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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Well, peacefully for me. Not so much for the old girl. Anyway, this choice comes with additional benefit of pissing off Rymrgand so I will never not take it.
  2. Not really! I indeed have no murders in my life, but I am perfectly happy with "murder count = 0" situation and absolutely do not want this ever go >0 even if I enjoy a little slaughter in my vidya games. Same with romances, I guess. Just because one wants to experience them in controlled environment, it does not mean they either lack or want more of them in their reality. Them romances-schmances are just another fringe of your bog-standard power fantasy package, just as dude killing is and neither of them resembles their reality counterpart much. As intended. (However, I absolutely do not have enough exploration in my RL, true. Wouldn't say no to some kleptomania either if not for that pesky law enforcement disadvantage)
  3. I'm a little curious about how romances can make such a difference, when the ratio of romance content/non-romance content in those large, sprawling, time-consuming RPGs is rather minuscule. I mean, I like them and use them if found in a game I play, but I also love making builds, exploring, talking to monsters, murdering dudes and stealing their stuff so the whole package is appealing to me, but I'm sure as heck would not plow through hours of, say, racing game or twitch platformer for a few miserable minutes of stuff I do love. (Also, Boeroer, your theory kind of implies I do not have enough murder and kleptomania in my life and I resent that remark. )
  4. It is a bit on the boring side compared to other Telltale's stuff, but I actually liked I could choose between dude in boring suit and dude in goofy suit. Picked boring suit all the time, as I simply cannot take superhero stuff seriously. (My favorite Telltale title would be "Wolf among us". "Tales of the Borderlands" was pretty great too, but it loses to "Wolf" by not having a smoking, freeloading depressed pig hogging your couch).
  5. Me too, and it's a good, atmospheric game. Loved that paranormal horror was more science-fiction based rather than usual mystic-fantasy schlock, and the creepy paranormal entity was IMO very well done. It's also sufficiently short so that you can go for a new game+ for additional layer of spookiness.
  6. Got 12 somehow, mostly by restraining myself from voting IKEA all the time
  7. ...if it's any help, you're defending logical reasoning and importance of paying attention to details? Those are good, useful comments of Boeroer and Thelee, I'll prolly find application for their advises somewhere in my game. Not against Nerrie, though - unlike certain Korben Dallas, I never bash a critter I can negiotiate with.
  8. don't know why people have such gripes against disney, honestly. Can't answer for other people, but I blame Disney for the trend of American pop-culture industry slapping often cloying and saccharine "happy endings" onto everything, no matter how unfitting. Plus proselytizing. I am possibly wrong, since I didn't really bother to research origins of the trend, it's just that Disney is an easy target what with adding those to, say, "Little Mermaid" or "Notre-Dame de Paris" of all things. That, and also how carefully, skillfully, but soullessly manufactured their products seem to be. Marketing always appealing to most recent societal fads, nary a controversy or anything bolder ever1, just a string of maximally inoffensive consumables all wrapped in layers of pink, soft cotton candy. And hey, these things have a right to exist, of course....it's just makes me sad, seeing how f†cking influential this trend is -- it's not even a trend anymore, it's bloody norm. (Bambi's mum not on them, though. Done in by the original writer, an Austrian. ) 1 Yeah, I know "Pulp Fiction" technically is a Disney product, but you know what I mean.
  9. Oh, I know the U.S.A. has decent folklore, read a few pieces here and there too. Still does not absolve it from responsibility for House of Mouse, though.
  10. To keep politics out of decent topic and keep a wee moar on topic, lets look at ancestor of fantasy -- fairy tales. Germans gave us Grimm tales, also that modern story where a boy's horse drowns in the swamp. 'muricans gave us, ugh, Disney. Are Germans really that dismissive, I wonder? Isn't that just, like, an aspect of continental Europe's good old collective side-eye at cultural and moral osmosis that slowly but inevitably creeps upon us from the other side of the pond?
  11. On top of my head there were at least two things that could easily give you final death -- the elevator and the fire. Possibly ignominious death by kitchenware too, if you lingered there long enough.
  12. The kids are alright as they always were and will be, but that does not mean we cannot make fun of them. Especially when you're a cynical, thick-skinned boomer who's well acquainted with this internet thing but was young and stupid on it before the age of social media, so nobody can trace all the stupid things you said at age 20 and rub it in your face. P.S.: this derail is way more interesting than the original topic.
  13. Or maybe kiddies that are playing this cash cow du jour of Epic will find another drug before Epic is able to reliably hold on what's grabbed and there will be mass exodus followed by much schadenfreude.
  14. Amnesia Dark Descent called and said "Your mom is cheap, and relying on sound design is awesome!" Anyway, Hell Hotel is indeed less scary on consequent play-throughs, but Grout's mansion holds up. Hoo boy does it hold up. And that porno studio too. ...I'm cautiously pessimistic about this project. Y'know, bottled lightning, blah blah. Just look at Numenera.
  15. And here's one of the bestest best game endings ever: https://youtu.be/SGxNlch0YRs?t=177
  16. ...you can have pets? I mean, other than classes like druid or ranger can have? Not that I would equip an owlbear even if I had one. Really don't get Owlcat's fascination with them -- they're just so goofy looking, it's impossible to take them seriously as a monster. I mean, just look at this derp face:
  17. I find this very thing amusing in slightly morbid way. Overconsumption and corporate greed doing irreparable damage to planet's climate while virtual intelligences belonging to predatory corporations are fighting to death over precious data on machines of unsuspecting humans - it's cyberpunk. I'm living in bloody science fiction!
  18. Oooh, we're going back in time, I see -- from nineties to eighties now? I am soooo going to spam post when we reach my beloved sixties! Meanwhile, eighties it is.
  19. Don't be ridiculous, Boeroer, you cannot hide in blue cheese, it does not have holes. Perhaps in Emmental or Maasdam.
  20. While I myself have problems with sugar just like yourself, I recall Hoegaarden being pretty tasty the few times I got to drink it. That's exactly why I am sad -- it used to be so tasty for me until it wasn't anymore. I miss that feeling. As for wines, the colour red is obviously the culprit of headaches. Never get them from whites, never get them from black tea that I drink by gallons, only red wine, the redder, the acher. Kinda bummer, since I prefer Shiraz to Cabernet or Merlot, but eh. Totally can do without wines whatsoever (bastards also give me heartburn), just lemme at my beers. Beers can be used for cooking purposes too -- stouts make for super tasty sauce with beef.
  21. Same. Or at least more advanced case with all them fancy coolers, what with summers turning into fiery hell lately.
  22. Welp. Here's hoping it's just someone tossing natural fertilizer into air circulation system for moar clicks. If not, eh. I can wait for a year, no problemo.
  23. Goody! Now all she needs is a dentist, because them teeth are definitely not Aumaua-like
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