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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. If you want casual experience play on EASY.. it even says in the hints, that playing on normal is not easy.... you just dont have to min max
  2. To be honest i encountered 2 bugs myself.. TWO - one is the insect swarm spell cast from certain NPC enemies. two - game froze on the dialog launch once i defeated the last enemy. I would say it is a pretty good recrod for the game of this magnitude within limited budget.
  3. Btw just because some kind of a joke or satire comic is poor it does not give you the right to remove it. We had a situation in France where a satirical magazine was attacked over arguably provoking satirical comics. Still even that something might look stupid and provoking it does not give the right to remove it.
  4. But it's not stupid. It brings up the actually very valid point within the concept of crowdfunder-made content of what constitutes offensive content and how should the company regulate their crowdfunded content. The point is. It is not offending. It is not a hate speech. It falls exactly into the same category where comedians make jokes about men, wives, and various ethnical/national groups... I repeat it is not a hate speech. Just because a bunch of idiots overreacted it does not mean it is offending. It falls into the same.category of absurd as the ShirtGate...
  5. there might be some skill / stat requirements for this, i have no idea, i played on expert mode, but it is possible.
  6. only the phrase is unaffected, because they build up a number of chants for the spells. the spells durations are affected by it though, so it is working as intended
  7. well, the in world animancy is in its infant stage, from what was pointed out in the game, Aedyr banned it, Vallian republics allow and Dyrford is divided on it although suspicious about it. The reason why Thaos wants it to be removed is that Engwithian gods are basically the result of advanced animancy, so he wants it to never develop beyond the current stage. If at the same time he can empower his patron while discrediting a potential future threat, why not to do this? Thaos has a perspective of a few thousand years, so it is better for him to strt working on removing animancy earlier than later.
  8. Do you mean Niah, the person who sent me on the quest in the first place? She isn't at the spot where she first gave me the quest anymore, near the lighthouse. I can't find her anywhere at the docks. I haven't killed Lilith yet, I was hoping that I didn't have to. yes, talk to Niah first, she should be around there.
  9. I think you just want the failsafe to be Eothas, while a lot points to that he was just a mere Engwithian construct, but i guess until Josh will tell that himself yo will stay on your belief. I trust that there is the failsafe there still, but it is the sole existence of souls and The Wheel as the cycle for those souls. We also know NOTHING about the cosmology, i.e. how the planet looks, how the universe was created, etc. so there is a lot of potential for the existence of "real higher power" and that is the failsafe itself. The game also points to ponder on the question, "what if all that you believed in was proved to be false?" would you maintain integrity, would you still follow your way of life? perhaps you would try to find the real higher power and believe that you are still rewarded with better existence in the next cycle when you will move through the Wheel. It also ask the question, what if we would come to the point of being able to play as gods. Again, failsafe is already there, it is just not Eothas.
  10. the point is, he would invalidate the whole point of Engwithians found no gods point made by Ivonia point and she would know about his existence, again, he broke their internal rules and was dismantled/destroyed for that. If Magran knew how to destroy it it ought to be one of them and not some god who would "merely" interact with them. THAT said, it does not mean that there are no "real gods" in the setting, since the religions as you pointed out, existed before and during Engwithian times and the sole existence of the souls and The Wheel indicates that there might be real higher power(s) behind all that. It's just that Eothas is not within that kind of true higher power.
  11. proceed with the story, eventually you will get invited
  12. I believe there is a failsafe even if you manage to piss off all three major factions
  13. Do you have evidence for this? Cause if so, I missed it. Aside of him being mentioned together with Hylea, being mentioned in the revolt vs Woedicka, and being killed by Magran because he broke their internal rule.... not much i guess.
  14. Well as far as Eothas is concerned, he is/was an Engwithian construct, but that does not mean that there is not higher power and "true gods/god" in the setting. After all Engwithians did not create the Wheel, they only discovered it and managed to establish a high level of control what allowed them to play the role of gods.
  15. well correct me if I am wrong, but The Wheel existed before the Engwithian "gods" right? It might be funny, when it will appear later on, that there in fact is some kind of higher power that engineered the souls and wheel cycle, but is beyond the reach of comprehension even of the "construct gods". After all Engwithians merely achieved immensivly great animancy proficiency but they are not behind the creation of the Wheel and the circulation of souls as well as the way the souls were created. They can influence their flow and how the Wheel behaves, but they are not behind the creation of the cycle. At some point souls had to be created in one way or another. We have little knowledge of how religions behaved in Engwithian time,s but there were religions, yet we have only a one perspective on them, Thaos' perspective, and Ivonia is very vague about her refound true faith other than say that there are no gods (or that the Engwithian gods are not gods). Is it possible that there were miracles happening before the Engwithian gods were created? I say, yes, but we have no knowledge about it, nor on how the souls and the world was created. So there is still place for a REAL higher power, but it would probably not be as responsive as the construct gods, and probably more in line what we have in real life and be a subject to speculations rather than facts, even though there sometimes are events that go beyond our current understanding of the world
  16. talk to the wannabe owner when you take the log book, then she will send you to the pirate capitan with dialog line unlocked
  17. To be honest, i barely noticed simple profanities like the F bomb words, they appeared a few times but they felt there as in the right place and the dialog would feel not the same without them, i.e. artificial. The do use other methods of word play and vocabulary that may also be offensive but those are not your average street slang phrases :D
  18. i LOLed In Short: It’s almost entirely backwards-looking, and the characterisation is disappointingly dry, but for fans of Baldur’s Gate and its era this will have you partying like it’s 1998. Pros: A huge adventure with great art and world design. Highly complex character creation and combat, as well as every opportunity to resolve incidents without violence. Cons: Plot and characters make little real impression and writing is overly serious. Zero innovation, even though the original games were known for it. Extremely difficult
  19. tbh the only thing I do not like is the accuracy affecting the spells... you already have to work with Friendly Fire AoEs and then you realzie that you cant even hit them (deflecting magic missiles, really?!)
  20. you can still finish Od Nua, but it is painfully hard now and a lot of reloads for the last boss ( i like that he is hard, but the problem i have is the low amount of spells and abilities that can evne tickle him due to super sky rocket high defenses and his abilities doing 200 dmg a pop in huge AoE). If the magic missile type of spells affected the boss it would be great, but since they are all deflection they just generally suck hard and there is no tank that can surive that kind of dmg output unless you will cheese it through some summons and first do the non-hostiel dialog to kill charming adds. I like the idea that the boss is slow so yuo thoeretically can kit it, but first you need to survive the initial phase and kill all adds and then be left with something that can deal dmg
  21. well it was showing to you what would it be if you'd be in Myth Drannor :D
  22. let me guess, you spam rest each combat and use all the spells?
  23. to be honest, I do not like the fact that there are magical attacks that can be "deflected", I understand that the dmg might be reduced if i is not raw, but I heavily dislike the fact that magic missile type spells can be deflected, the reflex, fort and will are ok, but the deflection checks need to go....
  24. Most of revenue at least, profit depends much of how company uses their money and their other sources of revenue. So it is possible that Paradox makes more profit from PoE even though they get smaller piece of revenue because of their larger overall revenue, although at end that is just accounting game that has real meaning only those who get part of company's profits. All that PoE gets, SHOULD be now clear profit (since they already had the costs covered by the KS), although some of it probably goes into patching activities and some rebalancing, but nothing major I would assume. NOW, i am sure they are already working on expansion, so i can get it before Xmas this year :D and then the probably started brainstorming on PoE 2, where to go from the ending of PoE and maybe revisit some of the mechanics
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