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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Consider expansions included. 1. Neverwinter Nights 2 2. Planescape: Torment 3. Baldur's Gate 4. Baldur's Gate 2 5. Fire Emblem: Sealed Sword 6. Fallout New Vegas 7. Fallout 2 8. Morrowind 9. Final Fantasy V 10. KOTOR 2 I originally read this as "How I despise emotions", which I think is essential to being English. I've never understood that myself. Arcanum is a cluster**** of gamebreaking bugs and extreme unbalance, and is among the worst gaming expierences I've had. Not anymore.
  2. If you haven't had one of those moments playing PnP(complete with shouts of "let me do the math" to see of you can weasel out of it), then I pity you.
  3. I'm certainly certain that the danger of certainty is somewhat uncertain.
  4. I would love to see Taskmaster pop up somewhere. Could work as a rogue SHIELD agent. I don't know if this will work well, IMO Preacher would work better on a premium network so they could get away with more stuff.
  5. NAME: Poun Howund. ROLE: Sex Machine KEY ITEM: The Golden Codpiece of Thrusting Destruction: Charms any creature within 100 feet, unleashes bolts of pure sexy that deal extremely high piercing damage. APPEARANCE: Whatever he damn well feels like. FEEL: Induces a feeling of soreness.
  6. IMO hitting the level cap, hard or soft, should require doing a fair bit of optional stuff and a good portion of the main questline. Reaching the cap doing only main quest stuff should be impossible.
  7. I think there should be a golden platemail codpiece. It devastates foes with bolts of pure sexy.
  8. I will now attempt to drink things while moving at various speeds.
  9. My insurance almost didn't cover the damage from the hit and run on my car. Apparently repairs were less than $100 away from total loss.
  10. Does that mean I can start complaining that (insert preferred group here) took our identity? I probably paid more sales tax than income tax, but I'm a student who works part time. Been working out daily, trying to lose about 15 pounds this month.
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That game was hilarious. I just won $50.
  12. I just found out about that five minutes ago. That really sucks.
  13. I like complicated characters myself. If I may rant for a bit, I think Baldur's Gate 2 made both consistently role-playing a selfish villain and a semi-virtuous hero impossible. Why? Because of 1) rescuing Imoen and 2) Having to side with either the Shadow Thieves or Bodhi's vampires. An evil character might not give a **** about Imoen, but is required to save her? What reason would someone concerned only with themselves spend a considerable amount of time and effort to rescue a childish reprobate who would likely interfere with any grand schemes they might have? How the hell does that make any sense at all? Why the hell would a Paladin or any other virtuous character aid either the Shadow Thieves or Vampires? They're very EVIL. One group is a criminal organization that assassinates regularly and the other are composed of blood-sucking fiends. A Paladin would smite them, not assist them. PE should take a lesson and not shoe-horn characters into a certain path/motivation because of plot. Don't include any mandatory quests that would conflict with a PC's values.
  14. I haven't had a drink in over a month. I should remedy that soon. I'm a bit disappointed that the Darth Sideious robe isn't an every day occurrence.
  15. Wals, how do you find such horrific news stories? Is there a special search engine?
  16. How is that different from any other day Raithe?
  17. I always thought the original was the best. 2 felt out of place both in terms of storytelling and gameplay, and 3 was more of the same imo.
  18. Today I went to the gym and am currently in between classes, trying not to argue about a Powerpuff Girls cover with a pedant.
  19. Has the Paladin's smite-like ability been covered yet? All I can recall is that it was named Flames of Devotion.
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