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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. What about me Prime, doesn't the Internet need more people like me who are committed evangelists to decent Romance options in RPG? You know you need more people like me ..... No.
  2. Umm.....that is very weak for an original setting. My original setting that I played with included detailed notes on major factions, gods, and nations. And I was 17 then.
  3. This again? If the only enjoyment you get out of combat is getting XP, then you should probably play something else. If it pisses you off that PoE will not have combat be rewarded with XP, then I suggest you get laid.
  4. Just picked up the trade of Manhattan projects. It was pretty damn good.
  5. Kang the Conqueror is always the most important. If the celeb in question is sexy, upwards of 75%.
  6. I picked up the second issue of Red Rover Charlie today. Was pretty damn good. I can't disagree with this at all. I wish they would put a better creative team on Spider-Man too.
  7. While I find the idea of the real Galactus eating the Ultimate universe hilarious, I'm willing to bet the execution is ****. The new titles sound bad as well.
  8. I just realize Monte is using a new avatar. Looks like a dirty old man, so it should fit right in around here.
  9. I picketed up a strange book called The Saviors. It seems like a pretty cool invasion story featuring a stoner. Would recommend to anyone burned out by Big2 superhero stuff. In the Ultimate U they broke up after Reed neglected Sue due to his obsession with Dr Doom, Johnny took off to hang with Peter Parker after his dad died, Sue took over the Baxter Building (think tank for under-age geniuses), and Ben joined SHIELD After killing Doom. Eventually Reed's depression, his constantly evolving intellect, and desire to build a perfect world turned him into a villain and he's now responsible for the destruction of Asgard and the absorbtion of most of northern Europe into a futuristic hive-mind. Why hasn't someone put Ultimate out of its misery already? Are they trying to get worse than Alan Moore's recent work? I don't think the current management of Marvel knows how to properly handle the FF or Spider-Man to be honest.
  10. 1,2, and 4 are fine. I'd say that 1 is the same girl as the last pic I posted on here.
  11. A basement dwelling virgin who created a persona to fill that empty hole in his life?
  12. I wouldn't mind seeing a Ghoul-like creature. Something similar to Judge Death.
  13. Bill Murray calls Kelly Lynch’s husband every time sex scene from ‘Road House’ airs Alan Moore sure comes off as a bitter old douchebag.
  14. That was it. I enjoyed it quite a bit as a child. Too bad they removed it from Netflix.
  15. What the hell is that? Its like Hellboy dressed as Spider-Man One of the worst artists working in comics drawing Dr.Spiderpuss.
  16. IMO, yes. Agree to disagree and all that. I'll admit that Frank Quitely's faces do look strange sometimes, but I think he is a great artist. Now terrible is Humberto Ramos.
  17. Was there ever any doubt, a long haired, scruffy beard loony. It's no wonder that he's Shiny Morrison archnemesis. VS
  18. It isn't as good as the Mini, but it is much better than everything else DC has done post JLU, and Frank Quitely is a fantastic artist.
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