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About khango

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    In Memory of Genghis Khan
    (3) Conjurer

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    Programming, Data structures, Linux


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. I'm really confused by my Eder. He's *supposed* to be night market Eder. But he's weird about Xoti because she "doesn't really know about the truth of the gods" or something.
  2. I'd make a bug report about it in the technical support forum and see what they say.
  3. I can confirm it's impossible to unlock any levels with Paladin flames of devotion burn damage despite it supposed to be unlocked by burn damage. It won't even count any.
  4. Don't know if I'm missing something, but somehow he seems to immediately heal whatever damage is done to him. You can fight him for 90 years and keeps healing himself for 50+ points of health at a time. At first I thought my summons might be amplifying the effect, but he does the same thing 1v1 and my guy at max range.
  5. I see resolve (in a non-mechanical sense) as more of an unquenchable flame of motivation that constantly burns than a momentary explosion of willpower.
  6. I can't figure out how to properly selectively quote parts of your reply, so pardon if my response ends up awkwardly structured! I don't think my proposal say you *have* to invest in strength and con. It says that the average club performs better with a stronger and more sturdy wielder, not that clubs don't work at all with weak and unsturdy wielders. I guess where I'm taking issue is that I don't think flexibility is the same as all options being equal, or the same as only certain options being viable. I think a system is still flexible if multiple options are viable, but some options are still stronger than others. I don't seen a granularized system making a class/stat combo unviable, but I do think I see it making some class/stat combos stronger in particular playstyles (and this already seems to be the case, generally). And I think having multiple different stats effect things makes it harder for any stats to be wasted, not easier. I just don't see that happening at normal difficulty. Especially if the game gives weapons and abilities star ratings for characters the same way the game gives attributes for classes gold and silver stars. I really don't see it that way. Every system necessarily says some builds are better than others. Mine just says there are a lot more peaks in the mountain range of better builds. I don't think it's really random or arbitrary think "oh, this shield is humongous and heavy, you need a lot of might to move it" or "Oh, this blade is so small and fast that you can really move it quickly." People intuitively understand that there's a difference between a spear and a giant meat cleaver. Not to say that the "keep it simple stupid" thing doesn't have a point. But even if you like the "soul power" explanation of might, why should it apply to guns? I guess I feel like things behaving in an intuitive enough way that you don't need to look up the rules and know complicated behind the scenes stuff is generally better for the lowest-common-denominator experience than things behaving in a hypothetically simple but still need to look up the rules way.
  7. Honestly, from a simplicity perspective it doesn't really make things "simple" I suppose, but I do think it would be somewhat intuitive, and UI hinting could make it even more intuitive: like when you pick weapon proficiencies and spells they order themselves or get star ratings from most efficient to least efficient for your stats so there's immediate feedback about what works. That said, it does kill flexibility in the sense of yes, your low strength, low con, all perception all dex guy *will* have trouble using a 12 foot long 300 pound club. But I don't think this is a real problem, as the system is still flexible enough to generally create whatever kind of character you envision. And for what it's worth, I think intuitive things are pretty much as good as simple things for average players. I don't think the metagame trap problems you point to are real in Pillars. There are piles of unique and soulbond items of pretty much every type and there aren't choices that are so bad you're just screwed. In my first playthrough of POE1 on normal I finished the game using the Xuarup spear from the intro dungeon, I don't really think my suggestions would change that level of functionality on normal difficulty, and people playing POTD love delving into details and figuring stuff out. I do kind of have a hobby horse, though, as you've sort of suggested, which has its roots in POE1 with how guns and bows want the same stats and how rapiers often don't play well with the kind of character you'd pretend would use them (IMO). So yeah. And I do think my solution does address some of the issues with multiclassing: namely your stats would naturally create an overlap in good weapon choices and spell choices, because there would be subsets of each that care about the same attributes, rather than just making all spells bad or all weapons good, or both weapons and spells mediocre.
  8. Let's be honest: Why would strength/might or resolve matter much for using a firearm? Why would strength/might or resolve matter much for using a rapier? I think there should be a more complex system in place. Weapons, abilitiues/skills, spells, etc., should derive bonuses from the stats used to operate them. If a guy is a beefcake with an ogre sized club, said club is probably operating primarily off of strength and constitution. If a someone is wielding a rapier in full physical chess mode it's probably operating off of dexterity, perception, and intelligence. If a gal has a huge giant slab of metal shield that could stop a battering ram it's probably strength, constitution, and resolve. If a guy has a tiny buckler dancing from impact to impact it's probably operating off of dexterity and perception, and weak to attacks with overwhelming momentum and size. If a person is channeling a huge battlefield engulfing inferno that practically burns out of them perhaps they're operating off of fortitude and resolve. If a person is quickly casting a subtle spell with critical timing and a precise targeting required perhaps it's once again perception and dexterity to the rescue. If using a larger rifle perhaps fortitude (sound and recoil) and perception (accuracy) are everything for firing, but dexterity is everything for reloading. I don't think the solution to the problem with current strength/resolve situation is to have a universal damage stat. It's to make every single weapon, ability, spell, and similar effect get bonuses from the most relevant stats and derived stats. (That said, I do think small chances of random empowers from appropriate stats could work well as a general thing not tied to resolve, and I do like the idea of resolve shortening the duration of negative status effects. Tangentially, I also don't hate non-int stats potentially impacting AOE sizes, but generally that's because I think AOE size determination should check stats on a per ability basis as above: humongous club smacking with earth shaking force? Probably not Int based.)
  9. Yay! It would be awesome if there were tints at least ballpark close to all the default portrait skin/hair colors! Last I gave it a go there was at least one Orlan it was hard to match.
  10. Ah, I was confused by this I think. Had no idea why my moral was constantly dropping. So is rice pretty much the "basic" standard crew food?
  11. In terms of things that actually seem like bugs, no matter how long you sail your non-crew party members don't seem to rest or heal. It seems pretty weird. Like you can sail for months and they still have wounds/injuries. Not sure if there's a way to feed them while sailing that I'm missing or what. Another thing I'm confused about is moral. What makes it go up? Destroying/defeating other ships seems to make it go up, but otherwise does it just go down? (I seem to repeatedly end up with zero moral despite having supplies loaded on the ship, etc.)
  12. I've inconsistently encountered similar behavior, where my main char will swing for the whole fight (for example) without ever hitting anything or dealing damage.
  13. RE the second half of that: I mostly like the idea that there are things somebody who is an experienced X would notice or know that an inexperienced one wouldn't, but which aren't hugely gameplay altering, more so gameplay hinting. For example scorch marks in an area - maybe your experienced ranger can say from them it's a particular kind and age or size of dragon and a low level one could just generalize, or perhaps your wizard can tell a specific fire spell was used and that there was a wizard here previously etc. These things could come up in conversation ("We saw signs of a dragon" vs "We saw signs of a particularly large fire dragon" or "Someone cast fan of flames here" vs. "the area was burned"), get floating or recorded dialog ("fresh burn marks form an elder drake, look sharp"), etc. I guess to clarify I suppose I mean more class level than unused resources, though presumable not having enough class resources for the text adventure checks could already be a thing. RE the first half of it: I do think some of the existing power source naming conventions are okay, but others are pretty awkward. nature, mortification, and arcane all strike me as off. Eutierria seems better than Nature, for example, or maybe there's an older cleaner word. Even something like "Esoteric Knowledge," which is a bit cludgy seems like it'd be better than "arcane." Arcane is an adjective, not a thing you count or grow in. With mortification, what would grow is their ability to respond to and endure mortification, not mortification itself, so the name of the power source should probably refer to that ability rather than its stimulus - even something like serenity, contrition, suffering, or transcendence might barely pass muster. Mortification being the external act which is multiplied and magnified by the actual internal characteristic that a character has some level or degree of power in. And yeah, for arcane I guess you just say "arcane power level" and get by okay, but "mortification power level" is sort of a non-sequitur. Any case I don't mean to suggest that my ideas here are right, just that I think it needs to some coherence and consistency cleanup in the whole power level thing, particularly for "flavor reasons."
  14. I think the power level/power source system needs an overhaul for intuition/flavor myself. In my view they should be able to remove the words "power level" or "power source" from the game almost entirely. Instead, they should come up with better names for the "power sources" so that they come across more as character/class attributes that develop with experience. This works already for a couple power sources, like faith for priests. Priests deepen their faith. It's a natural attribute of a priest. The other "power sources" should be renamed similarly, as some of the current "power sources" are really clunky -- Psionics, Nature, Spirits, etc. These should all be renamed in a way that they can be seen as attributes of the character in natural language (much like faith). Using chanter as an example, they could increase their attunement, highlighting increasing abilities to sense and connect their narratives and chants to the latent spirit fragments around them. Chanters could then be highly attuned or deeply attuned, etc. And we then get a more clearly flavored picture of a character - L12 Celebrant, Faith - 4, Attunement - 8. (I don't remember how many levels of each this example should properly have.) I think it's very possible to come up with more attribute-like names for all the classes that currently have wonky/stiff/awkward ones. Related, I'd also like to see these class-related psuedoattributes (I see them as class specific hybrids of attributes and experience) be rewarded in particular quests. Maybe a chanter with a certain level of attunement can learn about a secret of some kind on a particular quest because they're attuned enough to hear an echo of a song long since gone in the spirits fragments there, or a quest pertaining to deep questions of the gods and faith has unique revelations based on how deep the faith of a priest is, etc.
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