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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. Am surprised nobody has mentioned any Joe Abercrombie. I haven't read any fantasy for ages, picked up The Heroes on Kindle and boom! I'm hooked. Now reading The Blade Itself trilogy (started ass-backwards) and finding it very much to my taste. Gritty low-fantasy with lots of violence, swearing, torture and double-crossing. Just like a day at the office. http://www.joeabercrombie.com/
  2. An epic quest across a strange irradiated desert to find a lost city of fable and legend.

  3. As long as you get the chance to Enslave Nations with Necromancy at the end, then I'm good.
  4. If they have firearms in the game they really need to consider the fact that we'll want to use them to shoot at locks. I never played either of the KotOR games, but liked the NWN2 mechanic that was similar. All containers and locks, unless especially armoured / complex / magical should be destroyable.
  5. Can we ram a bag of black powder into the mock mechanism and blow the mutha up instead?
  6. Yeah and Planescape sold, like, millions of units right? There's a thin line between mocking tried, tested and much-loved tropes and being condescending.
  7. I can write Bio romance! <CHARNAME> (a modded elf with pink hair, big translucent eyes and sticky out, horizontal cosplay ears) "Hi, my name is Ez'lyh'lss The Abundant. How are you?" NPC (an uber-stacked pirate with a huge red mouth, wearing a diaper) "Yo-ho-ho! I'm Rosie the pirate! I really like you! Fancy a bunk-up in my tent?" <CHARNAME> Sure, we can talk about lurve and children later. Have you seen my house and phantasy phurniture? :: Cutscene of eye-watering excruciating pixellated sex ::
  8. ^ The man is correct. Modders FTW. The rest of us should watch and learn. And in the unlikely event that Obsidian need help from the community, I'm sure they'll ask.
  9. Of course, you can comfortably complete IWD2 with a four person party of fighter, cleric, sorcerer and rogue (like I did).
  10. Hmmm thinking about it I liked clearing out the troll-infested keep in BG2. Cutting Nalia's aunt's throat was always good fun too.
  11. That's like so four months ago. I am ze master of ze four bike start.
  12. I am fully qualified to: * QA beer and other intoxicating beverages at the office * Make snarky comments * Wander off to Taco Bell and get the burritos in * Snore loudly whilst napping on the office sofa * Drop iced coffee on developer's keyboards * Thrash all-comers at Company of Heroes * Add real value to office brain-storming sessions on the subject of Romance Sadly, I'm not prepared to do any of this for free.
  13. Yes, that's my free hand slamming my tankard down.
  14. That's Friday night in my local.
  15. I know the feminists might not like it but this pic might liven up the thread.
  16. You can gaze at your navel all day. But it's still your navel.
  17. By the way, the opposite of a 'power-gamer' is a 'content tourist.'
  18. I just don't understand why there's even a debate about how to balance a game for everybody in a single-player experience. The more I think about it, the odder it is. And what if, like me, you think power-gaming (pejorative term, it means enjoying optimal builds for the hell of it) isn't actually that bad? If you want story-tyme, read a book. If you want to play a game that evokes the IE games of yore, buy this and use the difficulty sliders and options to play the game you want. It really is that simple.
  19. Am happy to stroke Fionavar's ego he's been a valuable constant in this community as long as I can remember and gets precious little praise for it.
  20. Cant I mean a link between PE game dev update goodness and us. Fionavar doesnt do that, a different role.
  21. Good topic OP. I like abstract and realistic approaches, as long as it feels granular and fun.I would like to see shields use a seperate mechanic to armour (parry) and would be interested in seeing how abstract versus damage absorption / reduction works.
  22. Please start a sexism thread about the mega-boobed, hotpants-clad Russian mercenary chick. Is that a push-up bra I see before me?
  23. Did you play the pre-cursor titles to this project? Ever thought of, y'know, reading a book?
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