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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Not sure what the voing is like but here re my types: 1) Hearthstone or Shadow of Mordor 2) Most likely Blizzard 3) No idea 4) I know only Hearthstone form that list 5-7) Can't say Probably Valliant Hearts 9) Wolfenstein I guess, but Titanfall seemed good too 10) Would love Alien, but it is not that actiony, so probably MiddleEarth 11) I would say Divinity, because Southpark is well Southpark 12-14) No idea 15) Hearthstone, because others do not offer anything unique from other FPS games in that regard. 16) dunno 17) The Witcher 3 18) I'd say either Fy or Get_Right, just because of the skill required in those games. I'd say that Fy plays made his team win over 5mln USD during the year though. 19) NewBee - they were 1 game from elimination in the group stages, and then went on to winning 5+ mln USD during The International 4. That is a story about team spirit and resolve, especially in a tourny that offers this much money for the first place. 20-21) I have no idea.
  2. You mean the one that hated jews? BTW, i though this thread is about pics of women
  3. There you have it, they think that women are more vulnarable than men, and they can wear what they want while men cannot. Thus we have to judge a book by its cover. I am extremely dissapointed. Do a check to see who forms the RAS. Check their positions, affilation, pay and credentials. Then laugh. This Political Correctness stuff is just retarded. It intimidates people and organizations into acting like retards, because they do not want to deal with raging idiots...
  4. I don't know how to feel about this situation, but I do find putting forward accusations after so many years a bit odd. For one, you are not going to prove anything, even if something happened. You are basically just slandering someone and putting yourself at a risk of getting sued for this. Second, I do not know anything about the women in question here, and I would not be surprised if this is their way to get some air time and cash. Yes, people can be like this, especially when it comes down to show business and people who got cash only for their looks. (why do you think models try to marry off rich people? Have you ever seen in media a model that married a casual guy working as salesman or accountant?) I would not be surprised however if this would be the truth, because show business is full of situations where someone goes to bed with someone else just to get some favors and move forward his/her career (yes, guys also sleep with bat **** ugly women producers or explore their gay side). I would not be surprised however that they would be also false accusations, because he said that he can boost her career, went to bed with her and she did that willingly, but then he just forgot about her and now it's her way of getting revenge, because being a victim of a sexual assault is so mainstream.
  5. unfortunately it's a bad way of moving in that direction. It's now easier to false accuse someone and it moves the legal dogma into "accused is guilty until proven otherwise", which is kinda of unique in the whole legal system that is otherwise based on "not guilty until proven guilty". You can still do what you want to do, through education and making her aware of dangers. Prevention is better than treatment, and this bill does not promote prevention, but introduces a treatment that can be abused. drink responsibly, don't overuse drugs, make sure that you always have cash for taxi home stashed or some good friend/family to pick you up, stay with your friends when in a new place and some more general safety rules. IMO saying "No" is enough when you don't feel like it, and if someone does not get that rule, it won't change with the "need to hear yes" rule, but this opens big and ugly door for abuses. Not to mention that it moves the flirting into a bit akward situations. I can quote myself with the previous example: Remember that you have to make sure that the girl will now avidly and visibly nod in public and/or say yes "you can kiss me and put a hand on my butt" in a bar for college students or campus dorm/house party. Best if you can record it too!
  6. The details are always complicated. Imagine your girlfriend video taped you and her having sex while she was somewhat intoxicated. The next day she would basically own you. She could go to the police and have you arrested for rape. So yes, how drunk is important. If a law can be exploited; it usually is. I guess another simple lesson would be don't stick your junk in crazy. Lol. You may not know how crazy she is until it's too late. I don't have much faith in the competence of the state, but I suspect the intoxication level will be reasonable; if not the bill will be repealed after the first person is convicted of rape over a swig of beer. I believe it was already researched a couple of posts above, and it needs to be in "incapacitation" level of drunk, but then, they should perhaps inform the public that it's about being incapacitated through any means, inlcuding drugs, alcochol etc. and not just drunk, druged, cause these can vary in reception perspective. Still there is the part with active affirmation and explicit positive consent with each step, and that is comedy gold.
  7. it's perfect, they just needed to add a close up on torso up and a wobble animation with the guy having a lasso and cowboy hat on.
  8. It's not as simple as you may want to make it out to be considering that there is an entire industry (bars) built, in part, around the idea of people getting drunk and having sex. Remember that you have to make sure that the girl will now avidly and visibly nod in public and/or say yes "you can kiss me and put a hand on my butt" in a bar for college students or campus dorm/house party. Best if you can record it too!
  9. I think the measure of how drunk you need to be will be pretty high. I assume the law is meant to deal with cases were the victim is effectively passed out. Such a case happened in the army a few years back if I recall correctly. Well I do not know the precise details of the bill and if it covers what is drunk, or is it the standard drunk as per limits to drive a car. If it is near pass out the state of drunk, then indeed we are talking about a nearly unconcious person, which then indeed is effectivly a sexual assault/rape, but if it is the same as in case of being qualified as intoxicated for the purposes of driving a car, then we have a rather stupid legal situation. Not to mention that by the letter of the law both people need to actively agree on each consequent step (kiss, grope, strip, etc.). No better way to kill the magic of the whole intimate situation. Following this rule to the letter, the sex will look like in a comedy with Leslie Nielsen if both sides will want to avoid a potential accusation of sexual assault after they will break with each other... I am all for making sure that the real sexual assault problem is resoved, but this is not the way to do it... This just gives legal basis for a lot of moronic sues and can be more damaging than helpful Here is the original article where I read about this. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29406138
  10. LOL I can't ****ing believe it... Bioware please... No wonder the founders left the company. If I would have to put my name for such a steaming pile of Bull**** I'd leave as well...
  11. Hey, ths material is not particularly related to gaming, but I found this absurd by browsing some general search results on absurds on "femnizm". It is related to the bill that passed in California, US at the end of September. ______________________________ "Yes means yes" is the first law in a US state to make the language of affirmative consent a central principle of school sexual assault policies. The rule defines consent as "an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity." Lawmakers say, however, that consent can be non-verbal, if it is unambiguous. The aim is to improve the way that campuses deal with accusations of sexual assault, and to challenge the notion that victims of sexual crimes need to have resisted assault in order to have valid complaints. The legislation also says that silence or a lack of resistance do not constitute consent. Under the bill, someone who is drunk, drugged, unconscious or asleep cannot grant consent. ______________________________ I do not mean to belittle the problem of real sexual assaults, but this is just some ridiculous idea... Soon perhaps you will have to get a written contract co-signed by a witness before having sex and overseen by a camera in the room, which makes sure that you will not do something not covered by the contract... Are these people stupid or something? Things like this make me wish for the 3rd World War.... I am sure that the casual making out (kissing, gropping, etc.) in a bar or house party after having the some drink would be also under the rule of his bill, and it's even funnier when both sides can bounce back the ball, since both were drinking... also, what's the way of measuring that someone was intoxicated or not? blood samples taken before having sexual activities with the person of interest? Is a glass of wine too much? a beer? a bottle of vodka? what about people with higher tolerance or lower tolerance for alcochol? I don't recall a situation in my life where I would first "kiss" any girl without the presence of alcochol... there always was either some fancy drink, or at least a couple of glasses of wine... you have sex when fully sobber when you know each other for some time, but the first contacts are usually made in presence of alcochol, because the social situations leading to opportunities of meeting someone and knowing someone better are usually linked to alcochol... the only exception is when a said person is a complete abstinent but these kind of people are a mariginal minority within the regular western society (i do not know such people personally and I am myself a person who does not drink much)... People creating such laws need to really stop smoking crack and doing meth, cause their brain damage is affecting a lot of people... So back on topic, any new twitter fights of SJW and GG over a cartoonish flesh flash?
  12. well, death spells worked both ways. Besdisdes you had summons, control spells, could kite with ranged, had missle immunity etc. It wasn't a simple gear and level check like in the MMO type games, or god awful Diablo 3... You could use tactics to overcome the level and gear difference. Big brute? set traps. Nimble ****, use control spells or meat shield summons and pile up on the thing. and many many more. there was of course a chance to use death spells to kill living things, like finger of death, or even desintegration. Easiest way to check the power level of a creature unknown to you was just run in summons first and see what it does...
  13. I've just discovered this thread... I am fairly confident that it is the best thread across all the forums
  14. And who the F is this? Never heard of this person. Can kiss my ass and then suck it for what its worth. She's a Gamasutra journalist who became notable because she's especially blunt and cruel in her tweets. Other things she's tweeted about in the past have involved another racist tweet, essentially bragging about ending someone's career, and I guess what you'd call power trip taunts. To me, the most interesting thing about her is the story where she wrote a book, a company offered to publish it, and then later when the very same company responsible for her book being published went and published another guy's book which had ideologies opposed to her own, she felt justified in "pirating" her own book and making it free online so that the very people who paid her for her book would not see any returns or profit off of her book....and then she bragged about this publicly on stage. Newsflash, half of the world is blunt and cruel. I suspect that if you would piss off some tramp in any bigger city she would look like an angel with whatever she writes. It's just the mark of the current age that any "tramp" can become a journalist, because "interwebz". I am fairly sure that if I would create a blog and list my uncensored thoughts over there and lin them to some "gamer sites", I'd get a massive coverage within days.... but maybe not, cuse I am not a woman... From what you wrote, for me she is just your typical standard stupid cow (I fear to use other word because SJW...) and I could not care less... If not for the internet no one would ever hear of her, because she is too dumb to achieve anything and her only saving grace is that she is a decent looking woman in gaming journalism... and since I am not in the "passionate gamers" demographics, I never heard of her and proably half a dozen more of similar dumbasses. I am even amazed with myself that I decided to participate in this sort of discussion on the internet, but I guess the T-shirt dramma ticked me off in a wrong way decently enough to push me to this sort of action.
  15. And who the F is this? Never heard of this person. Can kiss my ass and then suck it for what its worth.
  16. You are clearly a historian, thank you for your insight. wow, and you are truely a reflection of the typical american, thanks for the enlightning comment.
  17. This is actually hilarious. :D He takes some of valid concerns, and twists them so bad, that it's hilarious. And what's with that drinking act in his video? :D Now, history likes to repeat itself and I have no idea, why so many people think we are immune now to the fallings of the past, especially the very young and naive Americans, who have very short history and suddenly they think they are the best thing the world has ever seen.... Read some about the actual empires that lasted for several centruries and how life was then. I can assure you that very little divides ancient romans and modern "western" society aside of tech and view on slavery, and we all know how Rome ended. Also some food for thought in this comic: http://www.highexistence.com/amusing-ourselves-to-death-huxley-vs-orwell/
  18. Still no balance changes....
  19. BruceVC I think you get things twisted around. It cannot create impression that feminizm is bad, the voting is a reflection of general public sentiment. If it is downvoted, it means that general populace has enough of the overuse of the word and wiping a bad mouth with it everytime when you try to justify hateful spite. It would not mean that the concept of feminizm as a movement for equality and equal chances is bad. Fanatism is bad though and justifying it with "feminizm" is even worse. The removal of the word from the vote only reinforces the bad image of the "feminizm". Also, why for example not remove things like equality, freedom, and other similar concepts and make the sole exception for "feminizm"?
  20. They removed it from the poll? Cowards. I know, right? I'd call for freedom of speech and tell them to go F... themselves because I am not remoing any word.
  21. DeathAdder or Mamba from Razer are good ones that I can recommend. I have not used LogiT for a while, but they can have some good ones too, like MX550
  22. Hmm I had to take a look at my games libraries to actually select the games: 1) X:COM EW Long War mod - I know it's not a game on iself, but comining the excellent mod with the excellent base game, makes the whole pckage beyond awesome 2) Might & Magic X Legacy - it is really a super good game for the cost and coming from Ubisoft O.o 3) Wasteland 2 - Even though I feel like it's a weaker Fallout Tactics, it has story elements which are better than that game. I hope they can make the game better with some expansion and bring better cover/LoS mechanics and give various stances and body part aiming, and implement stealth mechanics. Plus make ARs less of an ultimate weapon and balance out importance of each CLASIC stat 4) Divinity: OS - great game, wouild like to see better RP elements though, the original was really lacking on NPCs part. Overall amazing game 5) Shadowrun: Dragonfall - amazing, want more of it... the only complain is that it's too short 6) Blackguards - a good game, but missed some potential, I don't really like the leveling system, and that they made finease weapons lackluster (not full mplementation of wounding). 7) Total War: Rome 2 - it had its problems at the launch, but now it is a really good game, especially with all the DLCs, and I need to compliment CA for adding some Free LCs as well and 15 patches... Age of Wonders 3 - a good game, not as good as the earlier AoW - Shawdow Magic, but still a good game 9) Endless Legends - on going, but looks really good. I am glad i supported them va Early Access 10) The Banner Saga - a fun game There are some honorable mentions too: Legends of Grimrock 2 - even though i hate spell casting system (same like in the first game) it is a good game Company of Heroes 2 - aside of some controversies about the russians, it is a good game... I miss a proper DoW though Middleearth - Shadows of Mordor - cant play it fully yet, cause of my recent traveling schedule and having only a laptop Alien:Isolation - cant play it fully yet, cause of my recent traveling schedule and having only a laptop
  23. Got to love VPNs. Only thing is I'm a bit worried about Twitch banhammering me for streaming DA3 before it's actually unlockable in the US of A. does that break game's EULA? if not, you are fine IMO
  24. Going off to other countries and telling people there how to conduct their business is pretty much the definition of white saviorism, yes. Without a wider cultural context you'll most definitely lack as an outsider, it's generally considered to be quite rude to start attacking other people's culture. For example, I've heard most african feminists actually consider the issue of genital mutilation to be somewhat low on their priority list, even though most of us would think of that as something that has to be stopped immediately (admittedly, I am very much uneducated on the subject). If they had successful and rich people in abundance, who are also incredibly forthcoming with their opinions, they'd hardly count as "oppressed" groups, wouldn't they? I know this might sound strange, but the plight of Mr. Taylor holds essentially zero interest to the large majority of people in the world (me included, actually). So in other words you do not want to affect the culture there, which might be brutal and inhuman? The whole pont of education is to improve upon behaviors and drive cultural development. We could say that 150 yers ago, slavery and heavy male dominance was a part of our culture, so why change it? You admit that there are movements there that want to improve the rights of the opressed, but you deny them the active support THERE, where they need additional hands and minds. The culutral differences on priorities can be worked with an resolved through conusltation with the local movements for equality. You refute the big picture problem of oppression and inequality through the difficulty in understanding the local culture and the priorites for local populations in their drive for equality. Does it sound like a real person who is willing to work on equality and general egalitarian rights? Hmm... lets see... USA has a black president, has women on important positions in various areas of culutral and social life and their words carry equal weight then those who they are allegidly oppressed by... and these people do not participate in the "SJW fanatics" bashing actions. I ask "why"? Because in reality most of the SJW are puny little people with the big "L" on their Curriculum Vitae, and they look for reasons for their failures everywhere else than themselves and compensante by bshng on other people, because now they can under veils of PC. If I will see a person prosecuted for their beliefs, gender, race or sexual orientation I will be among these who defend them, but the actions like the one with the T-shirt is an example of taking things to retarded extremes, which should be shunned in the same way like those prosecutions I mentioned. There is a line between equal rights and opportunites and fight for extra benefits and recognition as an organized group. I feel like this line was crossed quite a few years ago, and is now heading toward unhealthy absurd. We already had the same thing in the past with employees unions. The origins were just and they driven for much needed employees rights, but at some point they just became organizations that want more benefits for their associates in comparison to non-unions.
  25. I've reread the article in question, and have failed to see any mention of him being blamed for tha harrassment of others. It mentions the fact that he was allowed to give an interview in said clothing as indicative of a larger problem in the industry, not him having any sort of malicious intent with it. So, erm, yeah. Oh yes, poor white christian males are the most oppressed members of our society. To arms, people! Thank you for opening my eyes, kind sir, thank you! But to address some of your points (?), while I certainly won't be up in arms to protect poor, oppressed Christians who have no representation in popular media and no voice in the public consciousness at all, I just as certainly won't mock and deride those Christians who decide to voice their complaints about the artist's work. Re: skimpy LGBT people running around half-naked, there's a difference between people doing something (say, running around half-naked in public spaces) in their own free time, and doing the same thing as representatives of a professional community. Also, were said LGBT people to whine about getting arrested and fined because there are laws forbidding running half-naked in public spaces, then yes, the fault would be with them for not looking up whether what they intend to do is illegal or not. Yupp, running off to play White Savior in other countries has always worked so well. If Atlas Shrugged any harder, he'd fall off his father's ****ing couch, amirite? I will not get into the religious stuff, so I will leave the "white christian" stuff out. Where did I say "white savior"? Go and educate, show advantages, emphasize the HUMAN BEING being equal one to another, show the importance of equal chances, protest THERE about the porsecutions and rally up people THERE by building arguments. But for you going there is equivalent to militant "white savior" apparently. not sure what you want to achieve with last part, but whatever. If I am wrong, please show me a successful and rich personality of the allegidly "opressed" that would bash the likes of the poor Tshirt guy.
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