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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. ...surely you do not mean the Tukata Sith girl from the Sith starter planet?
  2. Eh, I dunno. Never was into that stupid "Blue glowstick gud red glowstick baaaaad now lets fight forevah!!!!" false conflict. I'll still click on someone's referral for a sub week, although I still have some unused code from years ago I never bothered to redeem because there is nothing to do.
  3. It's been some time since I read the books but sorcerers tweak their looks too, only if sorceresses aim to look hot and seductive, dudes (at least those who want to meddle in politics) go for impressive and dependable, what means looking like well-preserved fortyish-fiftyish.
  4. Every King book is scarier than its movie version, even the better ones like "Misery" or "Shawshank redemption". "Shining" is plenty creepy, but completely on its own right, since it's adaptation pretty much only in name.
  5. Finished Tyranny, instantly going for the second playthrough. Hoo boy what a setting. Loved everything except the combat (and even that became tolerable when I learned to tailor spells more or less properly). Voices of Nerat shot to the top of my NPC hall of fame instantly. Also, now I kind of want to make a Watcher cipher/maybe trickster, maybe Nalpazca who's shady and cruel and name him Voices of Berath.
  6. Yet another doomed attempt to translate Stephen King's brand of horror to cinema. Well, here's hoping it's not completely terrible.
  7. Eh. Corporations are slow and lumbering monstrosities; when did EA buy Bioware, 2007? And they're not yet completely dead. So we possibly have another 10 years (and a good game or two made during them) before annihil...pardon, assimilation. And if gaming industry keeps developing as laboriously, some other studio gotta fill the vacuum left after Obsidian's demise.
  8. I don't know why Microsoft would want to buy a company that makes PRGs... The sad part about not having editors actually edit. Corporations do not think like people. They think like Lovecraftian monstrosities from alien dimensions that they are. "Hey EA Bob, we here bought a RPG-making company that's famous for writing and character interaction. What do you think we should do with it?" "Why EA Chad, set it to make always online shoot'n'looter with no story or character interaction! Obviously, duh!"
  9. No Ron Perlman, no Guillermo del Toro, no me watching that weaksauce "reboot". Phhhhbt. While IMDB'ing that thing I also found out there's apparently "Good omens" film with what seems to be decent cast? Not sure if I'm cautiously optimistic or tentatively pessimistic.
  10. Well, I do disagree with the Riddler about BG series significance in PC gaming (they are very significant), but I would agree about them being way overrated -- especially the story, which is really not that good. To be on topic, I don't believe the game is going to be blatant cash grab -- more likely just another product in the long line of reboots, reimaginings, sequels, prequels and suchlike results of creativity bankruptcy that is currently endemic to most of entertainment industry. I'll still buy it, because I don't have BG-coloured nostalgia glasses and won't be let down, but I'll wait for at least 50% discount.
  11. Hey. Hey, OP. Deadfire does not have the worst combat; the worst ever combat is in that obscure dated game...how's it called...Boulder's Fate? Baldy's Mate? Bottled Gator?...eh, whatever.
  12. What about Tekehu? He's even more "anything with a pulse and maybe even not that discriminating" than Serafen.
  13. Yep, Primordia's pretty much all brown and rust. Cleanses that palette blotched with annoying cheery colours real well.
  14. *click* DA2's Hawke really oughta stop with goth eyeliner. *click next* Ow! Dude! NSFW! NSFFW! Aaaanyway. Now when I'm finally done with Deadfire for the time being there's time to come back to "Tyranny". Still not enamored with combat, but now since I discovered I was upgrading spells wrong (and hitting dudes with piddly level 1 kitten farts all that time) and rectified that it does not get into way of me enjoying the story and the setting. Love the setting. . It'll need at least three playthroughs though -- "sided with Voices", "sided with Ashe" and "glares silently".
  15. Stardew Valley. Although even that chill, zen game has its stressed-out minmaxers with spreadsheets and calculations.
  16. D'awwww SOMA hurt me so good, even with telegraphing it and all. I will treasure that memory forever. Also, Pathologic, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC, Metro 2033, This War of Mine (or, frankly, most games originating from Eastern Europe; we do seem to hate Disneyish happy endings), Downfall, Cat Lady, The Last Door, Papers Please, What Remains of Edit Finch...SOMA creator's other titles -- Penumbra and Amnesia are not exactly shiny happy romps either.
  17. Yours is perfectly reasonable and not at all entitled observation. I quite disagree with it -- while I loved MoTB, I found it often needlessly loquacious, and Deadfire's factions are IMO huge improvement of Vegas's factions, although my anti-fantasy bias probably enters into equation as well -- but I understand where you're coming from and respect that.
  18. Well, you can also be growing old and finding out that things are less enjoyable than before; or mayhap it's fall, your brain gets less vitamin D and does not produce enough dopamine thus making things less enjoyable, or you can just ignore the nonsense I wrote here because, dude, the only person who knows why you do not enjoy something is, well, you. And while I'm here discussing extremely subjective issues as if they were objective facts or sh†t -- I have this impression from some posts that people kinda think that Obsidian strayed from the trite formula just to spite them or something. When, you know, they might just be creative people. And creative people tend to want to create something new rather than rehash the same orcs and goblins and dragons and owlbears and 3.5 rules for the umpteenth time. Guess it sucks if all you ever wanted is "moar Baldurz Gate" but don't hold the studio accountable for not writing within your comfort zone -- because they have no obligation to do so. Me? I'm giddy about Deadfire. Like, I just reinstalled "Drakensang", vaguely remembering that I kind of liked the system but got bored into ennui of existential level by the story although could not remember why -- then intro starts -- "God created dragons...stereotypical dragon things happened....elves being stereotypical elves...dwarves blah blah blahdy-blah dwarfish things..." -- and I'm all "yeaaaaaaaawn. That's why."
  19. And with "Seeker, Slayer, Survivor" Tekehu's pride finally broke Aloth: (Also, there is nothing wrong with necromancy. Better than constantly littering forums with short lived new topics. )
  20. I loved Neverwinter Nights 2 and sank hundreds of hours into it, but it was in spite of it being a generic fantasy setting, not because of it. As for Witchers, I have surprisingly little motivation to play them -- I am a big fan of the books so I've already experienced the best storytelling, and I loathed W2's combat and movement so much I didn't go much farther than tutorial and it also left me wary about W3.
  21. "Chosen One in Forgotten-Realmsy generic fantasyland" is very much not my thing, but I think I will buy it. One day. After they fix and polish it. And I after I finish Numenera. And Wasteland 2. And all them Shadowruns. And Divinity:OSes. And Witchers. And... ...well. One day.
  22. Pity about Telltale, I loved "Wolf among us". Happy about "Unavowed" dropping majority of puzzles though -- as I grow old, I have less and less patience for cat hair moustache nonsense.
  23. "Restaurant Empire". Have to say, it's real fun to run taverns as a RPG player. A chef skilled up some recipe to 100%? Remove it from the carte and add something he's terrible at so that he pumps that skill too. Need to win a soup competition but all my chefs suck at soups? One restaurant sells only the most minmaxed dishes to generate profit as another offers nothing but 2 soups for half a year until the chef gets enough XP to pass, customers complaints be damned -- you will eat your two soups, berks, and you will like them! Anyway. Mayhap I'll run my empire to the corner some day, but so far so good, RPG methods are working.
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