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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. They can't delete that, 'tis the best thing I've seen on the interweb all week!
  2. And, you see, this is the entire problem here: 1/8 of the companion writing tyme dedicated to sappy Fan Service. I wish someone would write a low-combat romance CRPG, even an indie one. They would make a fair bit of money and lots of folks would be happier and not haunt games like this with their demands.
  3. Random encounters, a la Fallout etc are a must and I would be sad not to see them. I also like wandering monsters, so a mixture of odd encounters, vignettes, stories, fighting, jokes etc would all be good.
  4. Hey let's be friends, like on the internet and everything.
  5. - Zin - old bean is there any need for quote walls? Please could you be a bit more discriminating with the quote function, some of us are using tablets and mobile devices. Thanks in advance. Oh, and wrong thread.
  6. I am prepared for brickbats and my shields are switched to maximum. PS:T fans are a very vocal minority and their clamour (understandably though that might be) should be taken with a pinch of salt. PS:T is a classic example of a cult hit, a love-it-or-hate-it kind of deal. I usually refer to it as Wordscape. Having read MCA's subsequent views on the design process, it's clear that he sees the faults himself and more credit to him. It also means that he is unlikely to make the same mistakes again. For me it's an interactive novel with too much navel-gazing about the metaphysical oddness of a world with which I felt unable to connect. It tried to be avant garde to the extent that it became unplayable (for me). P:E is a niche enough product as it is, and it needs to sell. By taking some of the least commercial aspects of PS:T (i.e. the bits hardcore fans love) it might well commit P:E to an even narrower niche ghetto. Just my two silver pieces. I know that this is a much-beloved game. I respect the love and genuinely understand the sentiment behind it. But P:E should channel BG1 & 2 with a splash of PS:Ts NPC depth. Like a shot of tabasco in the soup.
  7. There are no printing presses in this world, which relies on tribal memory and myth. Books would be hand-illuminated and very rare.
  8. This is a very good point and why armour proficiency needs to be more of a dynamic skill. That is to say, the more experience you have in doing stuff wearing armour (i.e. fighting) the better you are at it. Conversely, you might need even more practice in heavy armour to do stuff like fire a musket or shoot a bow. I used to be a pretty good pistol and rifle shot in R/L. But I struggled when I had to wear body armour (wasn't mandatory back then). Some guys who wore armour all the time became just as good as shooting in it as they were before. Yadda yadda.
  9. It's like that Mona Lisa thing. It's lame. I mean.... 2D
  10. Hear that from the Promancers? No, me neither.
  11. The Wire as a narcotics economy sim would be quite interesting. And, no, you can't romance Detective McNulty.
  12. Hi and welcome. There is an existing thread for this. Just do a quick search and don't forget your flame retardant suit.
  13. I hope the Promancers take note.
  14. Sorry for the image size but I liked this soooo much I had to post it.
  15. All kinds of awesome! Jaunty highwayman's hat mit goggles, Lamallar-style Samurai armour, chaps, large calibre hand-cannons, rapier and (gasps) boobies.
  16. I have cast Cloudkill in every pub in Amn whilst r/w drunk. 0 Reputation, Fallen Paladins, yadda yadda.
  17. You must cross the slate-grey ocean they call the At-Lan-Tik, and from there fight your way across the arid dustbowl of the Middle (Western) Earth, then onto the mighty road (I recommend the I-70 then I-44 personally). Once you cross the mighty Rok-ees head for the place they call La-La Land, and then onto the County of Orange. There you might espy the lair of the Obsidian ones, in Irvine (follow your nose). There you must leave your gold pieces on the threshold and awaiteth, approximately two years.
  18. Mind you, one of the things in Arcanum that rocked was the little box on your character sheet that told you how many times you'd re-rolled your stats!
  19. Hey thanks for missing the point. This thread isn't about your preference as guns are in. It's about how they are managed now we know they are in.
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