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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. I'd like to see both construction and recruitment options. If I build a temple, there should be several options for priests to recruit for said temple, do I build a bazaar style market with many merchants selling a variety of things, or larger fancier shops selling less variety, but more specialised items. Do I recruit the seedy bartender who will run the local tavern as a front for criminal activity in exchange for a cut, or someone higher class who will run a top notch eatery. As much customization as is doable, with as much depth as possible. Make sure there are plenty of connected quests. For securing resource supplies, relations with neighbors, threats, etc. Ideally what I would like is for your stonghold to be Big Big City 2.
  2. No more stretch goals. Whatever extra can be safety net for unexpected issues or more QA. Or they can look into how much activision wants for the arcanum rights and make that the new stretch goal.
  3. For crafting I would much rather quest for pieces of legendary items to assemble them than being able to build me a generic longsword. I mostly ignore crafting in a lot of games. Except Skyrim, but mostly because very quickly your crafted equipment is at least twice as good as the strongest stuff you find adventuring.
  4. This was my problem with both the Richard Donner Krypton and Edoras in the LOTR movies. Krypton was a barren rock without atmosphere, how would an advanced civilization develop there? And Edoras was built on a hill in the middle of nowhere with rocky hills around it and the nearest water source several miles in the distance. Terrible land for hunting or farming and way too far from water. There is a reason most major cities are on rivers.
  5. Nwn2 at old owl well. I think right after that it gets good. If I remember right.
  6. I would prefer a city built into a mountain. Part of the city in the foothills, part of it carved into the rock face, and part under the mountain itself. Think Minas Tirith with half of it spread out more on the bottom and within the mountain itself. You could even have the underground lake inside the mountain spilling out the side with a river running through the city.
  7. they've said they will self fund it from cash on hand and sales of PE.
  8. If they make the dialogue files accessible then the Italian community can do its own translation
  9. The thing with steam, if you actually take the time to read the license agreement, is you aren't actually buying games, you are licensing them. Valve can at any time revoke your license and you can't play the games you've purchased. In practice its essentially the same as buying it, because its not likely Valve will revoke any licenses unless someone is found trying to hack steam or something, but in theory if you had any licenses revoked and your hard drive died, you would have to shell out again for any of those games.
  10. Backed. The proof of concept trailer from a while back was awesome.
  11. From what I gather there wont be a toolset, but they are working to keep as much of the content accessable to modders as possible. And there will be absolutely no multiplayer.
  12. I think there needs to be a locked sticky in each forum titled "No there will not be Multiplayer or full voice acting."
  13. Dungeon Siege 3 isn't a very good example of Obsidian's low quality models. NWN2 definitely sets the bar for how bad they can be. Compare it to The Witcher since they used the same engine and were under development at the same time.
  14. They had quest markers in BG. It was called Named NPCs. As for loading screens. I'm not someone who reads all the in-game books unless they're related to a quest. I can count the number of books in Skyrim I read on one hand. So I think the loading screens are a perfect place to put lore blurbs. Especially if they're numerous. Loading screens get really old by the end, but if there is a decent number of lore blurbs related to the areas we're in that would be super.
  15. I want to know what the difference is between the lore book and the collectors book
  16. Todays update made me eat the shipping and go for the $140 tier. I wanna help get that stronghold.
  17. Excellent update. The campaign book, 3m stretch goal and screenshot just got me to up my pledge by 100 bucks. Way to eat at my rainy day savings Obsidian.
  18. Yes. Even if its on a smaller scale like building a settlement over time and dealing with neighbors. No need to be a king as long as through your adventuring you can strengthen your "stronghold" or whatnot. My ideal one is still a "new world" type game where you are in charge of a colony and have to deal with natives and neighboring colonies and even relations with your patron nation in the old world. Plenty of exploration and adventure, but plenty of strategy elements developing your colony. Heres hoping for PE2?
  19. I would like to be able to choose abilities to customize either the Priest or Rogue class to do the same thing rather than having specialised classes for them.
  20. Nwn2 did that with comat animation. Dual wielding was lame until higher levels when you would go all nuts on people.
  21. I actually saw a video of a guy fighting with spear and sword. It was pretty cool. He would use the spear to keep the guy at bay until he was ready to attack or if the guy lowered his guard to knock the spear away. I hadn't thought of a spear as a depensive weapon until then.
  22. I liked the combo of fatigue and reagents. Every character has a fatigue bar, determined by say a CON stat plus feats or whatever the game uses (cardio training type feats would increase max fatigue without the HP benefits of boosting CON). All abilities cost fatigue. Fighter abilities would cost increasing amounts as they get more powerful, making CON a good stat to invest in. Magic would have set costs thag could be reduced by using proper reagents or spell focuses. Rogue types could get more attacks depending on Dex making their attacks worth more for the same fatigue cost. As your fatigue bar depletes you suffer penalties from... being fatigued. These could be speed reductions, damage reductions, spell failure chance, etc. If your fatigie bar is completely drained, you can still use abilities, but it begins draining health.
  23. Anything to make different fighting styles actually feel different
  24. I don't want Rapiers if they are going to use broadsword animations. Loses the entire point of using a rapier.
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