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Everything posted by daven

  1. ROMANCE?! It's for puffters! Come on lads get a grip.
  2. No it is a Epic exclusive, some say that it is also on the win shop, but don't you need win10 for that (it is pretty much just an xbox shop) They advertised on steam for hype, then took the money from Epic and made it exclusive. I have lost alot of respect from obsidian after this! People that care about pro consumer features and choice in where to buy, should not support this practice and the Epic shop (they want a monopoly market ala xbox) After 1 year apparently. Obsidian usually take a year after release to finish the game anyway so no harm done.
  3. I'm pretty sure all this was taken into consideration, but it makes more sense for them to take this decision.
  4. Unfortunately in recent years i have been getting bad motion sickness playing first person games. Really annoying i was fine for years then all of a sudden it started happening. To a point where i felt ill for the rest of the day.
  5. I played BG2 first, did not give a toss about Imoen, "Khalid who?" and Irenicus was such a cheesy and hammy pile of videogame Big Bad's cliches that I couldn't ever invest in him as personal nemesis. That's why I always eyeroll at people who are all "Deadfire gives me no motivation, waaah!" and then "Baldur's Gate 2 is perfectly perfect slice of perfection with perfect motivation!" No, it's f†cking not. Not everyone who's into RPGs worship that thing and it's not the pinnacle of videogame perfection. No, seriously. Eye of the beholder, tentacle of the illithid, all that. I loved the game, by the way -- the setting, the cities, all the sidequests and secrets, and my indifference about anything Irenicus did not ruin my enjoyment of those things in a slightest. Get out.
  6. He went missing as soon as the epic store lark happened. Coincidence? I think not!
  7. Its a good thing when The creators aren't interested in implementing it The narrative doesn't support it in a way that isn't contrived The development of romance options would take resources away from creating other interesting role playing opportunities The development wouldn't support the creation of romances within the scope of the project in general I'm sure there are more reasons we could come up with. Don't get me wrong, I think there is a place for a well implemented and thought out romance or romances in a RPG, but that doesn't mean it has to be present in the game anymore than, say, swords or relationships with your parents. I understand your points, and perhaps my opening post was a bit sharper than it should have been, but here's my take if you don't mind a bit of a rebuttal. Romance is one of the biggest and most important aspects of the human condition. Some might call the search for love and acceptance THE single most important factor in that human condition. So completely divorcing this aspect of playing a role from a role playing game is essentially removing one of the biggest aspects of playing a character. Love, and the search for it, is one of the biggest motivators out there. Romance done well can add far more to a story than romance done poorly can detract from a story. (IMO of course.) Some of the best video games of all time have featured love as a central component, and I have a hard time listing a bunch of all-time great RPGs that completely ignored this aspect. A short list of my favorite RPGs of all time: Planescape: Torment - Has romances Witcher 3 - Has romances Jade Empire - Has romances Mass Effect Trilogy - Has romances Dragon Age: Origins - Has romances Kotor - Has romances Kotor 2 - Has romances Neverwinter Nights 2 - Has romances Dragon Quest VIII - Has romances...really, really bad ones but they are there. Star Control 2 - Has romance Final Fantasy IV - Has romance Final Fantasy VI - Has romance Final Fantasy IX - Has romance Persona 3 - Has romances Persona 4 - Has romances Fallout 1+2 - No real romances to speak of tbh. The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - No real romances to speak of. Chrono Trigger - Has romance, but very little. I do get that romance in video games can be a challenge. I get that they can be poorly written. I get that they can be expensive and time consuming to implement. But the list of all-time great RPGs that ignores this side of the human condition is pretty damn short. This is obviously excluding games that fall more into the "action RPG" trope than actual RPGs. I like From Software's games but there's precious little roleplaying even if they are labeled as "Action RPGs" because it has stats and leveling up and stuff. I consider most of them to be all-time great games, but I don't consider them to be RPGs. What a puff!
  8. You just have to let people make their own mind up... but most people are stupid so, you know.
  9. Remember back in the day... you didnt even need any of this junk to play pc games. Now steam has everyone by the balls, same as amazon and youtube and facebook.
  10. Are the sales for deadfire that poor??? Or is it because the first game was a bit of a surprise hit.
  11. Eaten the remains of last nights fish and chips for breakfast... i feel ill
  12. I'm definitely not as enthusiastic as you but i'm cautiously optimistic. I have dreamed of a Firefly like game for many years, however am disappointed it is in first person only. I don't think I will look at anything more about the game until it's released now as I don't want any spoilers.
  13. Unfortunately, there is no way to download and update the game without installing the Epic Store on your machine. In addition, from what I read it is up to piblisher/developer if the game is DRM free or not. However, the games I played so far (and in future Phoenix Point) does not require Epic Store to run. You do need Epic Store to download, instal and update the game, but you don't need to run games through it and if you uninstal the Epic Store those games will still stay installed on your PC. For a major release like Metro: Exodus or Outer Worlds it probably won't be the case as publishers love DRM (don't own Metro:E so can't confirm or deny it, but it is supposed to have denuovo). That's interesting, it's starting to sound better already. Most of the complaints seem like flat out lies or just misunderstandings. Or because they have already dedicated themselves to Steam, and have become a fanboy like the console days of yonder.
  14. Here's a funny linguistic tidbit for you: the English language lacks the concepts of both Schadenfreude (German) and joie de vivre (French). There's something hilarious about that, in my view. (And of course all languages lack some concepts that other languages have, which is a very good reason for studying as many languages as you can. This is just a particularly nice combination.) Sadism?
  15. Why dont we stop blaming the world for our problems and take some responsibility?
  16. Something new hopefully. Do we really need never ending sequels? Also, people talking about a sequel to The Outer Worlds before the game is even out!? Come on get a grip.
  17. Nor is it a bribe to sign an exclusivity deal, though I am pretty sure I used that one before myself. People just like being overdramatic and take the high moral ground. HashtagFirstWorldProblems Well yeah, I mean I probably won't even bother downloading this Epic bollocks but it's becoming incredibly tedious seeing the same old sh*te over and over. It's just boring! BOOOOOOOORIINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
  18. It is not blackmail. You don't need to purchase this game. It merely exists for entertainment and has no bearing on anything important.
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