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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Just make sure there isn't a lil' GD on the way.
  2. GD, all I have to do is turn in papers on time and take the exam. Frankly, there isn't much in that subject I'm not versed in.
  3. Ehh, I'm thinking of getting into this. Is the F2P decent?
  4. I read that link as "dp" instead of "lp" and was frightened of GD for a second.
  5. I agree, which is why we should use Wals' idea and make a sports league, cash in on the merchandising, and live like kings.
  6. Orange juice, eggs, ham, and biscuits. Put some chilli garlic sauce on the eggs and attempted to make a sammich. Worked pretty well IMO.
  7. @KG, it doesn't. When you have people get their opinons from talking points rather than taking the time to do some research and form their own opinion, you will have an ignorant electorate. I won't even get into how many people vote straight party tickets because they want to support "their team".
  8. mkreku, please post pictures of sexy ladies instead of talking about bulging dudes. Not really two things I want to associate.
  9. Thanks for the advice everyone, using most of the suggestions. Today I'm skipping class because **** the man, going to do something interesting later.
  10. True, not to mention the average person doesn't actually know what the act does.
  11. I don't think UHC is impossible due to population size, I think it is impossible due to organizational problems in federal, state, and local government and a certain political groups. Now, if the government became more consolidated(more uniform rules between states) and that certain group falls out of favor, then maybe it could happen assuming insurance companies couldn't successfully lobby against it.
  12. Rum, vodka, whiskey, and gin. Going to grab a sammich or something later.
  13. Semper Paratus I don't think anything can prepare one for reading about a cave woman ****ing a raptor.
  14. I don't know what is worse, that this was written or that someone posted it here where I could stumble on it unprepared.
  15. AoS has been pretty great. I'm thinking that the Rising Tide ends up being a front for HYDRA.
  16. Perhaps, I'm overly cynical, but I think that the shutdown may have more to do with playing politics than serving the cartel. Looking at rhetoric used by certain groups, they believe that a government shutdown is a good thing, and so certain politicians will do so in order to avoid primary challenges and/or they intend to run for higher offices and want support.
  17. I read the title as "Obamacare guarantees government shutdown", which I suppose is true now.
  18. Currently downloading FONV and watching Lars and the Real Girl. Anyone have suggestions for mods?
  19. Depending on what you mean by regularly, well... you can do that without a missus. I would say you're using too much rum, but I'm currently drinking vodka out of a bottle so I don't think I can talk.
  20. Not really what I was expecting, but I'm still intrigued. Perhaps my Paladin will pick up a Cipher companion.
  21. Not if it is anything like the BGEE launch, or Atari gets pissy and doesn't let them patch it.
  22. GD, I find your excessive happiness unsettling. Currently haven't eaten anything today, might grab a sammich later on.
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