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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. New run, ship morale at 40 something, hey, I think, time to get that cheevo. Stock up on cardboard and water, circle around Neketaka for weeks. Finally at 10 or 15 morale there happens a scripted event that looks like mutiny. So I kick one mutineer overboard and I think feed another to piranhas just to make sure I'm really the piece of garbage who totally deserves to walk the plank. Morale goes up to 40. Since then I've been at sea with no food, no water for weeks, the crew survived four deliberate fish poisonings with deliberate refusal to cure them and three lashings, and nothing. What did I do wrong? Did I need to fail to defuse the mutiny in the scripted event? Do I have to hire crew members with specific personalities?
  2. Terry Pratchett has a fitting quote about this: Wizards don't believe in gods in the same way that most people don't find it necessary to believe in, say, tables. They know they're there, they know they're there for a purpose, they'd probably agree that they have a place in a well-organised universe, but they wouldn't see the point of believing, of going around saying "O great table, without whom we are as naught"
  3. That boss fight is ****ing good. In fact, that whole questline is one of my very favorites. I especially liked that the main tactic at the end of White March, "CHARGE THE HEEEEAD!", proved to be a rather bad idea here. Heh. As soon as I realized poor thing's immobile I just unleashed Aloth, Durance and my scroll collection on the poor thing, it was very anticlimactic. Also, how do you piss Galawain off? I think I hanged up on him, but apparently it wasn't enough.
  4. Have to say, I love your naming scheme. Anyway, I did not dislike any companions, and sidekicks are non-entities that draw no emotions at all from me (shame about Constanten, though. Loved the intro and the voice. "Ablutions, geddit? Ha!") , so just downvoted Ydwin because I hate vampires.
  5. Well, Woedica had a lot of responsibility once, got dragged down fast. Abyddon also tried to care, caught a moon with his face. And we all remember what happened to ol' Waidwen on that bridge. No wonder the rest of them stay put. Or maybe they've been programmed this way -- if one gets involved with kith too much, the others are compelled to squish it. Then it appears someone forgot to code in "One of them goes after the Wheel" situation, and voila, we have what we have. (One of my own favourite sir Pterry's quotes is Nanny Ogg's about two kinds of opera, so frivolous being as I am I don't mind the gods playing games and bickering instead of tending to their duties )
  6. My favourite as well. The fact that he has a lot to say, has expansive and well done character development arc and personal quest tied to the main plot (which is "Who controls the Deadfire Archipelago". Eothas who?) helps tremendously. As for him doing anyone with a pulse, more power to him. Fidelity is overrated. I was also delighted with the fact the Watcher isn't even his first choice -- if you have Gina in your party, he hits on her before saying 'hello' to you. Oh, and his writer managed to sneak into the romance conversation something like this: "his eyes like stunned tuna's". Tried imagining that, went
  7. This very thing is what turned "the big reveal" of PoE into tiny fart for me. No, lady, they are real, and the word you are looking for is 'artificial'. It also helped me to ignore the main quest of Deadfire better - "bah,who cares what that giant droid wants, I have things to do, political schemes to navigate". Still, I liked the gods and will be sad to see them gone. They are an interesting bunch -- while mostly habitual archetypes (sea/moon, trickster god, reaper), they had peculiarities here and there to make them less cliche -- like fertility associated with birds or Skaen being basically the god of sadistic schadenfreude. I loved those divine interjections they did (great voice and sound there) and how annoyed they were when the Watcher tried to actively participate. Come on, guys, it's my head you're holding this conference in, some courtesy would be nice.
  8. Roll a corpse eater and sample the dudes from Pallegina's quest. Or romance Tekehu. Also, great fanart, although I prefer decaying anglefishhead original Ondra.
  9. Yeah, Maia says it's a pity the PC and fishboy are chummy, or else...and trails away. Also, keep Gina and Maia in for Tekehu's Tales of Torrid Tumblings, they have some funny reactions. Also2, on the subject on conflicts and character development - Maia and Tekehu butted heads when he hit -2 with her. And then made up and hugged and it was kind of sweet.
  10. By the way, there is nothing in the ending slides that says the Rauatai abolishes the caste system. The closest is this -- "Those Huana who trade caste and prize-share for Rauataian unity and striving prosper."
  11. I loved messing with the Goldpact Knight's OCD to make him give up his place on the ship. One of the funniest moments in the game.
  12. So, the OP just tossed some fertilizer onto the air ventilation system and slithered away? Hey, come back, you! I want to point and laugh!
  13. The Fort Deadlight quest line you get from Furrante can be done without any combat. If you go with explosives in the end, you also get quite good light armor. P.S.: I don't think I ever fought any kith in Neketaka, bluffed my way out of everything. Combat's less avoidable if a quest goes to that undercity dungeon, but even then you could sneak around some encounters, like that overgrown worm.
  14. Sssssoooo, Aloth. When Xoti cracks a morbid joke about a roughed up man in his presence no less, it's all good, eh? And what was this for?!
  15. Oh hellloooo, Jax Teller! ...ahem. Anyway, nah, Merrill is your classic Manic Dream Pixie Girl, although -- maybe it's just me -- of endearing rather than irritating sort. Aloth is more like, I dunno... either Carth Onasi from KOTOR or that dreadful killjoy Cullen from DA:I? (Sorry, Aloth. Even with all your eyerolling action you do not deserve to be compared to Carth and Cullen. Sorry. Sorry)
  16. And the only correct solution of this problem can and must come from inside of the Huana nation itself, regardless of how long it takes. Nobody can -- and should -- "fix" it for them, because it would only make things worse. RDC's, Vailia's, Principi's hearts do not bleed for the Roparu -- the Roparu is just an excuse for imperialistic greed; the three powers do not give a sh†t about them, as they're not there to fix the social injustice; they're just here for that sweet, sweet Adra/ land/ looting and pillaging.
  17. I'd say the only faction with a high ground here are the Huana for the simple reason -- they live in Deadfire archipelago and they did not invite greedy fascists, greedy corporations and greedy marauders into their home. And justifying invaders with "Well their caste system sucks!" ... I don't know. Yeah, it sure sucks, but it does not make occupation justified. My ideal outcome would be with Huana as the dominant power, but a little more, well, cosmopolitan. All the other factions have presence, presence generates influence and maybe after a year or two Roparu look around, think "Seriously, why are we allowing those useless aristocrats disrespect us when we feed them?", learn the art of Molotov c0cktail making and voila! -- authentic social revolution, honest and genuine and not caused by meddlesome, assassination-happy arseholes. If Huana is my lesser evil, then the greater of lesser evils would be Vailian Republic. They're kind of like Electronic Arts of Eora -- everyone at the top is a horrible untalented profiteer only concerned with the bottom line, but they have genuinely talented, inspired people working for them who want to create and innovate. Education, universities, everything "For science!" -- yeah, even if the majority of profits lines pockets of a few selected disgusting, atrocious, stinking, loathsome capitalista swines (I hate corporations, if you couldn't tell), there still is some good in it. I probably would not side with RDC fascists even on my evil arsehole run, and the pirates with their "LOL hurr durr random murdurrr" 'tude ain't much better.
  18. My first thought here was "Does anyone really want to romance Shub-Niggurath" and only second "Why they are now talking about Cthulhu mythos"? (The third was "Wait, the spellchecker recognizes the word 'Cthulhu' but not 'mythos'? Really?")
  19. The opposite here. I don't like giving chase and jumping through hoops, especially when one wrong answer can fudge everything, so usually the first character to ask "Hey boss, wanna f†ck?" gets it. But back to our Aloth. How do you guys make that -2 romance work? Tried, it went nowhere. I made a Bleak Walker/Corpse Eater for my arsehole run and I wouldn't mind imposing this gentleman of exquisite manners and refined gastronomical tastes on Aloth. Especially when I managed to antagonize him into -1 even before reaching Neketaka.
  20. Modwyr has basically the same personality as the psychotic toaster from New Vegas's "Old World Blues" DLC, with a touch of Muggy and a dash of one of the Switches. Was so happy when her storyline was finished and I didn't have to listen to her screeching anymore.
  21. I wish Concelhaut had more things to say. Why is he only offended by fish and eggs in my inventory? What about my 150 suits of armor, sabre collection and assortment of random heads in bags? I'd also love to hear his input on locations, quest givers, progress of my quests, weather...
  22. The system is definitely bugged. In my first play-through, Serafen was strangely un-opinionated (all zeros with everyone except for the Watcher) despite of having constant positive reactions to, say, Eder and Tekehu and being in the party almost all the time. Second play-through, exactly the same sequence and even before the bad poetry lady loop +2 Tekehu, +1 Xoti. And if we're speaking about Concelhaut, Nemnok and Aloth at the same time now, I suggest Obs make him into the floating pet for the next game and give us three pet slots. It would be such a perfect -- if a little cacophonous -- unholy trinity. "You bad captain, hope your ship sinks, bow to Nemnok!" "Stop carrying eggs, stop flirting with the shark man, oh and I killed all your pets!" "Stop goofing around, stop being self-confident, stop...just stop having fun!!!!"
  23. Lists! In no particular order -- Fallout NV, Arcanum, VtM: Bloodlines.
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