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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Not with a Chanter and the right talents/skill I love the chanter with a certain chant that makes my gunner team kill things while my shieldbearer goes on and tanks narrow space, but even he sometimes need more melee and interrup support for tings that hit VERY HARD but slow
  2. @Sensuki I have a BIG request, since you did the most beta testing out there, (probably more than any Obs employee too ) would it be possible for you to make a list of which talents do not stack with each other, if there are any?
  3. I experience the same... it is annoying to be honest, 1 because constant particle effects, 2 because i have no idea if it does not mess something up But apparently save and load removes it from the character sheet
  4. Yeah, I was sooo much sad of not seeing the chick with a gun in the game I had to give the gun to the other priest companion but it does not feel the same
  5. Part banter - ok, but do not overdo it No romance plz - it is really good as it is now, i like it much better, for online dating of freaks go to Bioware plz Sure, I'd love to, buuuut, that would mean we would have to move to different parts of the world or some other "plane" for a time I'd love to see more environmental effects, like the ones that were planned initially (animated grass and water, etc), weather like rain etc would be nice too Are you F stupid? there is 1 - I will spell it ONE, white male companion which FITS the area of the story.... are you on drugs or something? - besides get your ass of the representations, if they want, they could make ALL party members like that if it makes sense, same like they can make all vallian republics representation or other stuff. No respec - pick and live with it. you have plenty of options for design and enough time on level ups to think about what you are choosing. Obviously once going up in levels you will get more powerful spells and abilities in the expac.
  6. So wait. If we change this that he was so stoned he thought he get laid with a beauty and when he woke up it was some ugly fat woman it would be ok? I mean it is a ****ing joke. Get over it.
  7. Slowmode just make animations take longer, so I will still suffer with the same small number of "turns" to finish the combat. What I want is have to cast 3 or 4 skills from every member of the party before killing everything, at least on medium fights. Right now, as I said before, you start the combat, choose one initial skill and probably thats it, you or the creatures will be dead before another "round". The reason for that is to make sure that you will complete the area with the limited supplies so there is a number of engagements that will require little to no use of specials and per rest skills but there are also fights where you need to blow almost everything you have to overcome them. It is good as it is.
  8. I think the only problem i see with the stats is dychtomy between what they were meant to represent and how they are used in dialogs... might is used only as strenght and str intimidation choices. While it should be so much more.
  9. The only dungeon i backtrack is the one beneath the stronghold. There is a reason for having your own comfy stronghold bedroom. It only makes sense to backtrack for free rest. No other dungeon or wilderness area made backtrack. I did reload an encounter occasionally.
  10. How the hell? I am 30h in and i barely reached Dyrwood and have 8 levels of dungeon done with my crew at lvl 8s. Granted i think Ive done all the quests west and south west of stronghold so i am not sure how much side content is left
  11. it does not say anything about difficulty, so... create munchkin part of custom chars and breeze through the main quest avoiding all optional fights when you can (to not get HP dmgs)
  12. it seems someone forgot how BG played.... over there there was not even an engagement or AoO to help you out with guys focusing your squishies (although AI could ahve been exploited by single pulling and only tih mods you would see how difficult the game would be, since it would make AI actually TARGET your backlines if possible) there are old tactics still valid like holidng narrow spaces (unless teleporting enemies) or using engagement tools like fighters abilities or talents) to keep enemy at bay... personally i prefer TB games, for various reasons but this RTwP system is good enough to enjoy the combat. Revisit your strategy and positioning is the first advice, the second advise is to pay attention to what DRs enemies have during the combat when you use different dmg types to them and capitalize on that, use combat log A LOT if you are playing first time on higher difficulties, you will see the needed details and can adjust your tactics. ALSO make sure you have various physical dmg types covered in your party. I have no idea what else to tell you... the game and system are good (even the engagement system), so.....
  13. For full voice acting of this game you would need to have stretch goal of 10-15mln and have it in development for another 6months if not more Basically create the game then do the voice acting and even then some dialogs could be revisited. I already saw some dialogs where what the actor said was not word to word with what was written.
  14. Expert mode doesn't really make combat harder. Maiming doesn't matter if you don't die in the first place, AoE highlights and defense tooltips are a memory, not tactical challenge, and I'm not sure about combat tooltips, but I assume they aren't terribly useful for people who know what they're doing. I can assure you that aiming 120 degree cones or some AoE spells can be difficult if you have no range highlights, you usually end up with selection of Foe only or friendly only AoEs and single target spells, because aside of the first opening "round" it is hard to aim, unless you are door blocking
  15. It seems fine if you go with the NPCs and RPish character (so no obvious min/max). If you are a min/max plaeyr at heart and want to run custom party, go PotD.
  16. Well now. It's still weird that is the default setting. Seems like it should be the other way around if there is a toggle for it. well i guess it followed with default setting for modern game where you have such checks displayed when available (showing the min required), that's why there are toggles and use them to make your experience most memorable
  17. yes, it's doable, I picked expert mode for my first play and aiming of the spells is kind of ugh.... I guess I got spoiled by later games like NWN, but for some reason I can't well estiamte when my group will be hit by the edge of my 120 degree cone and when it won't, etc. I feel that I should have picked normal mode with everthing ticked off except AoE of spells, but there is quite a few options there
  18. use positioning and engagement system, also AoE spells are your friend (such as blind). Combat is good, but unlike IE games you cant abuse single pulling mosnters from a pack abusing LoS. use doorways and other narrow spaces, get a fighter and engage 3 targets at once with defensive posture, etc. it is not Dragon Age....
  19. this is one thing I do not get,, does expert mean I have to estimate the angle at which I want to throw the spell or radius of fireball? I mean i like other things, but this makes no sense...
  20. I am loving the game, but damn those teleporting shadows when i decided to check one ruin.... OMG, well and there was a certain bear I wanted to solo test my mettle at lvl 2... my ass is still sore from that spanking
  21. AMAZING GAME, GJ cant wait for my expac and PoE2 and 3 and 10 and so on..... (what, the world has many areas and stories to be told, no?)
  22. Where did you find it? I'm on the 250 tier and my page looks like this: No option to redeem the digital stuff Did you really post your steam key on the forum?
  23. I wonder, will there be any twitch stream with the launch party?
  24. I am waiting with my thanks until I will actually play the game :D (although handling the physical stuff *with a terminator like face expression shakes his fist angrily at the Obsidian folks *)
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