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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. I eventually will do a power-gaming run on the hardest settings. I will create the most meta-gamed, twinkie party possible. So, yes, I will rely heavily on the AH.
  2. I found out about this game from Gfted1 in Diablo 3 chat. Darn, I've outed both of us there. And he's much better than me.
  3. An intriguing question, I'd like to know more but suspect the marketing / sales guys would be the folks in the know.
  4. Nice to see you engage with the points raised.
  5. @ 'Tep. Agreed more or less. Therefore let's try to agree that romances should be, on aggregate, as important to P:E as they were to the totality of what went before. That is to say marginal, unobtrusive, easily ignored or (in the case of PS:T) so ambiguous you could see them either way and just as intriguing NPC interaction.
  6. In The Heroes (Joe Abercrombie, big fantasy war story about one battle, it's very good), there is a character called Whirrun of Bligh. Whirrun thinks his death has been foretold by a witch, and up until that point cannot die. Whirrun is a legendary swordsman and as mad as a fish. He wields a Zweihander called the Father-of-Swords (iirc). Anyhoo, in the climactic battle he decides to fight wearing next to nothing. Mainly because he is a lunatic who thinks he cannot die. Now, this is a cool reason to have partial nudity. How would we all feel if Whirrun of Bligh was a female character? I'd be cool. Or would the feminists have a fit of the vapours at the machinations of the patriarchy?
  7. Stated precursor games to Project Eternity. BG:1 no romances. BG:2 3/4 minor romances. IWD: No romances. IWD2: No romances. PS:T: Are they, really, romances? Do the maths.
  8. It's still not enough. It never is. The long march never ends until we are ALL THE SAME.
  9. :: Bangs head against wall :: I give up. And I post here because I like Obsidian's games, thankyou very much.
  10. If I get a shed-load of gold and some groovy items at the end of it, any quest is good for me. It says Quest-Doer on my passport.
  11. @ Estelindis. Dear lady, I would be loathe to offend you. However, the pro-romance faction do have, how do I say it? A tendency towards thin-skins in the rough-and-tumble of debate. Hopefully you wouldn't take it personally. Basically, yes. Not *all* of those in favour of romances, no. In fact some promancers are utterly agreeable and are good friends of mine in the context of this forum. However, they are like the person who, thinking they have a cold, have unwittingly brought Ebola to the door. The Ebola in question being the horde of BSN refugees who *will* turn up here and irrevocably alter, mayhap destroy, our little Happy Place here. Therefore it is unsurprising that there is an element of "stand by to repel boarders" at the moment. As for hyperbole, 'tis one of my hobbies. I shall try to curtail it lest offence is caused.
  12. Yes, the sock-puppetry is pretty obvious to me. On both sides I suspect.
  13. Halfway house between BG1 and BG2 for me, please. OP would you be satisfied with interesting random encounters?
  14. Have said before that tis only right for an NPC to leave you and take half your treasure, with shared custody of your imp familiar.
  15. I am going dark for a little while to rustle up some awesome memes for this thread. Please dont get it shut down.
  16. Humanoid do you remember the crazy master of darts guy from BG1? He just lobbed darts and pwned your level 1 nobody. Maybe if that character had a speed advantage and mebbe a feature like a net he could weave around, hobbling hid enemies while hurling throwing stars or shuriken or whatever.
  17. Good point then again am wondering if lack of publisher BS might affect it.
  18. Bwahahaahaahahaaaaaa * Twirls moustache * Srsly leave it and don't troll. It confines these type of discussions in one easy to manage thread. It seems that folks will happily fight the kulturkampf over this all day.
  19. *dev* blog bloody Blackberry keyboards.
  20. I simply don't know, but popped in to say that I hope the developers don't get too much hassle. A short weekly update augmented by significant milestone updates seems fair enough to me.
  21. I think the reason lots of folks liked the Jaz romance was because it was tough. Except not, it was just notoriously bugged and the timer on the dialogues were busted... Anyhoo I lost her on my playthrough initially after taunting her about dead Khalid on the chopping block. Then, in an immersive act of the type Bio is famous, she escaped Chateau Irenicus unaided.
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