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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Yeah, and the puzzle will be "Why and more importantly how the heck can you romance vampires anyway? They're undead. They multiply by biting."
  2. Yeah, cannot be happier that bullsh!t like random permadrains to stats, abilities and stuff went down the drain. Saves me an extra-reload. Because this is what I always do and I'll eat my hat if I am alone in this. Because it's a computer game with save system and not a tabletop session. Same goes for similar idiocies like that imprisonment spell of BG2 and suchlike - "Well, crap. F9." Anyway. I wish Obsidian did a science fiction RPG. Proper science fiction, not space fantasy like "Star Wars". Alas, I remember reading somewhere that science fiction does not sell much. Like, Bioware went from light sci-fi "Mass Effect" to bombastic "Humanity f†ck yeah!" action schlock a la Mike Bay in "Mass Effect 2" and guess which one is more popular. So I'll take whatever I can get, even power heroic fantasy. I'd be none too happy -- sucks to go back to cucumbers after grapes, but I trust Obsidian not to make FR-type bland oatmeal anyway.
  3. Yep, I always viewed him as a god of sadistic schadenfreude. Would gleefully torture some formerly privileged sod when he's down, never actually rebel against the tyrant. He's just a lowly pressure valve of Woedica's. Personally I find his kit -- kick someone who's down while resentfully licking the boots of your master -- particularly contemptible and cannot bring myself to play as a Skaenite, even though I had no problems Bleak-walking over everyone.
  4. Do those people come from MMOGs or something? I noticed there's a mad rush through everything just to get to the maxlevel and that sweet, sweet ~@endgame@~. Which in MMOs is doing the same thing again and again and again. Me, I like leveling up. Countering the limitations with those few options you currently have is fun, keeping your soft useless low level wizard alive is fun.
  5. My own favourite build was Beguiler/Assassin Moony with Aumaua body type, because, well -- imagine a huge brightly glowing dude trying to sneak up to someone. He was also very good at chain-charming everyone and making them fight each other so we had tons of fun in Seeker, Slayer, Survivor. Romanced Tekehu for maximum awkwardness, what with the same mum and all.
  6. Well, you picked the most boring path (nobody wants to talk to you so you kill everything) ever and it seems to me you expected this to be a power fantasy but evil (you ain't no special investigator, you're one of many disposable legal clerks and even your new powers do not make you that special, Archons are dime a dozen) and this likely contributed to your disappointment, although I agree it kind of fizzles towards the end. Wasn't too enamored with combat (loved spell system though), but combat isn't why I play games so I'll adapt to anything if I love the story and world building...well, almost anything (hello, Witcher!). Deep Roads Old Walls were dreadful, though. All in all, for me now Deadfire = Tyranny >>> PoE, but ain't gonna fight IRL anyone over that. To each their own.
  7. You guys are entirely too cheerful for denizens of the forum the owner of which just got gobbled up by Evil Corp. Lets bring it down a little.
  8. VtmB is 14 yrs old? fml i didnt need to hear that. i remember getting excited for redemption cos i played the tabletop game - then getting pissed off cos a brujah shouldnt have access to all those disciplines. prob should replay VtmB when i get a chance. its fitting that a game about vampires should refuse to die. Shut up you guys. With 300+ unplayed games on GOG alone the last thing I need is yet another go at Bloodlines. It's not even half a year since last time I played it, jeez.
  9. What ever did Gromnir do to you to warrant a parallel to the Next Iteration? Gromnir usually brings interesting and varied stuff (and never breaks character!), while the Iteration does not even have a sound argument, it has a personal grudge that it repeats ad nauseam. QED (bolded by me): Dude. I noticed. I noticed after the first 10 times you wrote that. And that's exactly why I dismiss it -- you offer personal, emotional issues and assert those are objective arguments. Furthermore, you fault Obsidian for doing their own thing instead of Ctrl+C Ctrl+V, you claim that copypasta is objectively better than doing something new, and then in the very next paragraph you accuse them for not being very creative. Right after complaining about doing something new instead of rehashing decades old idol of yours. That's...well, technically criticism alright, but is not constructive or useful at all. It's a little like criticizing your new girlfriend for not looking and behaving exactly like your ex.
  10. It's very likely and I bet "Tyranny" will get there as well - after all, majority of games from Black Isle alumni eventually gained cult status, even if cultists aren't that big in numbers. KOTOR 2, New Vegas, Alpha Procotol, MotB. Bloodlines. Arcanum. And lets not forget the granddaddy of 'em, 'ol Torment. You know what else unites them? They all either underperformed or flat out bombed. Meanwhile, EA sells the same three sports games every year to obscenely large number of people and GTA never ever leaves Top10 bestsellers on Steam. No wonder people love their shallow high fantasy escapism schlock so much when world is this unfair.
  11. Even if MS allows Obsidian to do its own thing for some time at least, there still is high probability of caging new games in their abomination of the store. And I wouldn't even be able to pirate them, because sorry, Obs, but I love my Win7 moar than I love you.
  12. I sank some hours into "Divinity: OS". I kind of like combat system even if I suck at it and appreciate goofball things like kettle helmets and cat marriages, but methinks that they could do better than hire the Pegleg Performers to write the story and do the acting.
  13. Not sure why you want to waste your wits debating this specimen again, Boeroer. Just let it feel vindicated because, as it thinks, the sole reason that Obsidian went down is because they failed to match its very restrictive ("Baldurz Gate 2 is perfection!!!!1!") personal set of expectations; for its types it's always "did not cater to me to the last letter = objectively bad" and any attempt to have a rational discussion is doomed beforehand. Maybe then it'll stop posting the same thing again and again. ...bleh, who am I kidding. No cure for obsession this unhealthy.
  14. Eh, I'm pretty sure bazoopa is the Next Iteration (does its accounts get banned or does it simply like to start over (and over and over again)? Just curious), so it's safe to disregard its opinions about, well, everything.
  15. Here's my own daydream: Obsidian splits into teams, one team keeps mass producing generic fantasy cookie cutter "Skyrim-like" AAAs for profit so that another team be free to make original, inspired things of their dreams.
  16. Play as a Corpse Eater and find out. I only found out two things: 1. Gibs are inedible; 2. Your party gives you dirty looks if in the middle of a battle you decide to have a lunch break while they're busy murdering dudes. Kind of ruins the appetite.
  17. Technically you couldn't sell it if you wanted to, its price is 0. So think about it as...a donation to the merchant. I'm sure the lady who sells pets would totally appreciate the gesture.
  18. I would prefer to believe the problem is indeed in (non-existent) marketing rather than target audience's majority being so ultra-conservative that they would only buy generic fantasyland stuff -- you know, vaguely English countryside, Scottish dwarves, snooty elves, D&D rules and similar banalities. Because you can improve marketing. As for the OP, I'm not sure he's not some sort of halfway decent parody.
  19. Pah, 'tis boring. Post pics when you start working in bordello
  20. Interesting. I started a new game after being away a while, and where previously I got Tekehu's dialog very quickly after hitting +1, now I'm at +2, finished the first part of the quest with the watershapers and Delver's Row, and still not a peep Since I was away a while, not up to date on patch notes, did they change it that much? Yeah, made a new character as well and things seem to have changed - Serafen's and Eder's +1 and Aloth's -1 triggered as fast as usual, Tekehu's +1 dialogue never happened yet. Here's hoping it's not bugged, since I don't recall any patch notes regarding that.
  21. Me, I'm still in Tyranny. Did you know that there are at least 6 no-name Iron Walkers with unique dialogue in Disfavored camp? And that you can rat out one of them to another for loitering and being a creepy stalker? And that if you visit Bastard City without a reason to go there you can still find things to do such as insert yourself in court's hearings? Sigh. This is my last Obsidian game. I don't have no more unplayed ones. What I am going to do.
  22. Oi, guys, discussing Satoshi Kon and no mention of Paprika and Paranoia Agent? Those were my most Philip K. D†ck (ahahaha, censorship!!!) experiences outside of, well, the writer himself.
  23. Did Avellone piss off every bartender in his neighbourhood and has no other way to drunkenly vent but on the codex? I'm not going to like the stuff he wrote any less just because he is being silly on the 'net, but seriously -- dude. 'tis embarrassing. Anyway. Justin Bell, if you're still reading here sometimes -- thank you for the music! That main theme of "Tyranny"...
  24. Ah, if you mean what I think you mean, then F†CK no. He had a really cool arc, with proper beginning, end and even lasting impact on the world, and it's finished perfectly and perfectly finished. Resurrection gimmick is daft enough even for a good writer to make it work, and -- judging by recent content -- they don't even have writers that use common sense any longer.
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