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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well, I've been up since 06.30 and not bumped into a single fascist. Good to know they're seeing someone.
  2. California isn't REAL America, with Boy Scouts, apple pie, no filthy minorities polluting the streets, and family values. California is a cesspool filled with non-whites, ethnic food, science, and tolerance. No if you will excuse me, I will purge all the filthy invaders who have been corrupting this land since they arrived, except for Anglo Saxons, because their invasion doesn't count.
  3. Wals, you always have the most cheerful news.
  4. Taking a break from work to eat lunch. Going to class tonight, so no drinking
  5. I would say for lowlife virgin reprobates, but I'm not in an **** mood at the moment.
  6. No naked Cadegund. Elves. Classes besides Mage are useful. XP isn't awarded everytime I slice up a mook. Not turn-based.
  7. Consider it preparation for dealing with an infant.
  8. I haven't been able to get into anything lately. Thinking of trying to play through something nostalgic, but find myself getting bored quickly.
  9. Hey guys.... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64525-real-wages-and-inflation/ I think we would be better served discussing this without tales of Ros' escapades interrupting.
  10. So Calax and kgambit stop clogging up the "What you did today" thread with charts.
  11. Only if they gave as the ability to molest anything. If we could molest men,women, animals and monsters, we should be able to molest children as well. If not, then children shouldn't be special in that regard. My immersion would break. No so difirent with killable,unkillable actualy. What about trees?
  12. _____ I don't care if children are in the game or not. But IF they are in the game I want to be able to kill them. Not because I particularly enjoy killing children, but because I think playing evil shouldn't be limited in a game. Also it's pretty hypocritical to be able to kill hundreds of people, burn them to ashes, usurp their soul, rob them an leave them naked in a forest but not to be able to kill a child. It's a game for god's sake. Would you argue for the ability to molest children in the game? If no, why are you against limiting that evil?
  13. Levels. If someone wants to have all the abilities, that person would have to be level 20 in EVERY class. The amount of XP in the game should not be enough to reach that amount. If that person tried it, he would be very low-level in all the classes, and would be spread too thin to be useful. All true. Even with the Prestige classes in 3.X/PF, you are required to give up advancement in one class to gain the abilities of the prestige class. Specialization should be specialized. not just class+extra ability. Although I'm not 100% sure if PE will need multiclassing if the classes are as flexible as Sawyer is trying to design them, and you are able to create the equivalent of a multiclass by taking certain talents.
  14. I would say that is more depressing than fun. Although a certain segment of the population has seen real income rise exponentially.
  15. Feeling very good today, going drinking with some friends, think I may call a girl I met later. I don't trust anyone with credit cards.
  16. I've started a replay of BGT and I find the BG section to be incredibly tedious. Between the hordes of weaklings that manage to one-shot the early party with slings and the incredibly slow progression rate, it really fails to pull me in as swiftly as BG2 or PST manged to do. IWD1/2 had much better combat than the other IE games but fell behind because the lack of character interaction. I actually preferred the less specific counters in IWD2/3.x and PF to the specific counters in the rest of the IE games/2e because it made having a mage unnecessary(but still optimal) and was generally more intuitive. I don't think that this excludes hard encounters by any means, as the wizard duels in BG2 never sat as well with me as the wizard duels in my PnP experiences.
  17. In addition to being able to kill children, the player could molest them in the name of ****ting on political correctness.
  18. I'm pleasantly exhausted and a bit hungover. Going to listen to Toots and the Maytals and relax.
  19. Not for the first game(pre-expansion). IIRC, the party will be the equivalent of D&D level 12, so having something as powerful as Carsomyr wouldn't fit.
  20. Going to a party, see you guys tomorrow.
  21. Pizza tonight. With proper toppings, not any avocado bull****.
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