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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Yeah, I found that funny too. As for cringy dialogue, nothing can beat "stunned tuna eyes" in Tekehu's romance stuff, but I'm pretty sure the writer sneaked that in on purpose.
  2. I'm playing Tyranny. Love the setting, story and writing so far (started Chapter 2) more than PoE and kinda-sorta on par with Deadfire, although I can see how it's not for everyone (not only are you surrounded by as$holes, you are one too!). Also spell system is neat. But I cannot with combat. I play RTWOPs so obviously I don't need something awesome happen every time I push a button, but something...anything would be nice. Here I click and I don't know what's happening -- or rather why nothing is happening. Did I misclick? Was my action put on a queue? Did I click impatiently multiple times and now somehow locked or canceled that action? Is there even an auto-attack? Aaaanyway. After a few restarts I found out that electricity/frost mage works well enough, so for now the remaining major problem is me being piss poor all the time. Loot is such garbage that selling it just barely covers my expenses of tower upkeep and lore training.
  3. You make excellent points. I don't want to open a can of worms here, but have you noticed that even in our very cosmopolitan, modern society, you'll often find people of the same race hanging out together? There really is a lot of truth to the old "birds of a feather flock together" thing. IMO that's because there are way more cultures in our society than races and there's a significant overlap between races and national states (culture). I doubt that in Eora Glanfathan elf will have more in common with Aedyre elf that with fellow Glanfathan Orlan.
  4. Because we obviously do not have enough fantasy settings with insufferably arrogant, stuck up racist elves condescending to everyone else with smug superiority.
  5. Yeah, traveling to the Sunken City sometimes did that to me. But usually it would work OK after the reload, so there probably were some random numbers and luck involved. Anyway, I didn't really mind.
  6. Fallout 1 with its worst timer ever lies forgotten? Gerroff my lawn, you Bieber-loving young'uns. Hunger meter in MotB was negligible if you always suppressed and sometimes tricky when overindulging, but I actually liked it. It wasn't a time limit per se but something similar to what you have in Sims games, and nobody ever accused these with being difficult.
  7. Guys, guys!! Ydwin. Cranky, power hungry, can be mean. Magical experiment with interesting results. What if Ydwin IS Edwina?!?1?
  8. I'm with him here. F‡ck the Campbellian Monomyth forever into Pet Sematary of Dead Horses.
  9. Oh good, I was afraid I was going crazy (crazier?) when a whole page went by and everyone just glossed over this. That was my fault. For some reason I have trouble keeping Orwell, Orson Wells, and HG Wells separate in my head. I blame video games. ...Orson is actually Welles, if we're talking Orson of Rosebud fame, not some distant obscure cousin of Herbert. 'sfunny how fanboy No 1 compares the not-yet-released game's promo texts with a game that's already out and comes to conclusion that looks OK to him? Also, his obsession with validating his dislike for Deafire starts to look rather unhealthy. Dude, it's just a video game. It's not a big deal if you don't like it as much as some other games. No, really.
  10. Found them on Skaenites on "Sacrifice your companion" island. Attacked the group that initiated the conversation.
  11. Pffffft, ignoramus. It's Mowgli's panther buddy, copasheshy capisce?
  12. Are you new to the internet or something? You're not allowed to just like things on their own terms. You have to place them into some kind of internal top 10 list and then go aggressively searching for validation. Addendum: it is not silly to ask "What would win, X or Y?" questions if you are a) five years old; b) Urdnot Wrex.
  13. I really liked Divine Divinity, the soundtrack was great and I still remember fondly that existential skeleton. Now the only thing I remember from Dragon Knight was stupid looking armor on ladies - something like full plate on top, thong on bottom, complete impression was that the poor woman forgot to put her pants on before leaving home (Hiravias would have approved, though). Anyway. I do appreciate games that do not take themselves too seriously and I wanted to try D:OS but I found camera movement so annoying I quit after half an hour. Maybe there is a mod for that?
  14. Me too, and double warm fuzzies when I get to mess with that Godpact Knight. Now if only I could sneakily plant seeds of revolution and teach the Roparu how to make Molotov c0cktails... (P.S.: c0cktail? Really, profanity filter? )
  15. Lure them down the stairs that are on that screenshot to minimize the possibility of some hapless idiot blundering into your AoE. Better yet, do not use AoEs. The guards attack when they see you killing civvies and it's easier to remain unseen down there. Also, just in case -- those constructs that always aggro are not city guards, they are with the bounty and will aggro no matter what.
  16. I had ending slides where right after the one with Xoti as psycho killer there was this cheerful tale of her and Maia always being happy together and never far from each other. On the other hand, it would be rich for an assassin to have moral quandaries about a murdering maniac. That said, I don't have any problems with Charname's influence being very limited on Xoti. Her fanatical faith is a very large part of her identity, why some rando Watcher should suddenly be able to turn it 180°? It would be just as implausible as your influence making Serafen go "Yay slavery!" or Aloth turn zen and irresponsible.
  17. I, too, have an interpretation similar to Tick's. Not much of a Trekkie, but Cpt Picard seemed to simply have charisma. And charismatic people can influence (not the same as manipulate) other people easily because those other people look at high CHA person and think "Wow, they so nice I wouldn't mind doing them a favour or trying to see their point of view". Charismatic people also have this air of being genuinely interested in you and what you have to say, and I don't think it's all act; at least part of it must be genuine -- people are not all stupid and some of them would smell a fake. Now Atsura, he has charisn'tma. But he is also enough of a megalomaniac to want to have all available tools for his Hazatoha game in Deadfire setting, so he tries to fake charisma with a little help of his mind readers; only he is not as intelligent as his fellow dispassionate chess masters Robert House of New Vegas and G0-T0 of KOTOR2, who both chose to be honest and work with what they had rather than make fools of themselves by trying to imitate something they have exactly zero grasp on, because -- unfortunately for Atsura -- charisma is a Je Ne Sais Quoi thing and his attempts at humanity are not that good, leaving people creeped out, suspicious and therefore less susceptible to do his bidding.
  18. It dropped for me from Canta Nicese Nirro in literally last fight of the game.
  19. Another contribution to "Atsura is a manipulative creep" collection. Here's my Hannibal Bleakwalker getting endgame quest from him:
  20. They can also serve as noisemakers if you need someone be absent from the place you want to sneak past.
  21. You are also a very seasoned combatant, and your party members are too (mostly). Yet you can get SURROUNDED by a group of nobodies. Ambush itself is fine, but the fact that some random pirates are able to surround your veteran group is dumb. Hey sorry for wanting some RPG in a RPG ;p Those guys are not hostile unless you choose to attack them. Do you always roleplay Charnames who attack people on sight if you don't like the way they approach you?
  22. Methinks you are wasting your spells in vain, comrades necromancers -- betcha our Nice Guy OP quit Deadfire as soon as he reached Neketaka and discovered all those women in positions of power.
  23. Nice to meet another game music aficionado (albeit my own tastes are more on "VtM: Bloodlines" and "Brutal Legend" side and I am probably the only person on Earth who finds ESO series music ultimately nondescript). (Also SWTOR: Imperial Agent story is one of my favourite RPGs, and pretty high on the list. It's criminally wasted as a part of a MMO) Also2, Mask of the Betrayer's soundtrack was fantastic and complemented game's atmosphere really well. Also3, Arcanum's soundtrack is to RPGs what Ennio Morricone's scores are to Westerns.
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