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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Good. Nice to know you fit my stereotype of older English gentlemen.
  2. I'm not sold on GotG. I enjoyed the comic, but I don't know if it will translate well into a movie.
  3. a magocracy is rulership by teachers. Which btw, I am entirely for. Hurlshot just creamed his pants.
  4. Kicking back and watching B-movies on Netflix. May play a game if the mood strikes me.
  5. I've been lobbying for krakens occasionaly. No confirmation yet.
  6. No. You'll take it cold you pansy.
  7. I think it varies by individual. I'm a twenty two year old and I like drinking heavily and am a snarky bastard. I also do not know who Easton is.
  8. The case for Romance is that you like them and want them. The case against Romance is that you don't like them and don't want them. That is all.
  9. Jesus titty****ing Christ. If there is no romance, that doesn't mean all NPCs will automatically be shallower or deeper, it means that instead of taking the time to implement a certain type of relationship, something else will be implemented instead. This could be anything from a new quest, a kraken battle, a new area to explore, or conversations with a NPC concerning the circumference of a troll's genitals. As most of us aren't actually on the development team, we don't know how resources are allocated. You can stop making the case for or against romance, because that has already been settled. The project lead has stated that they will not be included, because he doesn't think they can do them well with the resources available. It doesn't matter how you feel, the fact is that the person driving the project doesn't have the confidence that romances in PoE could be implemented well and isn't doing them because he wants everything in PoE to be executed well. If you really want romance, wait for a mod or hope that they are included in PoE2(if it is made). If PoE does well, they may have more funds to put into PoE's sequel and be able to implement stuff they didn't have the resources to do in PoE(like a kraken battle). PoE will be fine, despite the exclusion of romance(or whatever else people are butthurt over). If you don't have confidence in Obsidian to deliver a satisfying game without feature X, then giving them money to make the game was a stupid move on your part.
  10. Trolls are horrible people because all people are horrible. The only innocent are the unborn. [may be trolling]
  11. Currently studying for an exam I'm taking in 1.5 hours.
  12. SoZ is above the OC, but far below MotB. The economy breaks badly after you set trade routes, there are a few broken quests, and it was buggy as hell on release(I believe most issues have been patched out). The world map is the best style for RPGs IMO and the ability to create four party members is cool.
  13. Yeah, I've got SoZ but haven't had the time to get past the party creation bit yet, didn't realise the strategic element was that strong. You've bumped it up my list to finally play. It starts out pretty cool, but ends up being very broken by the end game.
  14. I thought Sawyer ruined that by allowing Priests to use swords?
  15. Ah F.A.T.A.L. Two pages dedicated solely to rape mechanics.
  16. In that you can completely ignore them and kill mindflayers?
  17. Perhaps Godlike should be handled as a racial sub-type rather than a different race. They could calculate attribute bonuses by taking half of the base race and adding two points somewhere, and keeping the base racial abilities of the base race. It would be balanced by blocking use of an equipment slot(such as helmet for Death godlikes) in exchange for a useful ability or set of useful abilities.
  18. Who doesn't? If Monte manages to look at a chainmail bikini and not feel that cosplay is a good thing, then I don't know what to say.
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