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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. 3E went well with Eberron, IMO. I would say that Forgotten Realms works pretty well with Gestalt characters using the 3.5E ruleset or even Pathfinder's mechanics, but that will be a highly controversial opinion. I can't say that I think 4E works well with anything, but I dislike most mechanics for that edition so I'm extremely biased. Well, if you do a homebrew version of Planescape using the 3.5E ruleset, it works wuite well. Planar handbook essentially serves as a sourcebook for those adventures.
  2. No. Yes. Determined by two different attributes. I'm fine with it. Not directly, but I suppose having strength indirectly influencing Action Speed by means of encumbrance would be fine. Yes, have Strength and Constitution give small bonuses to carry weight.
  3. I hate to say it but these design goals seem to point to characters who are not very distinctive, hopefully one can still make characters with definite strengths and weaknesses. This easily can lead to characters who are distinctive. It will be possible(using Josh's system from back in this thread) to dump resolve in favor of Intellect to create a high-damage character. The hypothetical character will be very good at dishing out lasting status effects, but will be able to damage targets much more, an thus have an advantage in such situations. I much prefer these design goals to the attribute systems of computerized D&D, as in the BG series, a Fighter could dump Wisdom and Charisma with no real penalties(as someone else could be used as the party spokesman and Fighters suck at identifying items) making a high Wisdom or Charisma Fighter blatantly inferior than the High Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Fighter to the point of practically useless. I have no problems with certain classes being better suited to certain builds, but classes should have more builds be be viable than the small handful that were in BG.
  4. Today I consumed vast quantities of Orange Beef and Pork Fried Rice, paid for next semester's classes, and played video games for a few hours.
  5. This is why I go to the gym. The view is just too good to pass up.
  6. It sounds like an evil mage in some RPG.
  7. More than likely I will be consuming fried rice at a Chinese restaurant.
  8. That is horrible Wals. Wrong thread. Now to wash that foul image from my mind.
  9. I'm of the opinion that the fine fellows of this thread deserve as much gorgeous as possible.
  10. I tried playing Arcanum recently and hated it. Between the terrible balance, awful combat system, and crap UI, I find the game to be almost unplayable.
  11. Might/Power. I would be fine with it, as I'm perfectly happy to throw simulationist attributes overboard. In all honesty, I would prefer attributes that reflected the characteristics of a soul more than a body, as that would (1) mesh well with the soul-oriented power of PoE and (2) would probably avoid confusing/pissing people off as much as assigning new roles to attirbutes they are familiar with doing a certain thing. Batman is mentally ill.
  12. It's clear that oby is in fact an octopus.
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