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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. While you're at this, can you also fix that thing in Fallout 2 where you can beeline from Arroyo to Navarro, steal their OP stuff and get a crapton of XP? It's retroactively ruining muh immershun.
  2. Or if everything else fails, you can always use the conversation exploit - put a party member in stealth, position them next to the target, initiate conversation with the target with another party member, wait for the red circle to be gone, end conversation, hit pause real fast before red circle is back, voila. Works in shops too.
  3. Sometimes I think about creating a Steam account for Dishonored 2 and Prey because I do not want to pirate Arkane Studios, but then I look at my 300+ unplayed games on GOG, think "Maaaaaybe after I finished these" and dodge getting steamed for another day. (If anyone from Arkane is reading this, it totally, absolutely, definitely was not a hint, you guys. )
  4. Hey, fling is a sort of relationship. Personally, I mucho prefer Tekehu's and Maia's "Hey boss, wanna f†ck?" to Overly Attached Aloth. Anyway, lets not make this into yet another romance thread perhaps, hmmmm? Romances seem to derail every discussion, so better keep them contained in their own thread.
  5. Nice catch about Eothas acting like a typical RPG protagonist -- leaving a wave of corpses on his way to victory, unstoppable, uncaring...yep. All signs are here. As for companions being not that into you and quests where seemingly optimal resolution leads to Very Bad Things happening -- it might seem novel in, well, a CRPG-verse as a whole, but for an Obsidian game it's quite normal, even expected -- the studio is famous for subverting expectations and tropes rather than going along with them, after all. Like, there is a companion in "Fallout:New Vegas" who doesn't even bother to hide his low opinion about your protagonist; for another, you do her quest in a way that seems to lead to warm fuzzies but actually ends with mass murder; in "KOTOR2", a planet fares better if you support the violent dictator as opposed to the benevolent queen and all your followers are drawn to you because you unwittingly cast (Force equivalent of) Charm all the time; in the ending of "Mask of the Betrayer" you have to do quests in particular way to please all your allies -- just to discover later that doing so caused a horrible tragedy in one of your former companion's life. In short, it's Obsidian being Obsidian.
  6. + 666 re: Frictional. Cautious about Call of Cthulhu since it's not Frictional doing it. Also here's hoping Ice-Pick Lodge will finish Pathologic 2 within current decade.
  7. I think it's a necessity, even. Not only you will be taking sneaky unlabeled points, but I remember one case where I had no other option but to take diplomatic. So just imagine your character has "See disposition" trait like Atsura, and turn them on.
  8. Tekehu confronts Maia at one point and later you have a conversation where they hug it out; Pallegina has enough of Tekehu, with consequent making peace conversation; Aloth has problems with Tekehu, but -- being Aloth -- does not confront him directly and complains to you instead; Maia and Xoti can be into each other and both asks you for advice; I hear there is Maia vs Pallegina confrontation but I never triggered that one; as for Xoti vs Pallegina, you can tell either of them to be more understanding, not sure if there is a follow-up; Maia and Serafen do not have any special interactions, but seem to genuinely like each other. Cannot really answer that first part of your question. Theoretically you should, romances and personal quests are separate lines, but people complain romances are wonky, so...
  9. I could wax arguments about how Huana society is actually changing for good and how it is their right to evolve on their own pace, but ain't gonna. Instead, again - It. is. their. home. All the others are occupants. Occupants cannot be good by the very definition. It's really very simple.
  10. I took Serafen because I like him. I put on hiatus my "Side with fascists or slavers for teh Greatur Gud!!1!" run to rush and experience the poison cheese before it gets nerfed, but I don't think I will ever side with Alvari. Too evil.
  11. Something like that, yes. "And so the god Eothas destroyed the foundation of the world order as we knew it for millennia, and lo behold nobody noticed because Deadfire's factions were all busy ripping new ones to each other".
  12. Yeah, though I'm surprised that Obsidian was surprised. All of the factions are unpleasant (more or less) and there is clearly not a "good" faction option. And I'm not complaining about it, but for me it's obvious that you'd have to roleplay a pretty fanatic character to stick with a given faction to the end. Not necessarily -- it could be a cynical character who just wants to throw in with the winners, an entrepreneurial character looking out for profit, an indifferent character who's all "whatever if it takes me where I want to go", a diplomatic character who understands there's time for compromises, etc, etc... Obsidian might have been surprised because Deadfire's "loner ending = downer ending", but that's somewhat a novelty -- usually loner endings in RPGs are pretty cool, like in New Vegas, or (my personal favorite) VtM: Bloodlines. Chances are a lot of players picked it out of inertia, expecting the cool to happen again...and then it didn't.
  13. Heh. Benweth is annoying, cowardly sh†t-talking sleazebag who fails to kill you in the very beginning of the game, prefers to strike at you from behind the backs of his goons or at least sic them on you first; there are multiple ways that you can get at him, you can either let him live for no good reason, let him live but humiliate him, or you can kill him and wear his tacky outfit. Reminds me of certain other Benny.
  14. Here's a few. Atsura meets... ...a feelings about EVERYTHING guy: ...a stoic, rational type: 'sfunny, he has the same response for shady as for rational: Anyway, if there is one good thing about siding with the slavers, is that it completely throws Atsura off balance. He's still smug and condescending if you don't blow up that Adra pillar. but hoo boy what a spectacular meltdown he has when you tell him about your Crookspur alliance.
  15. He's a cheating metagamer who can see Watcher's dispositions and pull strings accordingly is what he is.
  16. Yeah, well...how to say this...dude/dudette, you're waaaaay overthinking fishy sex thing and kind of veering into Tali Sweat Grosslands from opposite direction. Anyway, your own character can be wooden and mossy, have gross tumor head, or head that's on fire all the time (imagine making out with that, eh, eh? ), so the whole "scaly fishy dude with sentient hair" deal is tame in comparison. (And yes, he is totally the best in character development/involvement with the story way plus his druid and theurge kits are very powerful, so fishboy da best boy )
  17. What. This is priceless. Do you need to be at -2 to hear it? it was on a -2 character, but his barks doesn't change from -1 to -2, just his text reaction, so maybe being in negatives is enough?
  18. Ah, Sand, you holier-than-thou shifty little arrogant slippery weasel, one of the key reasons I would always side with Qara no matter what (other being my preferring Sorcerers to Wizards, but 'tis less important). Ahem. Back from the Memory Lane -- it appears that I learned to be quite satisfied with stuffy, judgemental, disapproving Aloth. His schtick works. Granted, sometimes it feels like you are traveling with a petulant teen who you dragged away from his Xbox and who never, ever passes up a chance to remind you how utterly miserable he is in your presence, but all it does is make it even funnier. Like, when the Watcher is down, Aloth's comment is "And stay that way!"
  19. How comes people find Ydwin interesting? She's just as uninteresting as Konstanten. Rekke at least has stuff to say and Fassina + Mirke have tied quests so we get to know them better. It's just because she's a vampire, innit. Grieving Mother IMO was a wasted potential just as Waidwen's Legacy that she was set to represent. A society that basically lost its future is such an interesting thing to explore; alas, it did not expand much farther than Gilded Vale, and by the time we meet GM in Dyrford there's disconnection already.
  21. Last I checked (today), the bad poetry lady's infinite Xoti and Serafen approval has not been fixed, if you don't mind getting diplomacy points along. That is, go visit the bad poetry girl upstairs in the Mare with Xoti in your party, ask her about her life, pick diplomatic option, repeat as many times as you need to get Xoti to 2.
  22. Not really, no. Resolve is not synonymous with bravery, but, quoting dictionary, "firm determination to do something". So if your character plans to prance about doing side quests instead of beelining to Eothas every time, low resolve is completely in character.
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