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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I would laugh at this, but I'm starting to think you really are this obtuse. In every instance discussing Role-Playing Games, I used the word "Game". Game is a noun, Stun. Surely I don't have to explain the concept of a noun to you? If I say "the only thing a role-playing game requires to be a role-playing game is role-playing", it is very clear to anyone with a basic understanding of English that I'm talking about a game. Not a graphic novel, television show, software program, chat room, or novel, but a game. If you aren't capable of following that, then I highly suggest taking a beginner's course in English.
  2. I think Watchmen's real strength is the splendid use of panels. I'll have to dig out my trade, but I remember being very impressed with how the most seemingly random elements were either foreshadowing or played a part in the story. A shame that Moore's recent work is such dreck.
  3. I personally enjoy comics as a story-telling medium. Most are pure ****, but the few good ones manage to combine good pencils and writing in a pleasing manner.
  4. I would pity you, but I'm a soul-less monster without a shred of decency. Enjoy having Aerie whine every fifteen minutes!
  5. Happy Birthday Nep! I hope you have a wild encounter with a tattooed analyst with a Masters in Economics. Someone is either trying to get laid or is euphoric after doing so.
  6. I've always felt that choice is more important than consequence. While having reaction to choice is certainly nice, not every action will result in significantly different NPC reaction, but is still good when role-playing a character.
  7. That it is possible to do more in Baldur's Gate as ANY class than in Punch-Out, because Baldur's Gate is more that a rapid succession of fights featuring one player-controlled toon. If you wanted to make the point that "In combat featuring only a single player controlled toon, a Fighter in Baldur's Gate can do far less than Little mac in Punch-Out", you need to specifically note that you are talking solely about combat encounters featuring a single player-controlled toon. Those circumstances will be all of four fights in Baldur's Gate: Shank, Carbos, the rats, and Jondalar. After that, all parties in Baldur's Gate can contain more than one player controlled-character, not to mention exploration, dialogue choices, and quest completion that is not found in Punch-Out. If Role-Playing Games Required anything more than a Game with Role-Playing, it would be in the name. Since we don't call them "Role-Playing Games with advancement mechanics", there is no law that requires Role-Playing Games to have an advancement mechanic. I recommend using a dictionary to look up "Role-Playing" and "Game". No Stun, those are game mechanics. We are talking about Role-Playing Games, remember? Stating that Baldur's gate as a game has more features than Punch-Out is stating facts. None of those things are intrinsic to the leveling system embedded into the game. Again, it isn't a "level advancement game", it is a "Role-Playing Game". The ability to Role-Play is the only requirement for the game. Everything else, including certain mechanics, are not essential components to the role-playing game. If a game was labeled as a Role-Playing Game and contained nothing but Flight Simulation and advancement mechanics, then that would be false labeling. If a game was labeled as a Role-Playing Game and did not include advancement mechanics, but did heavily encouraged player character role-playing, then that would be a correct labeling. The distinction being that one's main draw is role-playing while the other's is flying a plane. A Sci-Fi film that flopped. Is John Carter not a Sci-Fi film because it performed badly?
  8. Today I learned that a species of ****roach has two penises, and it is a common occurrence for one to be ripped off during intercourse. I'm going to get a drink.
  9. If any of you steal my "Deep One Dating" idea, I will hunt you down. On-Topic: I've found that my schedule is hectic at best, but would be willing to take a crack at it.
  10. A level 1 fighter can choose to attack from far away or within reach, can that be done in Punch-Out? Yes, which are all things a level 1 Fighter can do in Baldur's Gate. You have played the game, right? No, it would take a rather liberal reading to come to either one of those conclusions. And I pointed out that a Fighter could do far more in Baldur's gate than the toon could do in Punch-Out. Baldur's Gate is more than a series of combat encounters featuring a single toon. Then I must have played a different Baldur's gate. I remember a PC being able to kill Dynaheir and Minsc or Edwin, spare or kill both of Sarevok's squeezes, assist or destroy the thieve's guild, attack guards who threaten the PC or flee, choose to abandon the Gorion's instructions and wander aimlessly around the Sword Coast. The ability of a game to sell has no bearing on whether it is a valid implementation of a genre. Are you going to argue that John Carter wasn't a Sci-Fi movie because it flopped? Not only me, just anyone capable of applying the correct definitions to things. Well, Saint's Row has finished. Enjoy your butthurt Stunny-boo.
  11. Just picked up Ales Kot's Zero. Seems like a really good espionage series, the artist changes from issue to issue so the feel is somewhat fluid.
  12. I forgot what this thread was actually about and once again was expecting an Archer movie. Still disappointed.
  13. I must thank Obsidian as well for this as well, Sawyer's posts reveal glimpses of a very-well designed system and Avellone's writing is almost certainly stellar. I remember playing Never Winter Nights 2 in high school after I a bad breakup and it helped get me through it.
  14. Then your trip is wasted and you have my deepest sympathies.
  15. http://forums.obsidian.net/user/881-sylvius-the-mad/ I've always enjoyed his posts. Seems to be the rough equivalent of taking acid and listening to trees talk to you.
  16. If you're seriously going to argue that their were less options for any class in Baldur's Gate than in Punch-Out, then I have to question whether you've actually played Baldur's Gate. You can't jump out of the ring and wander around the wilderness in Punch-Out, can't ditch "canon" NPCs to take along random people you encounter in Punch-Out, and you certainly can't kill bystanders in Punch-Out. You can do all of those things as a Fighter in Baldur's gate. No. No. The only thing a Role-Playing Game must have is Role-Playing. There is no universal law that requires an advancement mechanic for a game if it allows role-playing. The definition of Role-Playing Game is a Game with Role-Playing. The only requisite feature a Role-Playing game must contain is Role-Playing. Neither "Game" nor "Role-Playing" have any requirements of an advancement system. Then the industry is wrong, just as the music industry is wrong to label hip-hop acts as "Rhythm and Blues".
  17. I'm imitating a combination of posters known as Sylvius the Mad and tony ingram while I download Saint's Row 4 from Steam. I'm allowed to have fun damnit!
  18. Excuse me while I jump out of roflcopter. That isn't role-playing anymore than spamming freeze attacks when controlling Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat is. That is playing the game by controlling a toon. Role-Playing does not require an advancement mechanic. Role-Playing Games do not require an adbancement mechanic, they require role-playing. If they required an advancement mechanic, they would be called "advancement mechanic game". Wrong. If the big words confuse you, use a dictionary. Wrong. Look up the definition Role-Playing, then come back when you have a rudimentary understanding of it. Diablo and Dungeon Siege are hack-and-slash action games, not Role-Playing games, so that isn't relevant. No, the player controls a toon on a screen. The player does not play a role.
  19. You are controlling Little Mac, not role-playing him. Controlling =/= Role-Playing. When someone pilots a drone aircraft, they aren't role-playing a plane, they're controlling a plane. *sigh* role-play·ing n. An instance or situation in which one deliberately acts out or assumes a particular character or role. You don't do that in Mario, you hit buttons so the figure on the monitor or screen hits things with a hammer or jumps. A ROLE-PLAYING GAME is only required to have ROLE-PLAYING, hence the name. They aren't called "Stat-managing with leveling up games".
  20. Leveling up doesn't make a game a Role-Playing Game. Career mode in NBA 2K13 is a Role-Playing Game. Because you Role-Play a character.
  21. Wrong. Punch-Out is about using a combination of jabs, body blows, and uppercuts to knock out a series of opponents, not about role-playing a character how the player sees fit. The only thing a Role-Playing Game must have is Role-Playing. Everything else is secondary.
  22. I always thought Role-Playing Games were about Role-Playing. I don't see how getting teh kewl abilities or teh XPS are required.
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