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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. You're not snobby enough, there are people out there who deem Cradle of Filth or Dimmu Borgir pop. Aaaanyway, I discovered Hammerfall when my snobbishness was already in decline, so I like quite a lot of their stuff. Like, this cover is truly great:
  2. Uh, please don't tell me that's still going? I was a (bigger) fan of the DM of the Rings series that it apes, but I followed D&D for probably a year or so when it first started before I realized that I simply like reading and watching stuff in a big chunk rather than piecemeal weekly and decided I'd wait a few years before coming back...and I never did. It's been many years now. It's still going. Although they're bidding their time right now until the current trilogy is complete and post fluff once a week. As for fanfictional scientist, he might look into the curious phenomena of nothing f†cking changing throughout ages upon ages in that universe, ever. Seriously, everything -- guns, aircraft, fashion, British accents on Imperials -- is the same for Old and New Republic. And Empire.
  3. Do you have any mods or unity mod manager installed? I read that modded game saves break after every patch, so you should uninstall them before patching and reinstall again. If not, the no ideas save for game reinstall.
  4. Yeah dude, do that edit. I clicked the thread expecting rowdy pirate shanty a la "15 men on the dead man's chest" or murdery rhyme like "10 little indians". It's mean to disappoint people like that.
  5. And here I am, v. appreciative to POE for allowing me to give gods a piece of my mind and fuming at my inability to even side-eye those vapid twits of goddesses that foisted their will upon my Charname in P:K. Plus, not only you cannot play someone with a sense of humour (unless it's puns) in P:K at all, you cannot even play someone with a vocabulary larger than 50 words. So until some genius mashes two games together, the only thing we can do is enjoy the aspect of each game that we like rather than are annoyed at. (Or maybe I should try the game in Russian since you say the fault is in translation and I'm fluent anyway) As for that modern american thing (which isn't really exclusive to Americans), I'm afraid that the game with characters who go, like, "To the kitchen with you, females!" or "We elves are the master race, bow before us, you lowly inferior filth!" might draw wrong kind of attention and then it can be pain in the ass to explain you were just "exploring themes and topics". (And yet, Obz sneaked Durance in )
  6. "Passionate" or "aggressive" -- unlike, say, "lawful" and "good", are not loaded, judgmental words and -- at least in me -- provoke different level of reaction. Like, if I do something I think is mellow and see that the game slapped the "passionate" label on that action, I just shrug and dismiss it as the writer and me having different ideas about passion, which is OK because emotions are highly personalized. But if I murder a bunch of civilians because their goddess is evulz, oh noez!!! -- then how the f†ck I am good? "Maya eagerly helps you clean Ruatai headquarters after refusing their quest and never notices it even happened" actually stands out because Deadfire's companions were usually vocal, opinionated and not shy to offer their input about current situation, while in P:K it was like travelling with a group of soulless mannequins who never reacted to anything save for an occasional inconsequential bark. Also, I don't remember "weird dwarf" sequence being that overloaded with needless adjectives; as for "rictus grin" -- "weird words" <> "purple prose".
  7. It's not the pulpy-trashy feel that I find awful, it's this clumsy-bizarre way to form sentences I've only encountered in bad fanfiction, never in professional prose. You know -- "The half-elf giggled prettily as the half-orc crammed his tongue into blushing prettyboy cleric's ear while the snarky gnome tutted disapprovingly and the dark-haired barbarian guffawed rudely". Thanks, game, I memorized that she's a half-elf after your first five uses of her race for description, what's wrong with just 'she' or Olivia...pardon, Octavia. See, game? if you weren't so weirdly averse to proper nouns and pronouns it would be easier for me to remember her and her bf Reginald's names. Also, "verbed adjectively" must be used verily sparingly because if overused extensively it sucks terribly.
  8. I had Tsanna as an advisor and Lamashtu worshipers too -- plus my very own cult, complete with the statue of Nok and me. I also had a pub, a dance hall and a brothel built in every town and goblin and kobold quarters wherever I could put them. All things considered I am very proud of my cosmopolitan, accepting and most of all fun kingdom.
  9. I cannot do a viable comparison -- played PoE with WM as one game -- huge advantage over disjointed bits of Deadfire's DLC (played with non bluffy, not talky Charnames to boot), but then I liked everything about Deadfire better. Still, WM brings back v. fond memories -- leaving the doom and gloom world and finding out that new one is even doomier and gloomier; getting my as$ handed out to me by goons assaulting Concelhaut's home; eerie music; that utter horrible as$hole of Bleak Walker; those little stun-happy Lagufaeth as$holes; Zahua; Vithracks (hope they return for hyphotetical PoE3). Devil's dungeon and tunnels under Dwarf Fortress were a little too long, too tedious and the ending crawl could have had a little less hammerhead monstrosities, but it did not spoil the impression. I would even say I liked WM a bit more than the main game, on account of being a bit weirder, less traditional fantasy. And, of course, gloomier. Deadfire, I loved the main campaign much more than any of DLC, but from those Forgotten Sanctum was the best. Loved characters v. much: Tayn (and of course Aloth hated him), Bekarna was such a lovable dork, got to know Fassina better and found out she's cool, the main game's regulars had a nice quip or two as well; loved environments; loved how I couldn't zerg boss fights anymore and actually had to think what abilities of my highly unoptimized party to use; loved having to use stealth; loved messing with books of blind librarians, loved befriending mushrooms, did not love having to murder a family of bears. Again. SSS would be the second -- I love when I can solve stuff in RPGs without resorting to murder and so always go for this option, but then it has unfortunate consequence of me having a ton of most interesting murder tools in my possession but no murderables to try them on. SSS rectified that (although I'd prefer if it did it without trying to fry my PC during those big fights with many critters and special effects). Beast of Winter's would be the least liked then (but still liked). I don't care for the god stuff much and all the backtracking between different realms/different times was annoying, so was fighting those dudes on the bridge, so was trying to beat up that titanium undead dragon in the end; liked Vatnir and being lippy to Rymrgand. Did not care AT ALL for having to murder Papa and Mama bears and steal their orphaned cub. What the hell Obz, what ever bears did to you?
  10. What is high tea, anyway? Something you get by pouring boiling water on dried cannabis leaves, goes well with hash brownies? Also I don't get why Brits are so snobby about their tea traditions when they always commit disgusting atrocity of ruining it with milk.
  11. Oh! I had a cat related dream too last night - I dreamed that I had a lion summon who regularly switched through the cycle of life, so I'd have a tiny cuddly wee lion cub who'd grow into playful young lioness and then mighty mean old lioness and then cuddly cub again. I can do my own dream interpretation though, which would be -- I play too many videogames.
  12. To be fair Jhod called him an idiot ... Alas, Jhod was dead in my game, because I decided "Screw the city, I'm going to disable the spawner first" and when I came back the city was indeed screwed. But Tristian got his comeuppance in the House Of Annoyance and Lazy Design so at least that's that.
  13. I did not like any (save for short stories. Love most of them) of his post-accident stuff but I know a few purists who believe he didn't write anything good since "The Stand". Eh, opinions.
  14. You hate Pratchett, Boeroer. Your opinion does not count. Me, I loved them very much up to and including "Wizard and glass", but the third and second last were meh and the last one ugh,wtf.
  15. Having finished it recently...yeah. Game good, but writing is absolutely its weakest point. Bugs can (and will) be squashed, absence of speed and things like Y U NO STACK, COLLECTIBLES?!!?! can be modded in, but writing is there to stay forever. And that's a bummer because the stories themselves are often good and a good wordsmith could make them shine. Alas, poor Yorick. Oh! Speaking of wordsmiths. I vaguely remember Avellone being associated with Kingmaker in their Kickstarter campaign, no? In that case I'd be a wee embarrassed if I were him. Enough to double down on boozing (and then drunkenly post silly buggers on social media).
  16. That's some truly ancient necro. You sure you don't want them (very brittle) bones stay buried? Nothing good can come from invoking a rite like that.
  17. Assassin/Beguiler was my most fun build to play and opening from stealth with 'Whispers of treason' was my favourite d†ck move. Focus I had at the start was enough for two whispers and a truckload of entertainment as a result.
  18. "FNV: Dead Money" also allows you to refuse Elijah's offer straight away.
  19. I half-expected a bio-pic to be the last cash cow in the herd, but then, "Silmarillion" and other genre stuff prolly would be a harder sell to general audience than tried and true biopic. Which could also serve as an Oscar bait, the Academy of old farts seem to love em, no matter how cheesy and glossed over they are.
  20. I would prefer that they put romance with Pallegina. XD She deserve love. Alas, Gina is in a tumultuous, all-consuming, abusive, but passionate relationship with the Vailian Republics. She has neiher time nor place in her heart for some silly little Watcher. As for theoretical companions of theoretical PoE3, I'd prefer all new crew. But Eder can stay. Eder can always stay.
  21. So is remake of Disney cartoons but with humans the new superhero comic adaptation? Will I have to expand my latitude of loathing? I don't want to spread it too thin and wide, because if things keep going this direction I might yet need it. A lot of it.
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