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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Xmas lunch isn't a tradition in Canada. Dinner usually is the tradition. We're either doing ham or Goose, haven't decided yet. Never done goose before so might go with ham and just do a goose later to try it. Probably do potatoes au gratin, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts and stuffing as sides. Also as a personal tradition i have eggs benedict with mimosas for christmas breakfast. Usually full from that until dinner.
  2. Psychological research has been hindered by the way its carried out. The problem is that to get accurate resulta, the subjects can't know they're doing an experiment. But that can lead to all sorts of fallout for the subject as a result, so now there has to some sort of disclosure so as not to screw up the subject, but this taints the results.
  3. Trailers for , , and have my interest piqued.
  4. As the title suggests, this is just black people being racist against whites again. All too common these days. Edit: According to wikipedia, there are 2.5-5 million blacks in France, no accurate number is available since its illegal to collect census data on race. So averaging that at 4 million, that is about 6% of the French population. That means to be representative of the country, there needed to be 2 black finalists. There were 3. They can shut the hell up.
  5. Oh please.. dont' give me none of that. Israel isn't strong just because it's "driven". It got so much help in the infrastructure/science/development department it's silly. With that much help any country would be strong and prosperous. O course, Israel works to mantin that, while it's enemies generally have to get there first, without it being given to them on a silver platter. Also, don't tell me religion isn't a big thing in Isreal too. Sure it got a head start and gets a lot of money from elsewhere, but it doesn't waste that money like pretty much every other nation on earth does with its aid money. And yes Israel is a very religious nation, but they understand that they need to actually put some work into reaching their goals and that God isn't going to just come down and smite their enemies.
  6. Israel's main strength is its drive. It is driven to survive and so it ivests heavily in the tools it needs. It invests in science, tech, weapons, education, industry, etc. Its rivals while deeply passionate, care more for spiritual matters and have ignored pretty much everything else. They have little industry, science, education, etc. As long as they keep putting religion above everything else, Israel will be stronger. As soon as they figure that out the status quo is doomed.
  7. We'd just replace those parts with awesome prosthetics with built in MP3 players and wifi. Duh.
  8. And Canada's resident Minister of Buffoonery John Baird vowed there would be consequences, because how dare the UN abandon the method of achieving peace in the middle east that they have been employing for the last 65 years? Maybe because its not working? *sigh*
  9. Also, it was a surprise attack in the sense that a Jack in the Box is a surprise. Everyone knew it was coming, everyone was prepared for it, the Israelis just didn't go "Ok, its coming now" The Egyptians had massed their forces in anticipation of the war, the Iraqis had moved troops into Jordan, etc. But like a Jack in the Box, no matter how prepared you are for it to pop, when it does you still jump. The Israelis knew where to attack, and when, and how hard, and guaranteed with satellite surveilance and such now, they'd be even better at it.
  10. You also have to look at demographics. If they're fielding an army, they likely aren't fielding seniors or kids, that eliminates like half the population that brings 370,000,000 down to 185,000,000. Then, being muslim, they definitely won't draw from their women, which brings that down to 92,500,000. Now if you go by the numbers from the six day war you need more than 200 muslim soldiers for every 1 Israeli. An Israeli army of 460,000 would be able to defeat a muslim army of 92,000,000. Again, based solely on numbers and previous stats. Israel has a population of over 7 million and employs women in combat. Meaning an army of 3.5 million potential fighters. that's enough to beat the population of the middle east 7 and a half times. that's just going by the casualty numbers from the 6 day war, the Israelis are much better equipped now.
  11. Re: Middle East Population vs Israeli population Has anyone looked at the stats for the 6 day war? 11 nations declared war on Israel, deploying 240,000 troops. Israel deployed 100,000. For every 1 Israeli killed, they killed 200 muslims. This was in 1967, with a population of 2.7 million. The combined populations of only the countries who declared war on them at the time was 101,545,934. With a population of 2.7 million, they beat 101.5 million in 6 days. And gained territory. Population means nothing.
  12. They conquered the area 3500 years ago and kicked out the people who lived there. They conquered the area 1300 years ago and kicked out the people who lived there.
  13. I spent most of the weekend playing The Walking Dead and Victoria II after snagging them in the Steam sale. It has been a long time since a game manipulated my emotions like TWD has.
  14. Dang, missed it. Wanted to give hearts of iron 3 a try.
  15. I'm a fan. That, Vicky 2, and EU3 are all super thumbs up from me. I almost bought all the little DLC for it a couple days ago when it was all 50% off (music and shields and such), when it hit 75% off I was glad I didn't, though I had grabbed Legacy of Rome for 50% off, could have saved another dollar had I waited. Now I can't wait for EU4. Paradox have been getting pretty good at simplifying their games while keeping the meat intact. I was completely lost with CK1, but enjoyed CK2 a lot. EU2 -> EU3 was the same. I think maybe the 400 or so hours I played EU3 may have prepared me for CK2 and VIcky 2 though.
  16. Theres a lot more on sale than the featured stuff. I got the Vicky 2 pack for 50% off, tempted to grab the Broken Sword trilogy for $2. Most of their featured ones I'm not caring about, but the hidden gems are nice.
  17. 1) They are fanatics, their actions aren't necessarily rooted in any reality we perceive 2) because they are fanatics, they know that Israeli (over)reactions will just provide more foot soldiers for the Cause. OTOH, I never understood the makeup of the UN plan. Why would they get any of that southern land? Just give them the north, and the Palestinians the south, with Jerusalem as an independent city-state
  18. While concerning, its not necessarily bad. The decree likely wouldn't survive the new constitution once that is finished and could ensure stability until it is tabled. The concern being with that decree, will the new constitution ever see the light of day?
  19. Snagged walking dead, was sucked in till almost 4am. Its pretty much as advertised. Its an adventure game. If you don't like adventure games you wont like it. Also grabbed the Victoria pack and the byzantine dlc for creator kings
  20. I meant there isn't any time to catch up on anything because there's always something new. My PVR still has 5 unwatched episodes of Sinbad, 6 of Revolution, episodes of Castle, Supernatural, Warehouse 13, WWE Raw, and so on. Because if I want to play a couple hours of games, that's a couple hours of TV I can't watch. Plus I jave like 120 items in my netflix queue, two episodes of young justice downloaded, and 3 seasons of Babylon 5 on DVD I need to watch. With work and kids I used to use repeat season to catch up because there was like 2 months of no new content. Now there's just too much to watch and not enough time to watch it.
  21. Does anyone else miss rerun season? Having 1-2 shows per day 48 weeks a year to watch makes it really hard to catch up on stuff you missed
  22. Generally I favor RPGs because of the way the stories are presented. A lot of games now are starting to put more focus on story, especially a lot of action titles, but the way they are presented vs the way RPGs present it is different. Generally RPGs tend to have more interactivity in the story, and thats what draws me in.
  23. Was a close one. Now we're all awaiting the inevitable Roberta Williams kickstarter project...
  24. True Blood was one of my favorites, but last season was all sorts of suck. Pun not intended.
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