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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned an ending where Nations are Enslaved by Necromancy. Then again I'd find that a very happy ending.
  2. Mcmanasaur I'm with you but I want an ending involving pie. Pies never feature in CRPG endings. And they should. A big chunky steak pie with gravy. Maybe you win the quest with the End Boss, treat yourself to a pie *the choke to death on a piece of gristle* the game ends with all your hitherto loyal NPCs looting your corpse and having a battle royale over who finishes the pie. Pie. Nomnomnom!
  3. I'd rather have a tache than a romance, any day of the week. Fallout NV had a comprehensive selection of facial hair but somehow I doubt the itsy-bitsy IE-style avatars will cope. Let us hope that the modders step in!
  4. The OP is so cool, alternative and original that I just fainted.
  5. I love the dude splitting the IE games into character and non-character driven. Check out the KS pitch: 'tis not a distinction mentioned there. And anyone mentioning how not having romances "is, like, breaking my *immersion* man" well all I can say is feh. Sappy romances kill my immersion because I'm playing a fantasy CRPG, not reading Twilight. FFS.
  6. Boobs aren't allowed in fantasy gaemes any more, they herald the collapse of civlization and the EnD oF DayZ.
  7. If you threaten them with machineguns you can get volunteers to do anything: walk through minefields, for example. Or even, if you are feeling especially brutal, play DA2.
  8. So I'm thick. Then again, OTOH, you come across as a humourless prig so I guess we are even.
  9. Yes, wizards in towers are mandatory. The tower must have a three level dungeon underneath. With a water feature. With a giant crab / frog / octopus in it.
  10. 1/8 of the companion writing tyme dedicated to sappy Fan Service. I wish someone would write a low-combat romance CRPG, even an indie one. They would make a fair bit of money and lots of folks would be happier and not haunt games like this with their demands. Romances are part of the Infinity Game family tree, like it or not. The only series that didn't have them at all was Icewind Dale, which also didn't have meaningful character-driven relationships of any sort. No. BG2 had them. That's it. And they were an astonishingly (and mercifully) shallow part of the game. IWD 1 & 2 didn't. BG1 had no romances. PS:T's 'romances' (I don't consider them to be) can be viewed either way. I'm not a maths genius but that's 1/5th of 'the family.' And a tiny fraction of that 1/5th. If that's the level of romance we have to endure in PE then fair enough, otherwise you are inflating something to suit your own preferences. Which is fair enough, but doesn't bear scrutiny.
  11. Fat people should also get a HP bonus for their extra bulk, and be extra resistant to critical hits. Fact.
  12. The problem is that the proper meaning of Trolling has been lost. It used to be fairly clever, like this and the fat issues thread whereby folks didn't actually realise they'd been trolled (q.v. Bugaboo on the old Eric Noah 3E boards who was a twisted troll genius). Now it just means brain-dead or abusive posting. * sigh * Mcmanasaur has the aura of potential greatness about him as an old-skool troll but at the moment he's a diamond in the rough. One to watch.
  13. Mcmanasaur, your skills are deserting you. Recoup, recover then re-post.
  14. Apocalypto FTW.
  15. Wow, you've met my mother-in-law.
  16. Ciphers should be like human metal-detectors, they can detect and hoover up the memories and essences of souls when they put their mind to it. So they could walk into a tavern, a battlefield, a murder scene and sort of soak up what those souls were thinking almost by osmosis. T'would be a bugger to implement but cool as you like.
  17. I think using such an indirect term merely tries to sidestep the social stigma, rather than confronting it and truly fixing the problem. "Fat" is just a word, and it only has to be derogatory if we let such a view be impressed upon us. Perhaps you have more experience than me, but the movement as I know it is about reinventing "fat", not running from it. We've reclaimed the word 'Fat' from the haters. 'Tis a celebratory term. I'm going to eat two pizzas now. Two. Two whole damn pizzas. And beer. Then I might have more.
  18. ^ Look at my girlfriend, skinny loser!!!
  19. Violence. Hate. Loathing. Despair. Combat. Pain. Hot Elf Chicks.
  20. On a less prosaic note can we please have a font size option independent of screen resolution? Any Torment-esque walls of text will be unbearable otherwise.
  21. As usual, the Fatongynists struggle to accept The Other. A fat NPC is a step forward on a long and rocky struggle to acceptance and a brighter, fatter future.
  22. OK. They asked for 1.1 million. With that they were confident they could deliver a game in two years. They are professionals with a reputation to maintain. In the end, they received just over 4 million. Now I'm not an accountant, businessman or games developer but putting those variables together I don't see a massive problem.
  23. Forton is skinny. I bet he's a vegetarian or something. Or lactose intolerant.
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