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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. That sh!tsite wants me to turn off adblock, and not in "please consider it" way but "you! shall! not! pass!" way, to which my answer is always "F†ck you", so I'll just link the tweet: https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/1036747936544083968 Also, screw the modern consoles, I want it on my PC! Like, right now! (OMG I'm so giddy right now)
  2. Wasn't exactly happy when I found out Ice-Pick Lodge got new composer for their Pathologic remake because I liked the old one, but it seems it will be alright.
  3. Nor do they if you do not torrent a game, but do not buy it either. And no matter how hard triple-A greedy corporate types try to brainwash gullible consumers into believing that 1 download = one lost sale, it is not true.
  4. Fix'd Ain't you afraid to piss of a large chunk of this forum's denizens who believe that Baldur's Gate (of Bioware's) is alpha and omega of gaming? Anyway. I wish that this bland derivative shoot'n'looter was out already, so it could flop, EA would do that thing it does and those few creative people that still remain within zombioware would go and join good studios or create their own and start making good games again. Because it's kind of painful to observe this slow agony of once great studio.
  5. Thanks for linking those, liked them, "Landlocked" the most. Also old news, but Rymrgand is a d†ck.
  6. Yeah, I used to read them quite a bit -- their reviews refreshingly stood out in neverending parade of corporation fellatios that pass for reviews in big glossy advertisement-plagued sites, but years ago they were mostly blunt, abrasive and grognardy, none of these qualities are bad per se; an occasional MRA whiner here and there could be ignored. But as of some time comments and forums seem to be dominated by morons who think they're so cleverly fooling everybody with their attempts to disguise public airing of their insecurities as ~*humour*~, and even if authors of reviews aren't from the same ilk it still mars the reading when you know you'll be wanting a shower if you stepped into comments.
  7. Note to self: stock up on popcorn in case if they do upgrade her to full companion but leave out the romanceability.
  8. Yeah, well, dude above -- what with your level of literacy and style, I don't think you are eligible to criticize any writing anywhere, except perhaps on walls in public toilets. See, you do not look acquainted enough with reading to recognize good one even if it donned a tinfoil cap and gave you a lap dance while rapping about gay agenda.
  9. Hey, "pretty alright" is high praise coming from a Codexian, so he must have really loved the game then, flaming homos and all.
  10. The funny thing is, the more you read about history and people, the more less cartoonish Malak appears. Stupid, yes, but not unrealistic anymore. There were enough men that thought burning and killing everything until the other side (ha!) gives up, is a legit tactic. Doesn't make Malaks portrait more interesting, just a more depressing. Oh, glass-the-planet thing isn't cartoonish, but his delivery of, well, everything is. Things like "Mwahahahaha! Lady, imma gonna zap you until you turn eeeeevil! Muahahahahaha!!!" He even literally goes "Mwahahahahaha!!!!" at least once.
  11. KOTOR. Would have given Charname a vocabulary larger than 50 words and make her capable to form sentences longer than four words. Or at least after that spoiledery spoiler thing when she supposedly recovers from the brain damage? Also, out with all the exclamation marks KOTOR's Charname seems to be so fond of. Especially multiple ones. She's brain damaged, not clinically insane. Also, would make Malak a proper villain instead of Saturday morning cartoon one.
  12. Oh it absolutely does. I just took the 7 day subscription thingy for SWTOR for the sole reason of buying the new stronghold and decorating the shoit out of it.
  13. ...you know, that's exactly why I dislike princess Leia, what with her always bossing people around like irritated, cranky, too demanding mum. And I am serious.
  14. Well, Concelhaut as Watcher's pet skull seems to sustain himself on candied nuts, shark soup and booze, so mayhaps living soul essence is more a guideline rather than rule. Also, here's hoping we meet and turn him into pet skull again in PoE3.
  15. Now when you can see reactions, it is indeed easy to game him into approval. Thing is...now I don't wanna to. So for any subsequent play-through I'll still stick with my easy going (and easy) dudes Serafen and Tekehu and let Rolleyes seethe in his own sour'n'dour marinate.
  16. I don't normally play RPGs on launch preferring to wait for at least a wave or two of bugfixes so any comparison would be imprecise, but I'd say New Vegas is (still) buggier. But then, a) there are very few bugs that actually piss me off (e.g. CTDs) and I do not even notice cosmetic bugs like clipping and blurry textures unless someone draws my attention to them, b) if I find the game lacking in other departments I naturally notice more bugs about it (e.g. Skyrim) so all things considering Deadfire is fine by me.
  17. One day I am totally going to do that all-sidekick run. Ooooone day. But first, I'll do the bomber run. I collected quite a lot of new shiny explosives throughout Beast of Winter, would be a damn shame for them to go waste.
  18. Ooooh! A fashion show! Here's a few of mine: The Donkeyskin: The Arkemyr's Envy: The One Eyeroll Too Many:
  19. It's still better than my reason of not entering it, which is "because I somehow failed to see it for some time". Clearly I need that third eye not just for perfect eye contact with Vatnir.
  20. Makes sense. They're not some comic book shiny superheroes here to battle The Evil, they're quite realistic powers with political, economical and social interests, and the first thing those do is try kill competition -- like Vailians. Marauders like Principi are actually more useful alive and operating -- as a leverage, an excuse to invade, a bogeymen for the masses, etc.
  21. And I want to take him home, make him a big bowl of chicken soup, top it with a pint of grog and tell him everything's gonna be alright. That idle pose of his is so pitiable; it would be in character for Rymrgand to give him perma-flu on top of everything else. Anyway, I loved this DLC quite a lot, unfortunately will have to postpone consequent play-throughs -- not only current weather is ruining muh immersion (except for that one level, you know which ), it is also not helping with my CPU overheating-by-Deadfire problem.
  22. Working as intended. There is no such thing as "+2 conversation" with Aloth, because devs didn't even bother coding it in, knowing it's impossible to achieve max positive influence with Mr Rolleyes McSigh.
  23. Pft, entitled Greenwich Meanies, thinking their bloody longitude is still as important in XXI century as it is used to be. Well not anymore, mate!
  24. What about "Divine Divinity"? Swords, spells - check, isometric - check, single player - check. Scaling spells. No party though, and somewhat Diably-crawly, but the story is there, if a little forgettable.
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