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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I have to agree with you Monte, and I normally would be in that newer audience, as I had not hit puberty when BG2 was released. The main barrier keeping me from buying this is the lack of Mod support for the G3 and SHS mods. If someone could get those(and item upgrades) working with the EEs, I would probably buy it.
  2. Irish, English, and Austrian ancestry personally. oby's about to post so this thread will likely go to **** soon.
  3. I think I'm going to vote RTwP, just to piss most of you off if TB loses by a few points.
  4. Eh, I don't really give a ****. Torment will have an inferior combat system to PE no matter what.
  5. I'm going to get some sleep, then meet a girl foe drinks at some club.
  6. How did we get on ****ing married women? Anyways, today I'm sick after a pint of whiskey and little sleep. Going to go out with a girl tomorrow. I love being 21 *winks at gfted1*.
  7. I'm going to finnish my paper tonight, and celecrate by drinking a pint of Whiskey.
  8. I don't think that Karakov would be having as much of a problem if BGEE used weapon groups instead of specific weapons for proficiencies, as he could swap between longswords and bastardswords without penalty if one type of weapon was significantly worse. That said, I agree that weapons should be equally represented, in that there shouldn't be one weapon group littered with powerful items and another that is very scarce.
  9. Looks like they went with a C cup. Well that's alright then. My favorite cup size.
  10. Skipping the first lecture of the day to work on a paper. Afterwards, I intend to go to the gym, work on the paper some more, and have a little stout.
  11. That would be surprising as it was announced in October. Will be cancelled by March, more than likely.
  12. This does indeed look like a man who has traveled to the past. I know for a fact he has done the "Time Warp" on several occasions.
  13. My goal with balancing choices in PE is to promote viability rather than to eliminate *~ power buildz ~*. If we spend time implementing options that are so obviously bad that no one (or almost no one) will take them, no one benefits. So I take it there will be nothing like the BG2 Invoker? If so, that sounds fantastic.
  14. There really isn't a way to avoid having a build that is better than others. Now, it is possible to make other builds actually viable, and I don't see it as a choice between "Min-Max Hero" or "everyone is the same".
  15. Do you find this part of game unrealistic? It's funny, but my real life similar to Leisure Suit Larry and from my point of view i can't find nothing unrealistic in Witcher 's libido. I think sex must be important part of any mature themed game. Sex play very important role in human life (huge part of action of real humans related wit this, motivation etc) and world without sex looks mechanistic and unrealistic, if by moral reason dev's cut this form game. (sorry guys, I would be responding with text if I felt like words would form a more appropriate response, but...) This is the appropriate response to pretty much anything posted by oby.
  16. Well truth be told, I don't think I'm that into her.
  17. So what is yoga sex like Ros? Instead of working on my paper, I went out last night. Ended up very drunk and may have performed some reprehensible acts with a girl that sits by me in class. Good weekend for me.
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