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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Dude. I know. I just f†cking hate superheroes and everything that has to do with them.
  2. Ugh, a superhero movie in Oscar race is a new low. More importantly, an omen that the flood of that garbage ain't over yet. Oh well. Fingers crossed, pentagrams drawn.
  3. Arkemyr Mansion Heist and then accepting his invitation, showing up in his own robe and going "Oh no, who ever could do that?!" when he complains about being robbed.
  4. Quite on the contrary -- it impresses me (and puts to shame as well) - if you do your games so meticulously, then how do you do your taxes?
  5. ...wot? Well, I guess if you're really into ham and cheese...
  6. SOMA free on GOG. Grab it, it is a very good game.
  7. Yet another reason to blow arrogant, scheming, fascist junta to shrapnel cloud, gunpowder-and-barrel splinters sauce free. Not a bad fun indeed.
  8. Well if the game is flooded with furry rats already, why does it need yet another rat lookalike? And mangy instead of furry to boot?
  9. Damn it, I planned to feed the skull (and then reload after the cheevo ding). What about the spectral ones? Also, did anyone try to shred Sawyer's cat yet and does the game set your PC on fire as it should?
  10. "I should really stop buying games on sale, I'm set up for three lifetimes alreaaaoooooh, Bioshocks on GOG, time to lower Jolly Roger! "
  11. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Forums on fire off the shoulder of Bioware.com. I watched pan-species tentacle fan-fic seep over the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. Thank the Lord. Serves you right for reading fetish fanfiction in the first place. Why would you even do that? Ran out of books? Magazines? WC air freshener labels?
  12. Are we sh†tting on Obsidian games here or just sharing general unpopular opinions? Can I say that I cannot think of a piece of fiction that I loathed more than "Undertale"?
  13. Anyone wants the code for Fantasy General? It appears I already own it somehow. Probably as a freebie from some other promo campaign.
  14. "A slave obeys" -- was spoiled on this one, yet it still was so very powerful; SOMA's end -- the moment right after launching the Ark and then Earth's reveal later. Love when fiction hurts me that way; On the other end of the spectrum -- showing the dead cat to random people in Icewind Dale 2; Meeting the first Controller in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl; Leaving Doc's house in New Vegas, looking around thinking "I'm home".
  15. I found this one better on the Pub side. I expected some boombastic overblown "Epic battlez of Epic Gud against Epic Evulz!!" dreck, but it actually was a fairly low key story about dealing with less impressive, but in reality more dangerous aftermaths of war like food shortage. The area is very beautiful, especially the library outskirts, and decos are fairly nice, I might farm some when it gets lets crowded there. Meanwhile will amuse myself by running around throwing snowballs at black-clad tossers with pretentious names.
  16. Yeah, lets stop with making RPGs altogether, because 10% of genre's fans are Codex types.
  17. Eh, makes sense -- people always complain louder against something than for, and folks who don't care about romances don't care to post about them either.
  18. NPCs refuse to talk with you because of your obvious . . . eagerness. "Star Wars: the Old Republic" has some options like that. You roll up to some NPC, hit that [flirt] choice and hear "Sorry, married. Happily married." Or "Dude, it's a war zone, there are lasers shooting, wounded people howling, gibs flying and you think this is is the perfect moment to hit on me?!"
  19. diplomatic characters. Not necessarily. I spared him in a pretty brutal manner -- slapped him around a bit and then basically went "Now I own you, b†tch." And so when I threw in with Furrante I did not have to go and get Aeldys myself, because Benny backstabbed her for me.
  20. But what about very-not-vanilla or even better, creepy, dysfunctional and destructive romances? Sure, you could experience those in real life too, but I (and 9 doctors out of 10) strongly recommend against it
  21. Sometimes it's dangerous to make a truly great trailer -- because if the game that follows does not match expectations (and chances are it does not), outrage happens.
  22. Me, I find it really amusing, the idea that supposedly grown-up people feel so scared by mere presence of romances that they actually cheer in relief when there are none. "Hey guys, look -- romances! BooOooOOOooOOO! "
  23. Do you mean shotgun wedding or Francis? ...wait, it's not important. The best either way.
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