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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Today I went to lecture, and was treated to the fine site of my roommate taking some...gentleman's time in the living area(don't really want to call it a room). I think it's a smart idea to work out - sounds like it could be a natural drop in testosterone? That pretty much feels like loosing one's "edge". Ok, so this might be crazy, but I did have a vasectomy last year. Coincidence? The government puts stuff in the water to turn people gay or make them sterile. More realistically, you just might be getting older? If you are very concerned, it would be wise to see a doctor.
  2. Assuming "Attack" and "Defense" are equal, there will be a 5% chance to critical, 45% chance to hit, 45% chance to graze, and 5% chance to miss. I'm not positive on how much the percentages change from difference in the two stats.
  3. If that was a reward tier, I would have backed at the requisite level.
  4. Feeling sick so I'm skipping lecture. Going to drink some tea and take a rest.
  5. But the Batman gave us Rastafarian Joker, you can't beat that or the Dracula episode; It's like the "Batman and Robin" of animation. The Aquaman and Atom team-up does.
  6. To be honest, I thought that The Batman was a worse version of the 90s Batman. Batman the Brave and the Bold is probably the most entertaining toon I have ever watched.
  7. The idea a show like Brave and the Bold would be cancelled in favor of crap like Yu-Gi-Oh pisses me off.
  8. That day will be when cars also become fully automated. I'm sensibly direct with most issues, but when the self-driving Neo Prius horde takes over, I will literally Hulk into a loud-mouthed internal combustion alarmist. TAKE BACK THE WHEEL Oh man, I can't wait until driving is automated. I'm in my car about 2 hours a day, most of it highway. I could do so much with that time.I have to admit, at this point I kinda feel that the computers can't drive any worse than people do now. Frankly, I would be surprised if a gorilla drove worse than some people.
  9. My condolences, if you are watching the Korean version. Korean version? It's about an orphan prostitute.
  10. In our Common Law system, yes. If we had a Civil Law system, that wouldn't be the case.
  11. I'll admit, that is way more than I would be willing to do.
  12. My condolences, if you are watching the Korean version.
  13. America runs on literality. Every word in the bible is literally true; every word of the Constitution is literally applicable; every dollar of national debt is a literal representation of incompetence; there is literally an invisible hand guiding capital markets; bills, laws, ideas and intent are all literally good for the nation if they have a simple, positive title. Context, nuance, and translation have literally no place in America. That is very negative. Unfortunately, it is also very true.
  14. Going to a friend's birthday party. I think I will attempt to limit myself to only five drinks.
  15. So anything that isn't **** will do? My wallet thanks you.
  16. Redbreast. Thinking of using some Cointreau to make Sidecars for some friends tomorrow. Do any of you have recommendations for a good brandy to use?
  17. Now, he is just mimicking his form.
  18. I certainly don't oppose manipulating the villains. I would love the ability to fool an arrogant mage into frying himself.
  19. "People play games because of what the can do inside them, and your game is very good at letting them know THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING." I like this gentleman has the game confused with his wife.
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