioware hired Christine Sims yet? @Nonek That is true of pretty much all video games. @Monte Carlo Tales of Love Electronic.
  14. For me, it largely depends on the group I'm playing with and the system we are using. For low-power games focused almost solely on role-playing and with easier encounters I prefer rolling, while for games with mid to high power with challenging encounters and players who have specific concepts already in mind I prefer pointbuy. These days, it is mostly pointbuy because I'm largely playing Pathfinder and GURPS and I design combat encounters to be pretty brutal.
  15. Curses! I've been saving up thought-power all YEAR for that plan! It was to be my masterpiece! Now I am ruined! RUINED I say! T_T (We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.) How do you exercise ghosts/spirits? Is there like a workout routine for the undead like Zombie Zumba or something? I hear pilates work wonders.
  16. I now have an image of Lucas sodomising Darth Vader while James Earl Jones yells "stop". Not very plesant.
  17. I resolve to post more beautiful women, bring my GPA up, and find a better apartment.
  18. The only time people used Multiplayer in BG was when they wanted a custom party. I don't think this game is for you.
  19. So essentially be a little less English?
  20. No. I prefer companions not to be so weak-willed they abandon all principles because some guy they've known for a month tells them to. This goes for both corruption and redemption. Isn't adolescent power fantasy pretty much a given when you can play a wizard who rips reality to shreds? Granted, it becomes less impressive if almost everyone can do it, even though Mage-philes will probably whine that every one gets special powers so Mages aren't special anymore. He doesn't have enough levels of Necromancer to cast Raise Thread yet.
  21. I managed to get to the end of that. Japan is really ****ed up.
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