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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Or mayhaps it's a dulcimer? You need to use them hammer thingies on it, meaning that it matters how hard you hit it, only Benweth is so drunk hardcore he needs no stinking hammers.
  2. Sure. Best racial is ofc Death godlike! When you get close to what the french (those dirty duckers) call "the little death" you gain power levels. Or Fire godlike, if you want to spice up your minmaxing The sentence "Fire in a hole" obtaining a new meaning is this case. Really? No mention of Nature aka wood Godlike? I'm bummed you guys did not reach for such a low hanging nut so that me, who's tailing behind, get to crack it.
  3. Daaaaamn, the discussions you miss when ignoring "Obsidian, I have wisdom to share with you!!!1!" threads. Oh well, I still can go and +1 everyone involved, so annoying I cannot +2 puns and dad jokes.
  4. Started playing, made a pretty banal Rogue/Mage with plans to go Arcane Trickster. Cannot wait to mod out encumbrance and nerf fatigue already because right now the game is a loop of eating and sleeping. Although it's not really odd the party gets fatigued after walking, like, 5 metres because all we do is pig out on enormous quantities of food and nap (= get fat and lose stamina), but hoo boy is it annoying. Writing is...well, there. Obz really spoiled me. Also, Charname reminds me of KOTOR protagonist, who, too, valued not overburdened vocabulary and simple ways of communication such as "Who are you?!!!", "Yay!!!" and "Lets kill things!" And yet, game feels rather charming so far and likely will only be better with siesta-be-gone improvement.
  5. You know what's kind of hot and will definitely happen? Global warming. In other words, go play Plunkbat or Overwatch or whatever other multiplayer thingy you kiddies use today. This parasitic abomination infested enough of gaming space as it is, no need to slap it onto bloody everything. Also, get off my lawn.
  6. How's Bugmaker right now anyway? I kind of want to play something new but where I won't have to learn the system from scratch, but howlongtobeat has this to say about it: Main Story: --, Main + Extras 140 hours, Completionist: -- . So before committing bloody 140 hours it would be nice to know the game would not break halfway there.
  7. Yeah, but we also saved no winery and visited no library. Anyway, I missed this wonderfully creepy moment too and will absolutely run every party member through it now.
  8. Same here. I like what Civ does, but D:OS's system got really old really fast and I think I'm halfway into Numenera but still have no clue how its system works (and no wish whatsoever to try and understand it either, so I just leave AI to its own devices). Also, with all my undying love for F2 and F1 I cannot defend moments like when you sit and read half a book while all the 142 junkies of the Den shuffle to their new positions. Though I will try the new mode, of course. Might be fun. Might actually make those few messy battles in "Seeker, Slayer, Surivor" much easier.
  9. Anyone played Atom long enough to have opinion on writing? It really looks like something I want to play, but I am wary about that retro Sovietica setting. If there is something that I truly want to hate out of existence is nostalgia for Soviet times, with whitewashing, "Stalin was good guy and not a monster" and nonsense like that. I doubt GoG would accept "political disagreement" as the reason for refund, so better know beforehand.
  10. Dude. I know. I just f†cking hate superheroes and everything that has to do with them.
  11. Ugh, a superhero movie in Oscar race is a new low. More importantly, an omen that the flood of that garbage ain't over yet. Oh well. Fingers crossed, pentagrams drawn.
  12. Why so serious, thread? Here, have an earwyrm.
  13. Arkemyr Mansion Heist and then accepting his invitation, showing up in his own robe and going "Oh no, who ever could do that?!" when he complains about being robbed.
  14. Quite on the contrary -- it impresses me (and puts to shame as well) - if you do your games so meticulously, then how do you do your taxes?
  15. ...wot? Well, I guess if you're really into ham and cheese...
  16. SOMA free on GOG. Grab it, it is a very good game.
  17. Yet another reason to blow arrogant, scheming, fascist junta to shrapnel cloud, gunpowder-and-barrel splinters sauce free. Not a bad fun indeed.
  18. Well if the game is flooded with furry rats already, why does it need yet another rat lookalike? And mangy instead of furry to boot?
  19. Damn it, I planned to feed the skull (and then reload after the cheevo ding). What about the spectral ones? Also, did anyone try to shred Sawyer's cat yet and does the game set your PC on fire as it should?
  20. I thought they did add a bat with one of previous DLCs, no?
  21. "I should really stop buying games on sale, I'm set up for three lifetimes alreaaaoooooh, Bioshocks on GOG, time to lower Jolly Roger! "
  22. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Forums on fire off the shoulder of Bioware.com. I watched pan-species tentacle fan-fic seep over the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. Thank the Lord. Serves you right for reading fetish fanfiction in the first place. Why would you even do that? Ran out of books? Magazines? WC air freshener labels?
  23. Are we sh†tting on Obsidian games here or just sharing general unpopular opinions? Can I say that I cannot think of a piece of fiction that I loathed more than "Undertale"?
  24. Anyone wants the code for Fantasy General? It appears I already own it somehow. Probably as a freebie from some other promo campaign.
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