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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. To me "realistic" means coherent, consistent and following principles of logical creation. Sure there might be magic and stuff but given these circumstances the world develops around these features. The economy might be different than the middle ages but there still has to be an economy that makes sense otherwise there would be no merchants etc. Magic might surpress the development of science and engineering in certain fields but then it would move forward in other fields. (Who needs medicine if you can be healed with magic etc.). There are also matters of developing racial features. I doubt that beings that live 1000years would behave in the same way as beings with 80yrs lifespan.
  2. I don't know, DnD has years of development behind it, but to me 3,5 is still best. The first two were a bit odd in some parts, 4 was more like a system for an MMORPG game, I have no idea how the 5th looks like, but people agree that its better than 4th.
  3. I voted 2. 1st - I'd rather not deal with extra customs or potentially misplaced/lost disc on shipment #2 2nd - as a few people stated here already. It will be a huge bummer for collectors and possible future value of the boxed versions, especially the CE ones 3rd - I do not even live at the address Ive given. It's my old family house used to stash various physical goodies, where one of my parents still lives. Being 9 timezones away from there currently, would make resolving any possible issues.with double shipment extremely difficult. For playing the game I will be using the digital Steam version so as long asnI get the code on the release day I have no problems with getting a full shipment later on. Perhaps an opt out option can be taken into consideration?
  4. If they can make the DM client and world building+mod friendly on par with the original NWN I will buy it in an instant just to get back into those player made big worlds, but if it is just 4players with DM client (so 4v1) I will skip it unless the SP will get rated awesome.
  5. how can there be a "spy vs spy" selection missing?
  6. reminds me of this though
  7. i believe you missed the first sentence there... there is a difference between attention whores and mass murderers
  8. the moment women start to demand equal parity as earth drillers i will support them, for now I am ignoring both extremes. BTW, why is this still going, like 99% of normal populace is not even caring about this. Ignoring attention whores is the best remedy for them. The moment you start arguing with them you give them legitimacy
  9. Endless space combat is the only thing that turns me away from the game. Sword of the Stars is still best after Master of Orion series for me for space TB 4x mainly due to combat being superiror to other games while strategic layer is good too. Shame they messed up SotS2.
  10. 16 hours did seem like a bit much but Romance is an important part of the dark and mature world of the Witcher so we should be expecting some decent Romance arcs and opportunities you mean detailed pixelled sex scenes?
  11. another 2 things.... There is much higher crime rate among the "black" populace Such accidents hitting on "black" populace get super fast and high attention of various medias, because "racism"... if it happens to whites/latino/chineese etc. it's usually an accident, and not so hot for media.
  12. The problem appears there because of 2 factors. USA has a high populace (324mln) That population has a very easy access to various guns If I would be a police officer in USA I would also be more trigger itchy than I would be if I was an EU police officer. You need to realize that in many cases if the real gun would be involved, the policeman would be able to verify in 100% if the suspect has a gun or not probably at the moment when the other person would be already aiming it at the officer and was about to pull the trigger, leaving obviously the police officer at the disadvantage, because he would generally have to pray that the first shot or burst is inaccurate. You won't be able to change the regulations for the police in US until the moment you change the laws regarding access to fire arms and then remove the guns from the vast majority of the population. In EU, even though it is around 500mln ppl in populace, you see such accidents less frequently, but the population of EU is not armed to the teeth as if the world war just ended.
  13. Meh... to be honest I do not see what was there that would qualify this as higher than PG-13.... they at most had been only in a two part swimming suit. Cartoons get more exposed figures than what we had in the thread.
  14. I thought that the previous line of this thread was best on the whole forum, but this one beats it by a mile and more.. KUDOS (uhhh i shiver in fright at the mere possibility of seeing a glimpse of exposed female skin)
  15. well, if you cant properly balance PvP from the get-go and it takes ages to do patches, then you can't be subs model, I remember i quit after my 90 days sub, because the PvP was broken in terms of balance and PvP was what got me into the game after the beta tests. This was my first and probably last MMO, not counting the Star Citizen, which for me is a quasi-MMO
  16. yeahm the sad part is it is pay to "win/have any fun" all the time from what i heard (maps, units etc.)
  17. Kappa? LOL are you serious with that japan or is that some trollish attempt
  18. mm this went under the radar for me http://www.daedalic.de/en/game/Blackguards_2 available today..
  19. hmm, based from the screens protect the plants comes down to protect harvestable food sources, BUT i might be wrong.
  20. #Coolfactor #Drama more important on the strategy factor - they were surrounded, so i guess their best bet was to charge one way and break through the surround to either retreat or gain a better position
  21. I loved the trailer, but gameplay was a bit lacking
  22. Well, you can argue about various things, but the fact is, that after the recent anti-terrorist action in Belgium, Belgian government decided to release military on the streets in Brussels and Antwerp to "protect" possible targets of highly probable terrorist response to the anti-terrorist raids.
  23. because physical goods can take quite an amount of money when you need to produce them, and then deliver on their own cost. Not to mention all the other logistic hurdles.
  24. Well the riots are not only in Nigeria. We are talking about mass riots in around 15 other countries, including attacks on embassies, churches and places related to France. Quite a few officials from Middle-East called the new drawing irresponsible etc. yeah, muslism, much peace, so wow....
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