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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Definitely a woman, definitely plastic surgery or photo-shopping, I would definitely bang.
  2. In that case, it would be like an Epic level character going from level 34 to level 1, as Superman would lose his powers under the light of the red sun and higher gravity. I do agree that continuations of one character are best handled through expansions, mostly because I dislike playing as the same PC when the mechanics change.
  3. Unless you make the game completely linear, you can't. However, the same problems exist with any system with a power curve. No way to get around it unless you completely remove the power curve, but that would be more suited for a sim or action game. Furthermore, I never claimed that it was easier to balance by area, I claimed that it was easier to balance in a game with a D&D-esque power curve, specifically from the levels of 1 to 12. In non-D&D terms, it is easier to balance in a system where characters go from firing small missiles of magic to throwing around fire balls, as you don't have to worry about the party being easily one-shotted at high levels.
  4. ??? I don't see how that is exclusive to a system with level determinant metrics. Practically any system, from equipment-based to influence based, can have situations where you are wildly overpowered. A level determinant system is easier to balance for a game with a power curve similar to D&D 3.X/PF, because when characters go from barely being able to hit 10 damage to a single target to slamming down meteors, sticking with the same hp/damage reduction/defenses throughout the entire game would either lead to overly fragile high-level characters or overly tough lough level characters. If you disagree, please explain how you could successfully balance a game with the power curve of D&D level 1 to D&D level 12 without using "stat inflation". New player character, new regions? Frankly, trying to have the same character for more than three games would probably end in failure. Even without a D&D power curve, there is only so much you can do with one PC before things become stale.
  5. IIRC, the only new IP they've created is Alpha Protocol, which suffered more from an unfocused direction from Sega than anything from Obsidian. And who cares if the setting has been done to death if it results in a good game?
  6. Is there a Route there? No, but he did spend 6/9 hours driving.
  7. On leveling, power, and teh numbahs: Seeing as PE's power level will start at a rough equivalent of D&D 3.x/PF Level 1 and cap at Level 12, having numbers that don't increase with level(those are in by the way) would make it harder than hell to balance the system. Frankly, the unrealistic abstraction of stats is the best possible way of implementing a power curve in a game like PE, and axing it in favor of a numberless system wouldn't work for the game PE is. That numberless system with little growth outside of skills would be much better suited to a game with low-magic or no-magic setting where people remain the equivalent of level 1-2 throughout the whole game. A numberless system would be best suited to an adventure game or simulator. I would love to see the "Epic" version of PE be something like this, or take the PC into a setting where beings of high power are very common(like planes and such) and let them do battle with mythical beast, demigods, demon lords, and eventually gods themselves.
  8. God dammit, I can't decide wether to joke about gay driving style or straight roads. Go for a 69 joke.
  9. ...why are you hashtagging a forum post? Insanity.
  10. Sounds like an abomination. Next time use quest blanco or asadero. Goes much better with the chili gravy. Beef Enciladas, black refried beans, and a caesar salad.
  11. Hung over and a bit tired. Going to play video games and a study for an exam...sometime before Monday.
  12. Party 1 Paladin (PC) Cipher Ranger Druid Monk Chanter(if sucks, then Priest) Party 2 Gish Wizard (PC) Wizard Barbarian Priest Rogue Fighter
  13. From what I understand, the Rogue will be able to deal massive amounts of damage through sneak attacks and hitting weak points, which is very similar to the Rogue archetype I'm familiar with. I'm perfectly fine with this, as long as Fighters have a superior base damage and hit chance.
  14. I like multi-classing in 3.X/PF, but I'm not sure that it would work in PE. Personally, I prefer classless systems, as they allow for easier tweaking and correction to get specific concepts.
  15. Hmm, has an equivalent of kits, sub-classes or archetypes been confirmed for PE? A bit off-topic from the OP, but IIRC that and multi-classing are under consideration. Anyways, I wouldn't mind being able to rename classes, if only for the small amount of flavor it would provide in-game.
  16. I'm kind of there myself. A friend is having a party in about three hours so I will probably heft my ass up and go flirt and drink.
  17. Is it possible to use the plethora of mods or shadowkeeper yet?
  18. I'm a fan of epic levels. I think that HotU and MotB handled them best, but I agree that some of the epic level soldiers didn't make sense. So just have all "epic" foes be grounded in the setting.
  19. Note to self: avoid muscular cyclists while in Austria.
  20. I had a good night's rest yesterday. I believe I have the day off so I'm going to relax until later tonight.
  21. I can deal with the fact that Rogues are able to "spike" damage through Sneak Attacks or using short-term buffs, but it would piss me off if they have a higher base damage than Fighters, who are supposed to be the best at fighting.
  22. I do think that giving Ciphers an ability to replenish their resource without resting is good, but I wonder if there are other ways in addition to Soul Whip to do so? Perhaps an ability to drain excess off allies, slowly regenerate focus, or a drain attack that gives a large bonus to Focus? Also, will one of the companions be a Cipher?
  23. Sounds like you're just doing something intensive. Today I bought quite a bit of booze. Going to a housewarming party tomorrow night. Hope there is enough to go around.
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