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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't really care about the game's length, as long as filler isn't used to extend it.
  2. Smoking is pretty awful. You should snort coke instead.
  3. I watched an episode of Black Sails. Didn't enjoy it. AMC will feel the wrath of Walsingham.
  4. Admittedly, I have never experienced having a pregnant missus, but I've heard they can be very vicious. I assume Enoch is trying not to indulge to prevent Mrs.Enoch from chopping off his head out of anger. Why would you torture yourself?
  5. Fixed. You were actually pretty close though. I'm coming from this using the definitions of Role-playing and Game, you're coming from a correlation=causation direction. It's obvious that neither of us will concede, so this back and forth is a waste of time. It has been a while, so no. Regardless, it meets the criteria of allowing Role-Playing, thus being a Role-Playing Game.
  6. Challenges are not tied to an advancement mechanic at all. You can have challenges without advancement mechanics. Except that it isn't how it went at all. Here is how it went: Me: All a role-playing game needs to be a role-playing game is to be a game with role-playing. You: No, it needs an advancement mechanic. Me: An advancement mechanic is not required of either role-playing or game, so it isn't required for a role-paying game. You: Yes it does, because Role-Playing Games have advancement mechanics. No, you can buy clothes and stuff.
  7. That doesn't prove anything. There is nothing in Role-Playing Game that is intrinsically tied to an advancement mechanic. Your explanation is the equivalent to saying "God exists, because the Bible says so". You create the player, teammates react to how you play, have to choose endorsements, have C&C talks with the GM.
  8. As I understand, some prefer it when sequels do not follow the same protagonist. I personally do not care one way or the other.
  9. Then prove it. Yes, the MyCareer mode in that game is a Role-Playing Game. Far more of one than BioWare's recent relases.
  10. I don't have to. The definition does not require it, therefore it is not a requirement. If you disagree, show me exactly which part of "Role-Playing Game" the requirement for an advancement leveling mechanic is.
  11. I can't give you an example because you're asking me to provide an example of something that I've never argued should exist. Really? You haven't argued that Roleplaying is the ONLY thing required for something to be called an RPG? Was it a different KaineParker, then, who said this? ^Emphasis yours. You know what Stun, you're right. I assumed that you were capable of understanding "game" as "a group of rules or challenges". My fault for assuming that you have an elementary level of reading ability, I apologize for assuming competence on your part. In language hopefully even Stun is capable of comprehending, a Role-Playing Game must have 1) Role-Playing and 2) a group of rules or challenges. I've never claimed such a thing existed, so no. Now, please prove your claim that a Role-Playing Game must 1) contain an advancement mechanic and 2) must meet "the laws of capitalism". I've already given a refutation of both with 1) nothing in the name Role-Playing Game presents a requirement for advancement mechanics and 2) Not only are those laws non-existent, but by that logic John Carpenter is not a Sci-Fi movie because it flopped. 1. You hit the nail on the head. 2. I hope so as well. The alternative is honestly frightening.
  12. One of us is using actual definitions and proper use of English. The only is throwing a butthurt tantrum. You are the latter princess.
  13. I can't give you an example because you're asking me to provide an example of something that I've never argued should exist. If use of the word "game" is that over your head, I highly suggest educating yourself on the function of nouns.
  14. I used the word game in every instance, it was clear I was talking about games specifically. If that went over your head, you should become acquainted with the function of nouns.I see. So then, you should have no problems whatsoever citing me one Game.... one Role Playing Game in the history of computer gaming, that had Role Playing and NOTHING ELSE. Oh Boy! A Likes contest!! What are you, 12? Stun, are you mentally ill? No sane person is this pedantic.
  15. MCA certainly has good taste in comics. I agree that Snyder's run is very good, particularly the Death of the Family arc that featured The Joker.
  16. Yes. Your life has been a lie. I used the word game in every instance, it was clear I was talking about games specifically. If that went over your head, you should become acquainted with the function of nouns. Again, a role-playing game is a game with role-playing. There is no requirement for any specific mechanics. None of my statements contradict that in any whatsoever. Judging by the "likes" my posts received, tajero and aluminumtrioxide both got that.
  17. Well, this federal employee thanks you! Well, if I look at it as buying you a drink (or many) it does take some of the sting out of it I wouldn't temp Enoch with a drink just yet, he has to show a measure of control till Mrs. Enoch pops out Enoch JR.
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